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Afib and PEMF
February 27, 2015 10:40PM
Anyone have any experience or opinions on using PEMF to control afib. Article below.

Re: Afib and PEMF
March 01, 2015 06:10PM
Thanks John21, interesting article and worth persuing. I tried using a strong magnet (from broken hard-drive) over the heart during my last episode, but can't say it helped or hindered. The latest EP book i am reading shows that af is triggered by a burst of activity simultaneously occuring in both the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems. The same way that electrical activity can be attenuated in tuned circuits, one would think that a damping action could be applied by an external emf or magnetic field.
Re: Afib and PEMF
March 01, 2015 07:37PM
John - if you go to Garry Gordon's website...he's an MD who has been using PEMF treatments for a wide variety of ailments for many years. You may find something useful there.

He says:


Welcome to the PEMF Resource Site hosted by Gordon Research Institute.

Having healthy cells is not a passive process.

ACTIVE, regular tuning-up of our cells is not only feasible, but also necessary to slow aging and reduce the risk of cell dysfunction.

Science teaches us EVERYTHING is Energy.
Energy is always Dynamic and has a frequency and it changes by the minute or second.
ALL energy is electromagnetic in nature.

All atoms, Chemicals and cells produce Electromagnetic fields.
Every organ in the body produces its own signature Bio-Electromagnetic field.

Science has proven that our bodies actually project their own Magnetic Fields and that all 70 Trillion cells in the body communicate via Electromagnetic frequencies.


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