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Afib and the weather
February 15, 2015 08:15PM
My episodes suddenly increased this last week or two..they had actually been going iin the other direction. Just wondered if anyone else had seen an uptick in episodes with the crazy weather the east and Midwest has been experiencing.
Re: Afib and the weather
February 16, 2015 08:01AM
I always got more episodes in the hot summer.
Re: Afib and the weather
February 16, 2015 03:08PM
That was my experience too Anti-AFIB during my AFIB haydays prior to my index ablation,,, late spring through August in Hawaii in particular, but even those first couple of years in Amsterdam, prior to the ablation, where the heat was rarely an issue, the same time frame was a common flare up period... it definitely seemed seasonally cyclical for me as well.

Re: Afib and the weather
February 19, 2015 12:08AM

The cold weather used to really set me off pre-ablation. Just walking in the cold triggered episodes. I guess we are all different. Cold drinks sometimes did it too. Hope you are feeling better.

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