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2 Month Post ablation report
October 07, 2014 10:09PM
Hi everyone,
I'm 2 months post ablation with Dr Schweikert. I had a cryo-ablation, PVI. I had a 4 hour episode 5 days after the procedure , following eating a couple bites of an ice cream cone, but have been in NSR since then. Overall I feel good, it's taken me this long to start to feel totally normal again, If I had to do it over again, I probably would have taken off work more than one week. I was a little stressed that first week back, and could have used the rest. I had periods of dizziness for the first month, but that has totally resolved. I attribute that to the Coumadin, which I stopped, and the dizziness resolved. I've also had a chronic cough, not bad, but slightly annoying that is about 50% better. My biggest complaint has been the PVCs. They come on mostly after eating, and I can decrease them or totally get rid of them with about 500 mg of potassium gluconate. It works best on an empty stomach. I take about 1500 mg /day, along with as much magnesium as I can tolerate between the topical , doctors best, ionic liquid and Epsom salt baths. My morning celery, cucumber, carrot juice also keeps the PVCs at bay for part of the day.
I don't have anymore nighttime feelings of going into afib, in fact I've been sleeping great . Previous to the procedure I would often wake up on the fringe of afib and either go into it , hold it at bay by walking around for a while. My pulse rate has been elevated, but that is coming down also, now 65-70 at rest. It was mid 80s the first week or 2. I still have periods of little or no heart rate variability. ( this is when your heart rate speeds up a little on inhalation and slows down a little on exhalation) It's a good thing to have it, and when I don't it reminds me that I'm not totally recovered. I may start another thread just on this issue.
I've been hiking 3-6 miles 1-2 times /week and have been doing pretty well going up some steep climbs without too much difficulty. I've also been doing some light strengthening exercise, and some rebounding. I'm a little apprehensive about doing anything beyond what I consider mild exercise. I had one 5 second episode of irregular beats on the rebounder, which made me stop.
I go back to see Dr Schweikert in one month for some more testing, I'm not sure exactly what they are going to test at that time. I may try slightly more strenuous exercise before then so I can give them some more feedback.

Overall, I feel I'm improving weekly , but I've definitely had some ups and downs. I would encourage others not to expect to feel perfect right away, It may take some time.

Hope this helps anyone who is considering an ablation, or who has recently had one.

Re: 2 Month Post ablation report
October 07, 2014 11:14PM
John - I'm pleased to see you are doing so well after your Schweikert ablation. He's an excellent EP and a really pleasant, compassionate human being. Long may you live in NSR.

It's known that often if you have increased pulse rate after eating, it can be a reaction or sensitivity to a food at that meal. If this consistently happens after you eat the same foods... (you have to keep a diary and watch the pattern trends), then you either avoid the food completely or have a food sensitivity test which evaluates the common foods that typically are those that provoke.

An old book, The Pulse Test, describes how certain foods and sensitivities to them cause the elevated pulse after meals. Years ago before testing was available, it was a reliable way to help sleuth out health problems caused by food sensitivities... (not true food allergies like peanut...where the person has an anaphalactic reaction) but other symptoms such as elevated pulse and other physical discomforts. In the long run, it's smart to rule those out and make dietary adjustments where needed because those initial tip-offs or warning can avoid some long-term consequences.

The Pulse Test is now public domain and you can download the pdf file here [www.soilandhealth.org]

Let me know if you find anything useful.

Best to you,
Re: 2 Month Post ablation report
October 08, 2014 10:37PM
Thanks Jackie, I'm thinking of getting some food sensitivity testing done. DO you have any recommendations on where or who to get that done through?
Re: 2 Month Post ablation report
October 18, 2014 06:11PM
John - sorry to have missed your question... The Alcat test is one and the Metabolic Profile Test by Metametrix is another.
Genova Diagnostics has NutrEval. Don't expect your typical Primary Care Physician to be knowledgeable of these or be inclined to order them for you... unfortunately.

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