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Back in afib 5 days after ablation
August 17, 2014 09:29PM
I was told this could happen, but it doesn't lessen the disappointment and frustration. I was doing well since my ablation on Tuesday, but went right into a very uncomfortable tachycardia after about two bites of an ice cream cone today. The tachycardia lasted about 10 minutes , before turning into my standard afib. . It's even more uncomfortable than normal, probably because my heart is still inflamed from the procedure last Tuesday. I have my over the phone heart rhythm check tomorrow with Dr. Schweikerts office, so if it doesn't resolve, by then, they will be able to see it.
Anyway, I'm just going to try to wait this one out and hope it resolves ( it's been 2 hours so far)

Re: Back in afib 5 days after ablation
August 17, 2014 10:37PM
Im sorry to hear that John, but as you know this is possible even in a procedure that will prove successful longer term, once the inflammation settles down and the lesions are healed up more.

I don't have a lot of experience following Cryo-ablation residual breakthroughs, but I know its always a bit disappointing when that happens in any event, just hang in there and there is still a good chance it will all settle down. Do you not have an Lifewatch monitoring system to be able to capture such breakthroughs, as they happen, with a hand held recorder you place on your chest?

Take care and best wishes for things to settle down soon.
Re: Back in afib 5 days after ablation
August 17, 2014 10:55PM
Thanks Shannon,

No, I don't have one of those, but I do have some kind of over the phone system, similar to what people with pacemakers use I believe. You put the straps on your wrists and plug it into the device, then place your phone on the device.
I'll be transmitting tomorrow. I hope it goes away before then, but my episodes usually last 18 -20 hours, so I may be in for the long hall.

Re: Back in afib 5 days after ablation
August 17, 2014 11:17PM
Back in NSR after almost 4 hour episode. Somewhat relieved, No more cold foods or drinks for me for a while.
Re: Back in afib 5 days after ablation
August 18, 2014 07:18PM
I warmed all my food and drinks for several months after my ablation - it really helps.
Re: Back in afib 5 days after ablation
August 18, 2014 11:47PM

Wasn't happy to see your post - I'm sure it was very disheartening for you, I'm glad it wasn't longer than four hours. Very cold drinks have thrown me into afib before and I know I've read that ice cream has done that to others. Let's hope it was just a blip while your heart is recovering and everything goes smoothly from now on. Did Dr. Schweikert's office have any comment?

One other question, since I'll be seeing Dr. Schweikert in January. Does he only do cryoablations or does he use other methods as well?


Re: Back in afib 5 days after ablation
August 19, 2014 08:48PM
Hi Doreen,

Dr Shhweikert told me on discharge that this could happen, but I let them know through my monitor nurse, and didn't hear anything back. I wasn't expecting to, since I self converted in about 4 hours. And yes , Dr Schweikert has been doing RF ablations for years, he trained under Dr Natale.

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