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Most people here know this but here is confirmation.



You beat me to the punch, I read this article and was going to post it, Hans was ahead of the crowd. In the article there is also a protein that they are developing which may cure heart failure, I wonder if this protein could also have a shot at helping AF, they have had success with animals and are now going to trials with humans.

Yes Liz, ten years ago, at the beginning of my afib career, cardio #2 told me, "digoxin is my favorite drug." Fortunately I'd already found this site, read Hans' first book and knew that digoxin was bad news for vagal afibbers. The cardio and I would have hour long "discussions" about this and his opinion that vagal and adrenergic afibbers did not exist. I never would accept a digoxin prescription from him and he wasn't my cardio for very long. Thank you Hans!!!
Here is Hans pdf report below, for those of you who have not seen it.
Digoxin: The Medicine from Hell?

Interesting that Amiodarone and Digoxin were the first drugs prescribed about 10 years ago for me by my Internist and ratified by my cardiologist and pre-Natale EP.

I, too, stopped the Digoxin after reading Hans' material and wish I'd have switched to Flecainide at the same time, before the Amiodarone sent me into a hyper then hypo thyroid condition.

I thought big rule of medicine was, "First of all, do no harm".

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