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Block Dangerous Inflammatory Signaling
December 19, 2013 02:28PM
Adding to the Fire in the Heart information in the thread by Ralph on Triggers vs Causes…. and the importance for afibbers to make sure they manage silent inflammation and test for the markers of same, Life Extension Magazine’s Winter Edition 2013-2014 offers this informative report with 62 supportive references.

Block Dangerous Inflammatory Signaling
by Julian Warshovsky

The list of chronic diseases caused by inflammation is enormous.1-3

From initiating cancer, Alzheimer’s, and heart disease to the chronic pain of arthritis, sustained inflammation relentlessly destroys our aging bodies.1,3

Mainstream medicine has failed to offer satisfactory solutions for suppressing chronic inflammatory reactions.3 Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) and glucocorticoids target acute pain, but they have adverse side effects and are not suitable to quench ongoing inflammation.4,5

This widespread problem led scientists to seek a solution to safely reduce both acute pain and the chronic inflammation. 6

Three plant extracts have been identified that powerfully inhibit the underlying factors that trigger inflammation—safely reducing both chronic pain and long-term disease risk.

Unlike drugs, turmeric oil, ginger, and curcumin work through diverse mechanisms to block multiple pathways of the inflammation-signaling process.7-16

These natural ingredients deliver benefits that no currently available drug can—they inhibit both COX and LOX enzymes, which in turn curtails creation of the prostaglandin and leukotriene signaling molecules.7-16

An abundance of studies have confirmed that the biochemical actions of curcumin, ginger, and turmeric oil can be beneficial against the causative factors behind arthritis,16-23 cardiovascular disease,16,24-28 cancer,29-33 and other diseases…and these effects are often observable in a matter of weeks!20,27,29,34

A novel method has been discovered to deliver more of the active molecules found in these three plant extracts to your bloodstream.35-38



The LEF product is Advanced Bio-Curcumin with Ginger & Tumerones

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 12/19/2013 02:29PM by Jackie.
Re: Block Dangerous Inflammatory Signaling
December 19, 2013 04:50PM
Hi Jackie,

As you know I have been taking ginger all of this year and it has helped a lot in reducing my Afib events.
I have had long periods being Afib free, three and four months period, it seems I get Afib when I change brands.
I am still testing different brands and the amounts. Some brands are not effective at all.

I now take 2000mg of ginger extract a day. 500mg with breakfast and lunch and 1000mg with dinner.
I recently had hip ache and upped my ginger intake to 3000gm a day and after a couple of weeks the pain had gone.
In general I don't think we take enough ginger for it to be more effective, but the combination Bio-Curcumin with Ginger & Tumerones would be worth a try.


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 12/20/2013 08:03AM by colindo.
Re: Block Dangerous Inflammatory Signaling
December 20, 2013 01:52PM
Jackie: I've long wondered about the relationshiip of tumeric, curcumin and ginger since they always seems to be listed together.

Dr. Weil has an excellent Q & A on that very subject which answered my questions and may help others as well. He notes that they have many additional health benefits to those you mention.


Re: Block Dangerous Inflammatory Signaling
December 21, 2013 01:40AM
Dr. Russell Blaylock is a great proponent of curcumin as an anti-inflammatory. He says to open the capsule and put it in a tablespoon of olive oil so that it will be well absorbed. I have done this and it is very messy! It will stain anything it gets on--sink, clothes, fingers,etc--so be careful. I put a paper towel under my tablespoon, then after taking the mixture, wipe out the spoon with the paper towel and throw it away in a lined trash can.

Unfortunately, I can't take curcumin anymore. It is high in sulfur, and I have a genetic polymorphism that restricts my intake of sulfur. But if I could take it daily, I would. According to Dr. Blaylock, it cures just about anything that's wrong with you!

Nancy M
Re: Block Dangerous Inflammatory Signaling
December 21, 2013 04:52PM
Nancy - Sorry you aren't compatible with it. Just to show we are all different, 'I've used 800 mg of the C3 form of curcumin for years , I can notice the anti-inflammatory effects but I've always felt comforted by the many protective effects. Additionally, I use a daily dose of MSM which is also sulfur-based.
I'm always interested in something that successfully controls the silent inflammation factor since our hearts are so vulnerable....but also as a great preventive agent as you can see from this list of benefits from 56 study references.


• Inflammation8 - injury, post-operative52, joint wear and tear (osteoarthritis)56
• Allergic reactions - asthma5
• Autoimmune activity reduction15, 28 - rheumatoid arthritis and multiple sclerosis in animals
• NK cell activity increase2
• Reduced cancer development and spread in certain animal models of carcinogenesis40:
breast19, prostate35, colon24, pancreatic [25], glioma29, ovarian49

• Antiviral6 Epstein Barr2 and HIV virus 22,23
• Antibacterial, antiparasitic1

• stomach ulcer, Crohn's or proctitis5

• reduces cholesterol oxidation and levels, increases HDL26
• reduces fibrinogen34
• reduces platelet aggregation18, 37

• reduced brain damage following ischemia (reduced blood flow)47
• reduced development and regression of Alzeimer's disease progression in animal models46
• reduced gliomas (brain tumors)29
• antidepressant effects16

LIVER PROTECTION from alcohol and aflatoxin (peanut fungus)54, 55

• Effective chelator of copper and iron


• enhances bile flow and solubility39
Anonymous User
Re: Block Dangerous Inflammatory Signaling
December 21, 2013 06:49PM
It is my belief inflammation is caused by an over acid toxic damaged body. Merely taking some supplements is like putting perfume on the trash. Fist one needs to remove the offending pathogens and toxins, then replace those bad things with what the body really needs and thats probiotics. It is my opinion that no single supplement does more or is more effective than probiotic replacement. nothing.If one has to take minerals it is because the body does not absorb the minerals from food.All disease is the result of a mineral deficiency, but what is the cause of that mineral deficiency. Low calcium is caused by the body leeching the calcium out of the cells to counter the ph going on in the body to keep that blood as close as possible to ph7.365. Without magnesium the body can not use the calcium because it can not absorb it. Calcium buffers acids but does not remove them, bentonite removes them. That is why I strongly believe bentonite and probiotics are best cure of cures going not only for Afib but RA and many others.
Re: Block Dangerous Inflammatory Signaling
December 21, 2013 11:24PM
Colin, I'm curious about the different brands of ginger. Which ones do think work -- also, if you were afib free and attributed it to ginger, why would keep trying other brands? Also, which ones do you believe clearly don't do anything? Thank you!

Re: Block Dangerous Inflammatory Signaling
December 22, 2013 10:03AM
Colin, I'm curious about the different brands of ginger. Which ones do think work -

I have had success with Lifestream brand which is a local supplied product (New Zealand) and not available from iherb, I also use Now Foods, Ginger Root Extract, available from the vitamin shop. I take two Now Foods capsules (250mg each) one with breakfast and one with lunch and 1 Lifestream (1000mg) with dinner. or four Now Foods capsules, one with each meal and one before bed.

- also, if you were afib free and attributed it to ginger, why would keep trying other brands?

In my previous post, [www.afibbers.org]
I thought ginger was ginger and didn't expect there was any difference but found there is. The best ginger is ginger extract standardized to min.of 5% Gingerols, and now I read that it matters where the ginger is grown. I am still looking for the best brands.
I will be staying with my current regime for now.

Also, which ones do you believe clearly don't do anything?

Most of the others that are not standardized to 5% Gingerols.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 12/22/2013 10:12AM by colindo.
Re: Block Dangerous Inflammatory Signaling
December 22, 2013 04:11PM
Thank you Colin for the reminder about Ginger - I didn't mean to exclude it at all, in fact, I rely on ginger as well for my own anti-inflammatory preventive protocols.

Anything we can do to keep quell inflammation in the heart is going to be a step in the right direction to keep afib at bay along with other manifestations of inflammatory responses that cause us harm.

Barry Sears, PhD (biochemist) author of The Anti-inflammatory Zone ... is fond of saying:

"Chronic inflammation causes pain....... Silent inflammation kills."

I never fail to be motivated when I see this.

Whatever works to keep your HS- CRP number and other inflammatory markers down in a low or negligigle range is what's important.

Re: Block Dangerous Inflammatory Signaling
December 23, 2013 04:28AM
The LEF article refers to " turmeric oil, ginger, and curcumin . . ." Aren't turmeric and curcumin pretty much the same thing, the latter being derived from the former?

Another question follows: Is it better to use a produce that has a broader range of the ingredients of turmeric, or to just use the curcumin? Any difference?


Re: Block Dangerous Inflammatory Signaling
December 27, 2013 01:32AM
I was told to not take turmeric because of my coumadin. That it could increase bleeding. I would assume that goes with curcumin as well.

Re: Block Dangerous Inflammatory Signaling
December 27, 2013 03:09PM
Lance -The C3 complex I mentioned to Nancy is a powerful curcumin complex for immune support and as an anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant. This complex inclues three different bioactive forms of curcominoids from the spice, tumeric. Its powerful antioxidant properties are shown to protect liver, colon and heart by neutralizing the damaging free radicals. This complex is standardized to contain 95% curcuminoids.

I also love ginger as well for antiinflammatior properties and use that in a separate doses - and drink ginger root tea every day.


Here are some past posts on the Curcumin topic:

Curcumin – The Spice of Life [www.afibbers.org]




Because Pancreatic cancer is so deadly, it is important to circulate this latest research finding as it may offer a glimmer of hope for survival.

Clinical Cancer Research 14, 4491-4499, July 15, 2008. doi: 10.1158/1078-0432.CCR-08-0024
© 2008 American Association for Cancer Research

Cancer Therapy: Clinical Phase II Trial of Curcumin in Patients with Advanced Pancreatic Cancer
Navneet Dhillon1, Bharat B. Aggarwal2, Robert A. Newman2, Robert A. Wolff3, Ajaikumar B. Kunnumakkara2, James L. Abbruzzese3, Chaan S. Ng4, Vladimir Badmaev5 and Razelle Kurzrock1

Authors’ Affiliations: 1 Phase I Program, Department of Investigational Cancer Therapeutics, 2 Department of Experimental Therapeutics, 3 Department of Gastrointestinal Medical Oncology, Division of Cancer Medicine, and 4 Department of Diagnostic Radiology, The University of Texas M. D. Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, Texas and 5 Sabinsa Corporation, Piscataway, New Jersey

Requests for reprints: Razelle Kurzrock, Phase I Program, The University of Texas M. D. Anderson Cancer Center, Unit 455, Houston, TX 77030. Phone: 713-794-1226; E-mail: rkurzroc@mdanderson.org .

Purpose: Pancreatic cancer is almost always lethal, and the only U.S. Food and Drug Administration–approved therapies for it, gemcitabine and erlotinib, produce objective responses in <10% of patients. We evaluated the clinical biological effects of curcumin (diferuloylmethane), a plant-derived dietary ingredient with potent nuclear factor- B (NF- cool smiley and tumor inhibitory properties, against advanced pancreatic cancer.

Experimental Design: Patients received 8 g curcumin by mouth daily until disease progression, with restaging every 2 months. Serum cytokine levels for interleukin (IL)-6, IL-8, IL-10, and IL-1 receptor antagonists and peripheral blood mononuclear cell expression of NF- B and cyclooxygenase-2 were monitored.

Results: Twenty-five patients were enrolled, with 21 evaluable for response. Circulating curcumin was detectable as drug in glucuronide and sulfate conjugate forms, albeit at low steady-state levels, suggesting poor oral bioavailability. Two patients showed clinical biological activity. One had ongoing stable disease for >18 months; interestingly, one additional patient had a brief, but marked, tumor regression (73%) accompanied by significant increases (4- to 35-fold) in serum cytokine levels (IL-6, IL-8, IL-10, and IL-1 receptor antagonists). No toxicities were observed. Curcumin down-regulated expression of NF- B, cyclooxygenase-2, and phosphorylated signal transducer and activator of transcription 3 in peripheral blood mononuclear cells from patients (most of whom had baseline levels considerably higher than those found in healthy volunteers). Whereas there was considerable interpatient variation in plasma curcumin levels, drug levels peaked at 22 to 41 ng/mL and remained relatively constant over the first 4 weeks.

Conclusions: Oral curcumin is well tolerated and, despite its limited absorption, has biological activity in some patients with pancreatic cancer.

Re: Block Dangerous Inflammatory Signaling
December 27, 2013 03:51PM

Thanks. I'm guessing the C3 complex you mention is by Designs for Health, which has on the catalog page "Curcumin C3 Complex is a registered trademark patented by Sabinsa Corporation," where it indicates that he C3 is emulsified with lecithin "to increase absorption."

I've been using the Doctor's Best Curcumin Phytosome, which is a form with the brand name "Mervia," from an Italian company. The claim on the label is that "each curcuminiod molecule is individually complexed with molecules of the vital cell membrane nutrient phosphatidylcholine . . .," which facilities "cucumin's entry into human cells and tissues." I don't know how exactly to evaluate such claims, but I note that Thorne Research uses "Mervia-SR," thus:


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