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High CRP after an ablation - is that to be expected?

Posted by tobherd 
High CRP after an ablation - is that to be expected?
October 21, 2013 03:07AM
A littel over 6 weeks ago, I had an ablation with Dr. Natale. As far as I can tell, so far, so good! I went for a physical with my GP last week, and while I knew that I would have inflammation from the ablation, I was surprised at how high it was. It says the the hsCRP was 10.2, where anything above 3.0 is considered high..... Is that to be expected after an ablation and will it just come down, or is there something else I need to be doing? I am taking Zyflammend already to help with inflammation, but am concerned that that number is so high.

Re: High CRP after an ablation - is that to be expected?
October 21, 2013 04:03PM
Yes Barb, High CRP is definitely to be expected from all the inflammation from burning. Normally it will come down good bit by 6 weeks but you could easily have been at 30 or higher in the first week after ablation.

Take Zyaflamend., Omega 3, Vitamin D and added Curcumin.

Re: High CRP after an ablation - is that to be expected?
October 21, 2013 07:56PM

Yes, post-ablation inflammation is definitely to be expected and that will show up in an elevated CPR. You may wish to take a look at my post-ablation protocol [afibbers.org]

Re: High CRP after an ablation - is that to be expected?
October 21, 2013 08:17PM
Thanks Shannon - will add the curcumin to my regimen! Best to you ~ Barb
Re: High CRP after an ablation - is that to be expected?
October 22, 2013 01:37AM
Thanks for this reminder, Hans. I have to ask what beta-sitersterol is...? Not familiar with that one.

And now to go into the kitchen and get my Omega 3's - keep forgetting to take that.

I appreciate your guidance ~ Barb
Re: High CRP after an ablation - is that to be expected?
October 23, 2013 04:44PM

Beta-sitosterol is a potent antiinflammatory. You can find a monograph on it here: [www.thorne.com].

In regards to fish oil supplementation please keep in mind that you need to ensure an adequate intake of vitamin C and vitamin E as well in order to avoid undesirable oxidation reactions.

Re: High CRP after an ablation - is that to be expected?
October 24, 2013 02:00AM
Hans - I think that's the first time I've heard any mention of needing to add Vit. C and E when taking fish oil/Omega-3's. Where can I read more about that?
thanks for the explanation of the phytosterols...I actually am already taking some of those, so that's a good thing.

Re: High CRP after an ablation - is that to be expected?
October 25, 2013 04:39PM

Here are som references to the need for vitamin E when taking fish oils. [www.oilofpisces.com]. Vitamin C is needed to regenerate vitamin E.

Re: High CRP after an ablation - is that to be expected?
October 26, 2013 07:28PM
Thanks Hans! ~ Barb
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