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supplements to take prior and after ablation

Posted by tobherd 
supplements to take prior and after ablation
August 12, 2013 02:20AM
I am scheduled for a Sept. 5th ablation with Dr. Natale in NYC. I'd like to do whatever I can to make my body stronger and healthier to ensure the best outcome possible. I know this has been mentioned before, but I can't seem to find the posts where it was...

Which supplements are highly recommended to take to increase the likehood of a safe an effective ablation? I know Jackie has mentioned optimizing magnesium and potassium, but I don't take added potassium as I am on a diuretic..and that isn't safe to do in that case.

Omega 3's? Taurine? Vitamin D?

I took myself off of a very good cardio supplement, because it has gingo biloba in it, which has blood thinnning tendenices..and I'm now on Xarelto.

Jackie? Or anyone else who is aware of what's recommended?

Re: supplements to take prior and after ablation
August 12, 2013 11:26AM
I'm also interested in this issue. One of my doctors suggested Ubiquinol CoQH 200 mg 1x/day.
Re: supplements to take prior and after ablation
August 12, 2013 05:59PM
Barb - I'm sorry but I have no personal experience with Xalerto and therefore would be hesitant to offer advice on the various anti-inflammatories and other heroics I did before and after my ablation.

I certainly wish you well with your September 5 procedure. You're in the best of care.

Best to you,
Re: supplements to take prior and after ablation
August 13, 2013 03:25AM
Jackie - do you know if Omega 3's have a tendency to thin the blood? If not, I would think they would be good to take. Same for Vitamin D.
If you took Coumadin for your ablation, what supplements did you take prior to the ablation? I know you may not have experience/knowledge of Xarelto, but I would think that other than vitamin K and things that affect the viscosity of the blood, there shouldn't be a real difference.

Re: supplements to take prior and after ablation
August 13, 2013 06:34PM
Barb - I took vitamin E, Omega 3's, vitamin D and the K2 because of the warfarin causing the risk of osteoporosis and arterial calcium deposits. Magnesium, potassium, CoQ10, the B complex, thyroid complex along with Armour, small amounts of Nattokinase and probiotics. Remember, though, I only took the warfarin for a month prior to the procedure and about 6 weeks after... then I switched back entirely to the NK/Serrapeptase high dose protocol. You may have some success in learning if there are any studies or known reactions to those nutrients and Xalerto... but I'd be very cautious about adding any in without solid evidence that it won't cause harm or interference.

Re: supplements to take prior and after ablation
August 13, 2013 07:29PM
Barb, when I was taking Xarelto I took Omega 3's with it and didn't notice any ill effects. Drugs.com gives the combination a "moderate" risk of problems though, saying Omega 3's can increase the risk of bleeding when combined with another medicine that causes bleeding. I was specifically told NOT to take Omega 3's with the warfarin that I'm now on.
Re: supplements to take prior and after ablation
August 13, 2013 10:24PM

You may be interested in my research report on warfarin and fish oil and the report on living with warfarin.


Re: supplements to take prior and after ablation
August 13, 2013 10:26PM

You may be interested in my post-ablation care protocol. [afibbers.org]

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