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Acupuncture Protocol for afib?
February 01, 2013 03:30AM
Receiving my monthly maintenance acupuncture treatment this afternoon and talking with the acupunturist about my increasing afib episodes and some of the matters related to prevention, specifically supplements. He stated that chinese medicine takes a simplistic approach to my condition and doesn't consider biochemistry per se and then he wondered out loud if there might be an acupuncture protocol, following his remark that he would do some research. It got me to wondering if anyone on this forum had experience with this subject. Thanks. Marty
Re: Acupuncture Protocol for afib?
February 01, 2013 02:06PM
When I first developed afib 10 or so years ago I tried an MD/OMD for acupuncture in San Francisco's Chinatown. Although it certainly relaxed me during and for a while after the 4 treatments I had, it didn't seem to affect the frequency or intensity of my symptoms.

They told me at the time that acupuncture was most effective in reducing chronic pain.

However, I've seen a couple of more recent studies, including this one in 2011 from the National Institute of Health, that it can reduce symptoms so a series of treatments might well be worth a try. I don't think thre's a downside to the therapy from a true OMD:


And this one in 2012:


Re: Acupuncture Protocol for afib?
February 01, 2013 04:02PM
Marty - I also went to an OMD and had 2 treatments a week for 10 weeks. It did not help the AF... This was when I was aggressively working to reverse the events I was having which were daily or every other day lasting for 24 and sometimes 27 hours and longer...with maybe only 4 hours of NSR and then back into AF. I had signed up for ablation and had a date 6 months out... and was determined to do all I could to avoid the ablation. Thus the accupuncture which was just one of many other approaches I tried. It wasn't until I optimized dramatically the Essential Trio... and had the diaphragm adjustment that I've mentioned in the other thread that the AF changed. It actually stopped ... still on flecainide, I began to wean off that and was able to keep my heart stable until ablation... taking only 50 mg a day...which they said was hardly anything at all.

Accupuncture clears the the energy channels and allows for clear flow which is extremely important, but if you don't have the raw materials in your body to make the energy and direct or transmit it into heart cells, then you may not achieve the success expected. Check out these posts to get an idea of the importance of energy production and flow and how that ensures NSR...

Alkalinity, Healing, pH and Voltage - The Inside Story

Potassium/Sodium Ratios in Atrial Fibrillation

Re: Acupuncture Protocol for afib?
February 02, 2013 04:03PM
Thanks, I will check out the two references. Your help is most appreciated.
My body may not have an optimal biochemical mix. Just had some bloodwork done for my annual physical and curious to see the results. The urine test revealed a ph of 7.5; what implications does that have relating to afib?
I'm also curious about the influence of posture. Most of my life has been spent slump-shouldered (serious lack of self esteem!) and find myself constantly having to sit up and stand up straight due to this long-standing habit. Might this have affected the vagal nerve, and if so, can the effects be reversed? Trying to sit up straight as I type, Marty
Re: Acupuncture Protocol for afib?
February 02, 2013 05:27PM
Marty - the urine pH of 7.5 is good...alkaline. Of course, it varies continually depending on what foods and liquids are ingested.

I'll be posting more soon on the postural issue and how that relates to the vagus nerve.... stand by.

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