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Electropollution: Cardiovascular Risk?

Posted by Jackie 
Electropollution: Cardiovascular Risk?
June 01, 2011 03:11AM
Hans has directed us to the General Health Forum on the topic of cell phones and the brain cancer connection. Good timing because I was just completing my notes on the impact of Electropollution and cardiac risk.

Elaborating on the recent and important post contributed by Mike Harris on Afib and Cell Phones,* following are my notes from a teleconference interview with Integrative Cardiologist, Stephen Sinatra (April 2011) which was about the cardiovascular risk topic. This was a casual interview and there was so much to tell that the topic jumps around a bit…but you’ll get the idea by the conclusion.

This is an awareness post and important for everyone but especially afibbers because of the causative connection. It’s also most likely not to be well-received since so many are totally hooked on electronic devices emitting harmful EMF/radiation waves but you owe it to yourselves and your families to be aware since this isn’t widely circulated. If Dr. Sinatra has his way, that is going to change.

Concern over the harmful effects of electropollution (E/P) is not new. It’s been mentioned by respected experts for quite some time. This follows along the informative posts by Erling quoting the brilliance of Robert O. Becker, MD (The Body Electric) and Jerry Tennant, MD (Healing is Voltage) about the impact of various electrical waves or frequencies that are known to disrupt cellular function. Important stuff.

I had not realized Dr. Sinatra retired from his medical practice in 2007 to devote his full attention to lecturing and communicating about health issues via his newsletter. He is currently crusading on the dangers or risk factors of electro-pollution--specifically the WiFi wireless. Since he addresses arrhythmias specifically, it’s definitely a most significant heads up for afibbers. He says WiFi is a coronary risk factor, and that it’s a silent killer.

He says that depending on where you live… the coast of Maine (safe) or New York City (unsafe), the environment is polluted with harmful electro waves… some areas, to a much lesser degree.

The use of wireless devices –cell phones, cordless phones, WiFi wireless, interactive hand-held games depending on WiFi connection, GPS, baby monitors, computers, iPads, Kindles and so on…all contribute to the burden.

Home appliances such as microwaves contribute to the overall burden but it is the wireless and other cordless that are the worst. We don’t even have to own or carry a device to be bombarded with the waves because of so many users near us in stores, restaurants, on the sidewalk, parks, you name it, they are ever-present. People are continually connected to their wireless and those nearby are exposed to the waves as well.

Plans are afoot to have a cell phone tower every two blocks across the country so even with good intentions, we may not be able to escape easily. Coming soon to your neighborhood?

Excerpt from Dr. Sinatra’s website:
Electronic Toxins Permeate the Air
Electropollution is a collective term for the unseen, unfelt, and unnatural electromagnetic fields (EMFs) that we are increasingly exposed to. I’m convinced that they can wreak havoc with our health.
EMFs are generated by everything from high-tension electrical wires, wiring in the walls of homes and offices, cell phones, wireless networks, and even such accepted home appliances as radios, televisions, and microwave ovens. I’ve written in the past about the potential for EMFs to play a role in heart rhythm abnormalities and to interfere with sleep patterns.

Electronic technology is everywhere these days, and you can be assured that it has to have some effect—either major or minor—on your body. After all, we are highly tuned and highly sensitive bioelectrical creatures. Every process in the body is regulated by dynamic electrical currents. The three most obvious, of course, are the pumping action of the heart, the neurotransmissions taking place within the nervous system, and the electrochemical activity of the 500 trillion synapses contained in the organic computer that runs it all—the brain. “ unquote

Dr. Sinatra began the interview by relating the story of his son, who became gravely ill, lost an enormous amount of weight and the many physicians consulted were unable to help him. He was given every test known. He was at death’s door with liver, kidney and pancreatic failure. This all began about 12 years ago and Dr. Sinatra has since become totally convinced that the cause began with his son’s significant and constant exposure to the RF and EMF waves in the large office complex of a Wall Street trading firm at his son’s first ****out of college and that compromised the efficiency of his immune system function. Dr. Sinatra visited the office and observed a morass of electrical activity with countless cell phones, cordless phones, computers all receiving the wireless signals and concludes his son’s system began to shut down and his immune system could not function. Over a period of about 6 years, he witnessed his son’s decline and near death…going from 180 pounds to 85 pounds; unable to eat or sleep. He said that after taking his son to see 100 doctors at the top hospitals, clinics and seeing specialists who were unable to help him and after the long, arduous recovery process where he became his son’s constant physician, he closed his practice and is devoting all his energy to awareness on this very important topic. He says he can reach many more people with his lectures and newsletters.

The story was disturbingly painful to hear and to Dr. Sinatra’s credit, he has chosen to turn the horrendous experience into something positive. He said it was a gift to him; like a messenger… his son was spared and he now wants to spend his time educating anyone who will listen about the extreme dangers of electro-pollution. He had just recently addressed a school system group in Toronto on the topic because several children had died from to cardiac arrest which was attributed to this RF/EMF overload; two had undetected cardiac problems which compounded the problem.

He is very concerned about WiFi in schools and industrial building installations. He says frequently children/teens complain to the school nurse about headaches…the first sign of WiFi sickness. They have autonomic dysfunction. They have headaches. Their brains swell because they have heightened autonomic tone.

Some of the symptoms he now recognizes can be the result of E/P overload. He notes that his son had screaming muscle pain and myopathy. He was unable to sleep, especially in the hospital. Relapsed once he was cured when he visited his mother’s home that had a wireless router and cordless phone. Recovered when he was in a wireless-free area.

Dr. Sinatra says that doctors aren’t asking the right questions of people with complaints of Chronic Fatigue/Fibromyalgia symptoms and these people are exhibiting signs of the classical Electro Hypersensitivity Syndrome which he had read about in European medical literature starting in 2006. These hypersensitive people get “acquired gluten sensitivity” which adds another complication to their recovery until they are off gluten completely.

He notes that he son got zero sleep in the hospital and after his son recovered and procured an “electro-smog detector,” he revisited the hospital and he measured his bed and room. The bed was ‘on fire’ from the conduction of waves via the metal in the bed, in the building, etc. plus there was all the EMF/RF pollution from the hospital equipment, computers, and nearby cell phone towers, and it was an electrically powered bed. (Something to think about when in the hospital – even as a visitor.)

In that regard, he says Insomnia is one of the biggest problems in America today…from cell phones, cell phone towers, cordless phones, The RF waves intercept or interfere with melatonin production.

When asked why some people tend to be so vulnerable or hypersensitive, Dr. Sinatra said it often comes as a combination of systemic toxic overload. Children are much more toxic these days… children with high lead or mercury levels or pesticide exposure… or children whose pregnant mothers drank alcohol or were smokers…or used the cell phone or wireless systems frequently. These people, including both children and adults, have compromised immune system function (remember the majority of the immune system is in the gut and these heavy metals and other toxins disable proper gut function). Then, overexposure to WiFi waves compounds the entire picture. These non-harmonious frequencies plus the toxic burden appear to be “the straw that broke the camel’s back.” Later, he said, this all contributes to a “perfect storm.” He says heart palpitations and arrhythmia are not uncommon.

He also says we should throw out cordless phones, get rid of WiFi routers in our homes and if we must use cell phones, then use it on speaker to put distance between the signal and critical tissues like brain and thyroid. He says text rather than use your cell phone. Turn your cell phone off and don’t carry it around while activated as the signals will be out there trying to connect.

He observes the potential for thyroid damage and dysfunction as a result of having a cell phone or cordless phone so close to that gland that is vulnerable to chaotic vibrations from these devices.

Parents of young children and teens should be especially aware that letting young children play with Apps on cell phones places them at great risk of damaging DNA. Parents seem unaware of the danger. Using wireless iPads and similar wireless gadgets like GPS adds to the adverse load.

Of specific interest is the impact on young children and developing brains and bodies. He points out the connection between autism and electro-pollution and all of the hand-held electronic gadgets people are surrounded by continually. Even if you don’t use one, someone next to you is talking on a cell phone or using an iPad. Pregnant mothers who use cell or cordless phones expose the fetus to damaging waves.
(I cringe when I visit an Apple store with all the wireless devices and I worry about those who work in that environment every day.)

Continued in Part II
Re: Electropollution: Cardiovascular Risk?
June 01, 2011 03:16AM
Part II - Continuation

Heart Rate Variability…
He notes that wireless disturbs Heart Rate Variability.
Cordless phone use can affect your heart According to results of a 2010 Study on EMF and Heart Rate Variability (HRV)
Over the past decade, controversy has been building as to whether radiation from wireless devices like cellular and cordless phones can cause health problems ranging from insomnia to cancer. As a growing number of people are reporting symptoms such as dizziness, heart palpitations and digestive disturbances when exposed to various electromagnetic fields (EMFs), concerns have risen as to whether electromagnetic hypersensitivity (EHS) is truly a hypersensitivity issue.(1)

Dr. Sinatra wrote a chapter in “Earthing” the book by Clint Ober and Mark Zucker…George N. introduced us to Earthinglast September(2). There is a small clip written by Dr. Sinatra’s relating his dreadful brush with death. I don’t think any of us realize how serious this E/P exposure can be until we read or hear the testimony of those severely affected. The worrisome thing is, we may not realize it’s the E/P that’s causing many of our ailments. Dr. Sinatra loves grounding. He calls it “vitamin G” and everyone should get their daily dose of vitamin G… shoes off, on the grass or lying on the ground to soak up that beneficial Earth energy.

Grounding attenuates the Sympathetic Nervous System and accentuates the Parasympathetic Nervous System.

Also of interest to afibbers… Grounding increases the zeta potential or the electrical force between red blood cells which means enhances the ability of the RBCs to repel against each other and reduce the tendency for adverse clotting. Obviously, a good thing for afibbers and really for everyone….especially for people with conditions that promote a tendency toward elevated blood viscosity… those with MS, diabetes, metabolic syndrome, hypertension, Lyme disease, cancer, polycytemia…

Dr. Sinatra has a website that is strictly informational/educational and worth viewing. I’ve included the links at the end. There is a wealth of information with articles and video clips. Start at the beginning on the left-hand side of this website and begin educating yourself. It’s purely informational; nothing is sold there. Rather than make a long post even longer, following are the reference links and some relevant clips I’ve gleaned with various searches on this topic.

We should all begin reading and sorting out the facts from what we think we know on this topic so that we can make educated choices. As Dr. Sinatra indicates frequently, there aren’t enough studies …or really well-designed studies to support his and others’ observations. Work needs to be done and he’s doing his best to create awareness. Of course, there are other dynamics to consider when it comes to disclosing information…. and we know how that works.

I’ve been a student of Energy Healing for a number of years and I’m now definitely into Grounding, big time. When I have something remarkable to report, I’ll be sharing. Earthing or Grounding daily is easy and highly beneficial.

In the meantime… read this with an open mind because it may become a critical issue in your life; especially if you have the “perfect storm” scenario that Dr. Sinatra describes as so common but often unrecognized. If you are struggling with afib, you should do an assessment of the exposure time you receive from the collective impact of all such devices, not the least of which is WiFi router, cell and cordless phones.

On Cordless Phones… I’m told that even though they connect through a land-line phone jack, once they are off the charging station, they will be actively generating wireless signals and pose a definite risk. Dr. Sinatra says that a safe distance for that cordless has to be at least 100 meters away from your body which is obviously possible in most homes. The same would be true for a wireless router in the basement sending signals to your laptop in the upstairs bedroom. It’s not safe.

The End – sort of – My notes are huge. I may add more later.


The “Bible” on this topic
The Body Electric – Electromagnetism and the Foundation of Life
Robert O Becker, MD
Gary Selden
© 1985
Also author of Cross Currents – The Perils of Electropollution – The Promise of Electro-Medicine
© 1990

Healing is Voltage – The Handbook
Jerry Tennant MD, MD(H), MD(P)
© 2011

Zapped: Why Your Cell Phone Shouldn't Be Your Alarm Clock and 1,268 Ways to Outsmart the Hazards of Electronic Pollution
Ann Louise Gittleman, MS, CNS, PhD
© 2010

Clinton Ober, Stephen T. Sinatra MD, Martin Zucker
© 2010

*Mike’s Harris’ Afib and Cell Phone post

(1) Heart Rate Variability
Goldman E. “Cordless Phone EMFs Trigger Heart Rhythm Abnormalities.” Holistic Primary Care, Winter 2010, Vol. 11 No. 4.

Havas M, Marrongelle J, et al.Provocation study using heart rate variability shows microwave radiation from 2.4 GHz cordless phone affects autonomic nervous system. Eur. J. Oncol. Library Vol. 5, 2010.


(2) George N’s link on Earthing - <[www.afibbers.org]>

Sinatra educational website [www.heartmdinstitute.com]

View a segment of Dr. Sinatra’s Toronto talk

1) There’s a lack of any scientific evidence that everyday things like Wi-Fi, cell towers, cell phones, cordless phone, microwave ovens, and even wireless baby monitors, are safe. At this point we’re all “one big human experiment”—swimming in a sea of invisible technologies that you can’t see, smell or hear, but could be harming you.

2) A cordless cell phone base that’s constantly searching for a signal even when not in use is like having a mini cell tower inside your own home or office.

3) Some of the safe choices you can make to limit EMF exposure in your own living environment include: choosing corded phones over cordless, speaker phones over Bluetooth, and DSL over Wi-Fi.


Clips from his various website links:
What To Remember Most About This Article:The research surrounding cell phone use is shocking, to say the least. New smartphones are now being developed with increased degrees of cell phone radiation emissions. Here are 5 simple tips that you can use to protect the health of you and your family when it comes to wireless communication:

1.Buy a low radiation cell phone.
2.Text instead of talk as often as possible.
3.Use speakerphone or a headset, and keep your phone away from your body.
4.Only use your phone if you have a strong signal.
5.Limit your child's cell phone use.
This last tip is especially important since almost two times as much cell phone radiation can penetrate a child's thinner, softer skull as opposed to an adult’s to cause serious health risks in the future.

Cell phone radiation emission/ electromagnetic waves
As time passes, newer and more advanced phones, such as the more popular smartphone models, are being developed with increasing degrees of cell phone radiation emissions.
Consult their buyer’s guide for a low-emission phone and consider replacing yours with one that they recommend. EWG Buyer’s Guide: [www.ewg.org]

Choose texting over talking.

Research has confirmed that during transmission time, a considerable amount of radiation travels inward toward the ear and head of the cell phone user.

Several recent studies show a correlation between cell phone radiation emission and conditions involving the brain or within the region of the head. EWG reports that:
Brain Cancer: Two analyses of 25 original publications identified a 50-90% increase in risk for two types of brain tumors: glioma and acoustic neuroma (Hardell 2009, Kundi 2009).
Salivary Gland Tumors: An Israeli study found an increased risk of 50-60% for salivary gland tumors among people with the highest cell phone use (Sadetzki 2008).
Behavioral Problems: A study of 13,159 Danish children showed an 80% elevated risk for emotional and hyperactivity problems among young children who used cell phones and whose mothers also used cell phones during pregnancy (Divan 2008).
Migraines and Vertigo: A study of 420,095 Danish adults showed that long-term cell phone users were 10-20% more likely to be hospitalized for migraines and vertigo than people who took up cell phones more recently (Schuz 2009).

Use a headset or speaker. Keep the phone away from the body.
Of the total radiation emitted towards the head, 97-99% is absorbed into the brain hemisphere on the side where the cell phone is used. Which area receives the highest radiation exposure? The temporal lobe. This area is involved in hearing, auditory processing, formation of long-term memory, speech, and vision (Cardis 2008).

If a phone is worn near the waist, as is often the case when a headset is used, the outgoing radiation is absorbed by the soft tissue located there and could also cause health issues (Agarwal 2009; Swiss Federal Office of Public Health 2009c; Whittow 2008).

The latest research is still in debate on whether wireless or corded headsets are better for your health. Recently, a wireless tube headset device was developed. It uses a patented sound delivery process that allows sound to travel through an air-filled wireless tube. There are a few manufacturers that use this technology, and an online search will give you several options for a retail outlet.
Use only when there is a strong signal.
The base station, or cell phone tower, and the physical objects between the cell phone and the base station, largely affect cell phone transmissions. In order to overcome these physical objects and distance, a cell phone will transmit at a greater power. An extreme, though common, example is a rural area that has few cell towers. Cell phone use in these areas requires transmission at a greater power, meaning stronger cell phone emissions.
If signal bars are low on your cell phone, wait to use your phone until you have a stronger signal.

Note: Radiation shields, such as antenna caps or keypad covers, actually create an interference, reduce the connection quality, and force the phone to transmit at a higher power with higher radiation.
A radiation shield is not the same as hologram-encoded devices that neutralize electromagnetic waves.

Limit your child’s phone us
Just say no to letting your child talk on a cell phone! A Swedish study has confirmed that there is the highest risk of brain tumors among people who began using cell phones in adolescence. The research surrounding children and health risks associated with cell phone use is staggering - mainly because cell phone emissions are particularly hazardous to young children, and yet the market is ever-growing toward this generation. The basic idea with children and their parents is that cell phone use is easy and mobile, and therefore a great “safety” tool. This is true if used only in emergency situations and by also following safety guidelines.

Research by France Telecom scientists showed that under standard conditions of use, twice as much cell phone radiation would penetrate a child’s thinner, softer skull than an adult’s.

These results confirm earlier findings, from 1996 and 2002, that a child’s head absorbs more radiofrequency radiation than an adult.

A 2008 study of 13,159 Danish children showed that young children who use cell phones and whose mothers also used cell phones during pregnancy are 80% more likely to suffer from emotional and hyperactivity problems.

Multiple studies reported that the brains of young children absorb more radiation than those of adults, making them more susceptible to brain tumors.

Researchers in Sweden found the highest risk of brain tumors among people who started using cell phones during adolescence (Divan 2008; Gandhi 1996; Hardell 2009; Kang 2002; Martinez-Burdalo 2004; NRC 2008b; de Salles 2006; Wang 2003; Wiart 2008).

Health agencies in six nations have recommended reducing children’s exposure to cell phone radiation: France, Germany, Israel, Switzerland, and United Kingdom.

In 2008, European Parliament passed a resolution that urged members to develop lower cell phone radiation emission limits. Legislation introduced in the French Senate would ban marketing and sales of phones for children under 6 years old.

Children are more sensitive to cell phone radiation emissions than adults because their bone tissue is less dense. Additionally, the brain of a child is still developing, and its nervous tissue can absorb a greater amount of radiation than an adult.

In a nutshell: keep your kids away from cell phones. If you are pregnant, considering eliminating cell phone use.

Dietary steps that help mitigate exposure to cell phone emissions. What you eat actually can help alleviate some of the stress put on the body from electromagnetic waves. These foods protect against oxidation:
Foods rich in Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) and Vitamin E (tocopherals).
Glutathione, another antioxidant, and herbs, such as cordyceps, which promotes the glutathione recycling process.
Polyphenol antioxidants. These are phytochemical-bearing foods, such as green tea, Body Ecology grains, most berries, green apples, broccoli, cabbage, celery, and parsley.
Vitality SuperGreen is an excellent source of polyphenol antioxidants, which have additionally been fermented.
Probiotic Beverages. Beneficial bacteria used in the fermentation process are naturally found in a healthy gut. These microbes modulate the immune system, break down toxins and carcinogens, create micronutrients and prevent pathogenic bacteria from taking up residence, and help defend the body against oxidative stress.


William Rea, MD
Founder & Director of the Environmental Health Center, Dallas
Past President, American Academy of Environmental Medicine

“Sensitivity to electromagnetic radiation is the emerging health problem of the 21st century."

Martin Blank, PhD
Associate Professor, Department of Physiology and Cellular Biophysics,Columbia University, College of Physicians and Surgeons; Researcher in Bioelectromagnetics

“Cells in the body react to EMFs as potentially harmful, just like to other environmental toxins, including heavy metals and toxic chemicals. The DNA in living cells recognizes electromagnetic fields at very low levels of exposure; and produces a biochemical stress response. The scientific evidence tells us that our safety standards are inadequate, and that we must protect ourselves from exposure to EMF due to power lines, cell phones and the like, or risk the known consequences. The science is very strong and we should sit up and pay attention.”

Eric Braverman, MD
Brain researcher, Author of The Edge Effect, and Director of Path Medical in New York City and The PATH Foundation. Expert in the brain’s global impact on illness and health.

“There is no question EMFs have a major effect on neurological functioning. They slow our brain waves and affect our long-term mental clarity. We should minimize exposures as much as possible to optimize neurotransmitter levels and prevent deterioration of health."

Paul J. Rosch, MD
Clinical Professor of Medicine and Psychiatry, New York Medical College; Honorary Vice President International Stress Management Association; Diplomate, National Board of Medical Examiners; Full Member, Russian Academy of Medical Sciences; Fellow, The Royal Society of Medicine; Emeritus Member, The Bioelectromagnetics Society

"Claims that cell phones pose no health hazards are supported solely by Specific Absorption Rate (SAR) limits safety standards written by the telecommunications industry decades ago based on studies they funded. These have made the erroneous assumption that the only harm that could come from cell phone radiofrequency emissions would be from a thermal or heating action, since such non thermal fields can have no biological effects. The late Dr. Ross Adey disproved this three decades ago by demonstrating that very similar radiofrequency fields with certain carrier and modulation frequencies that had insufficient energy to produce any heating could cause the release of calcium ions from cells. Since then, numerous research reports have confirmed that non thermal fields from cell phones, tower transmitters, power lines, and other man made sources can significantly affect various tissues and physiologic functions."

"We are constantly being bathed in an increasing sea of radiation from exposure to the above, as well as electrical appliances, computers, Bluetooth devices, Wi-Fi installations and over 2,000 communications satellites in outer space that shower us with signals to GPS receivers. New WiMax transmitters on cell phone towers that have a range of up to two square miles compared to Wi-Fi’s 300 feet will soon turn the core of North America into one huge electromagnetic hot spot.

Children are more severely affected because their brains are developing and their skulls are thinner. A two-minute call can alter brain function in a child for an hour, which is why other countries ban their sale or discourage their use under the age of 18.

In contrast, this is the segment of the population now being targeted here in a $2 billion U.S. advertising campaign that views “tweens” (children between 8 and 12 years old) as the next big cell phone market. Firefly and Barbie cell phones are also being promoted for 6 to 8-year-olds."

Re: Electropollution: Cardiovascular Risk?
June 01, 2011 04:17AM
I have already ordered a grounding pad for my bed from Amazon. I've read numerous articles on grounding.


Hans Larsen
Re: Electropollution: Cardiovascular Risk?
June 01, 2011 09:28AM

Great review! I certainly hope everybody reads it and take appropriate action - at the very least shut off your wireless router and cordless phone during the night. It is amazing though how slowly the wheels of medical research grinds. Here is an abstract from 2000 published in International Health News.

"Safety of cell phones revisited
COVENTRY, UNITED KINGDOM. Public concern over the safety of cell phones (mobile telephones) continues to grow. Dr. G.J. Hyland of the University of Warwick and the International Institute of Biophysics in Germany has just released an excellent review of the current knowledge on the subject. Current safety guidelines essentially look at cell phones as small microwave ovens and as long as they don't heat up your scull and adjacent brain tissue by more than one degree Celsius they are deemed to be safe. Dr. Hyland points out that the phone emits low intensity, pulsed radiation that can have a variety of non-thermal effects. For example, cell phones emit frequencies in the 2 Hz and 8.34 Hz bands that correspond exactly to the frequencies of electrical oscillations found in the human brain (delta and alpha brain waves).
Animal experiments have discovered many serious effects of cell phone radiation including errors in cell division, induction of epilepsy, depression of melatonin levels, increase in DNA breaks, and promotion of lymphomas. Reports of headaches and sleep disturbances in people using cell phones have also been published and some fairly recent research concluded that exposure to cell phone frequencies increases blood pressure. Of equal concern is the fact that cell phones produce strong electromagnetic fields (EMFs). As a matter of fact, the EMF from a cell phone placed right next to your ear is 160 times stronger than the maximum allowable EMF from a computer video monitor. The evidence of risk from base stations (transmission towers) is somewhat sparser although there is strong anecdotal evidence that certain animals thrive much better away from the towers than near them.
Dr. Hyland points out that Soviet microwave radiation of western embassies during the "Cold War" was quite successful in making the personnel sick. He is convinced that the non-thermal effects of cell phone radiation may have serious health repercussions and urges further research on the matter. [47 references]
G.J. Hyland. Physics and biology of mobile telephony. The Lancet, Vol. 356, November 25, 2000, pp. 1833-36
Dendy, Philip P. Mobile phones and the illusory pursuit of safety. The Lancet, Vol. 356, November 25, 2000, pp. 1782-83 (commentary)"

Also, we should not forget that while electromagnetic field emission from the cell phone and WiFi world is truly a serious problem emissions from faulty house wiring and common appliances is just as serious a problem - and a lot easier to correct. The following article was published in International Health News in 1995!


Finally, while grounding (earthing) intuitively sounds like a great idea it does require a word of caution. Walking barefoot in the grass or on the beach far. far away from cell phone towers and other nasties is no doubt great. Grounding yourself while sleeping on a coil spring mattress in the usual sea of electromagnetic pollution may not be so great. What happens is that you act as an antenna that attracts the electromagnetic emissions in their search for ground potential. This is likely not a good thing, but I would certainly like to hear yours and anybody elses comments on this.

Re: Electropollution: Cardiovascular Risk?
June 01, 2011 05:52PM
Whether a human body becomes an antenna depends of the quality of the connection to earth ground. If there is zero resistance (can easily be measured with a common ohm meter/multimeter) then the electromagnetic emissions are neutralized - no worries.

Mike Harris
Re: Electropollution: Cardiovascular Risk?
June 01, 2011 07:57PM
Thanks for the fascinating highlighting of this very important issue.The feckless and worldwide acceptance of the wireless "avalanche," neglecting all red flags, is a sad testament to the all-too-human pattern of "if I can't see it, it ain't there!"
Re: Electropollution: Cardiovascular Risk?
June 02, 2011 05:12AM

thanks for the tip. I have an 8 inch memory foam mattress. although the foundation probably has metal, I think the 8 inchs should be enough to keep me safe. If not I'll try the floor, carpet over concrete,

Thanks again

Mike Harris
Re: Electropollution: Cardiovascular Risk?
June 02, 2011 07:29AM
Tests have shown that so-called "memory foam mattresses" have a significant outgassing problem, particularly when new.
Even if you doubt the tests, let your own nose be your guide.
Re: Electropollution: Cardiovascular Risk?
June 02, 2011 12:08PM
Thanks Mike for bringing this up. Doris Rapp, MD, (Our Toxic World and Is This Your Child) lectures frequently about the off-gassing problem of foam mattresses and various other household exposures such as new carpeting, new fake wood cabinets, plastics used in construction, flooring and glues, etc.

This all contributes to that milieu of toxic exposure that set up up for detrimental response or influence of electropollution as mentioned by Dr. Sinatra which he calls "the perfect storm."

It's easy to see how we could unknowingly get in trouble..and then the E/P just pushes us over the edge.

Re: Electropollution: Cardiovascular Risk?
June 06, 2011 05:13AM

thanks for the concern. The mattress is about 2 years old now and been turned and aired a few times. I haven't received my pad from Amazon yet. I will let the BB know how it works for me.


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