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Cardio impact of COVID
August 11, 2023 02:51PM

Interesting article...
Re: Cardio impact of COVID
August 12, 2023 07:19AM
Sure is! We need to know what causes all these problems.
The vaccine does cause our body to make spike proteins.
Is it the spike protein or a combination of proteins etc. in order to address it because the vaccines don't prevent being infected?
Re: Cardio impact of COVID
August 12, 2023 06:40PM
My heart was never the same after long covid. I was in the ICU with an O2 of 70 and horrible high tachycardia. It progressed and in November of last year I had 12 admissions and spent most of the month again back in the icu and in telemetry. All the drugs via drips, pushes, pills stopped working to get me out of 1:1 flutter.

It was frustrating because I always wore a n95 mask and never left home for years from 2-16-20 to 8-22 except to the hospital and doctor offices.

The first day I took off my mask during a family celebration I got it but good.

I’m going to stop typing because of the following link, but I’m following the guidelines of it’s cardiology related, and I wanted to mention heart wise the article is accurate in my cardiac situation.
Re: Cardio impact of COVID
August 12, 2023 09:46PM
I’m following the guidelines of it’s cardiology related

This is General Health, so posts aren't required to be cardiac-related. They can be on any health topic.
Re: Cardio impact of COVID
August 12, 2023 10:55PM
I must had misunderstood your “forbidden topic” header.
“If you have a question or comment about any of those subjects that's relevant to atrial arrhythmias or cardiology in general, please direct them to the AFIBBERS forum”.

…so this post thread should be transferred to the afib forum and not the general forum.
Re: Cardio impact of COVID
August 13, 2023 05:26AM
It's fine either way. There's no reason to complicate this. I don't even know why you're referring to the prohibited subjects list.
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