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What the heck is wrong with these blatant people?

Posted by susan.d 
What the heck is wrong with these blatant people?
December 27, 2020 04:49AM
I took a Lyft to the hospital. Driver had no mask and pulled a 4” knitted muffler half a*s on his face like a stripe missing his nose and half his face. I asked for him to put on a mask. He had one but was lazy. He groaned.

Rn nurse enters my room without gloves and touches the rim of my cup I was drinking with her petri fingers. I commented where are your gloves? Her reply was everyone will be getting covid19.

So waiting for the vaccine. Actually my main goals— for my angina not to get worst, my critically high troponin from my tachy to calm down and get lower, avoid the icu where 80 something patients are at and dodge covid19 and have my heart repaired and stop having daily SVT or af or flutter...

Im posting because some people don’t care if they transmit covid19. How is this pandemic supposed to improve?
Re: What the heck is wrong with these blatant people?
December 29, 2020 10:27AM
I see an increase in undisciplined arrogance in our society here in the US, including sadly in the healthcare field.
Nurse says "Everyone will be getting Covid? What about the Vaccines?
Re: What the heck is wrong with these blatant people?
December 29, 2020 11:23AM
I asked everyone coming in if and when they were vaccinated. Doctors 2 weeks ago, nurses and lab last week and food service not yet.

The first dose vaccinated nurse with the petri fingers may get a milder covid19 but she is still a carrier and should still wear gloves if not for covid19 but for MRSA and VRE as well.

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 12/29/2020 11:26AM by susan.d.
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