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5G and EMF Nightmare- Why you should be concerned and what you can do about it
August 22, 2020 12:41PM
Many relevant observations worth noting…so I’ve gleaned out some highlights and am sharing here.

Public Awareness Alerts on EMF risks continue to be offered in abundance on the Internet and now with the 5G exposure, the warning literature continues to grow daily. Recently, I recently watched the subject webinar and want to share a segment titled: 5G and EMF Essential Guide - 25 ways to Reduce Exposure

I offer this post as a reminder that EMFs often cause adverse effects in our bodies of which we may or may not be aware they are the causative connection. It’s known that the cumulative effects and/or consequences of exposure can cause a variety of health issues that initially may not be recognized as caused by EMF exposure. So, as always, my focus is “Awareness.”

The adverse effect for those prone to cardiac arrhythmia is rooted in the Voltage-gated Calcium Channel connection extensively elaborated on by scientist Martin L. Pall, PhD, Professor Emeritus… and referenced in my lengthy report on this topic in the AF forum.. ie, “EMF’s act by putting forces on the voltage sensor of the VGCCs, opening these calcium channels and allowing excessive calcium ions to flow into the cell. The voltage sensor is extraordinarily sensitive to those electrical forces, such that the safety guidelines are allowing us to be exposed to EMFs that are something like 7.2 million times too high. “ Reference post: [www.afibbers.org]

So now, and in addition to the details in that previous post about the relative connections to Afib, I’m offering a few highlights from my notes from the 5G Nightmare webinar as a type of an informational ‘checklist’ for a multitude of other common adverse health effects known to be caused by EMF exposure… even more relevant now with the launch of 5G. Following are the webinar summary clips. I urge you to do more research. Excellent resources include the three books referenced below. (There are many more as well).

Bottom line: Be Aware…of the myriad of other health issues besides the arrhythmia/ectopic beats connection

5G & EMF Nightmare.. What you can’t see CAN hurt you! Why you should be concerned and what you can do.
Presented by host, Trevor King - Founder, Live Better Group
August 2020 online hosted by HealthMeans
Webinar: [www.youtube.com]

Based in part on:
EMF*D by Dr Joseph Mercola [emf.mercola.com]
Radiation Nation by Daniel T. Debaun & Ryan P. Debaun [www.barnesandnoble.com]
EMF Practical Guide by Lloyd Burrell [www.electricsense.com]

From Dr. Mercola’s new book…EMF*d… following is a clip outlining commonly-known sources and adverse effects so you can keep those in mind as you read brief summary of the 25 Points that follow:

Mercola: EMFs damage cells by increasing calcium levels inside your cells, which leads to increased cellular oxidative stress. Recent studies confirm EMF exposure leads to increased calcium inside your cells that catalyzes a cascade of events that trigger increased oxidative stress in your body.

10 Unseen Ways EMFs Can Adversely Affect Your Health

The development of specific diseases from electromagnetic exposure starts with subtle shifts in your body — many you may not even notice or attribute to EMFs.

Yet, research has confirmed that EMFs contribute to many diseases. Here are just some of the documented ways:

1. Cataracts — The development of cataracts (in the capsule of the eye rather than the membrane surrounding the lens, where age-related cataracts tend to form) are linked to low-grade microwave frequencies.

2. Leaky gut and inflammatory bowel diseases (such as Crohn’s and ulcerative colitis) — EMFs compromise the integrity of your intestinal tract, allowing toxins and foreign proteins to enter your bloodstream, which can lead to chronic inflammation and contribute to arthritis, heart disease, autoimmune conditions and brain toxin overload.

3. The leaching of mercury from “silver” or amalgam fillings — Radiation from a cell phone can heat pockets of saliva in your mouth, creating “hot spots” that cause the mercury in the amalgam to leak and readily enter your brain.

4. Increased toxic load in your brain — Your blood-brain barrier protects your brain from toxins, pollutants, viruses and bacteria, but EMF exposure can actually poke holes in that barrier.

5. Neurodegenerative diseases (such as Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s and ALS or Lou Gehrig’s disease) — When your brain’s calcium channels are overactivated, excess free radicals can damage brain and nerve cells.

6. Cancer (including brain cancer, breast cancer and childhood leukemia) — One of the probable links between EMFs and cancer is the increase in oxidative stress and its contribution to mitochondrial dysfunction, a major cause of DNA damage and cancer.

7. Cardiac arrhythmias — Your heart has one of the highest densities of calcium channels and is therefore highly sensitive to EMFs which can trigger a fast or slow or irregular heartbeat.

8. Blood pressure problems — EMFs can raise your blood pressure. Using a cell phone can lead to a 5 –10 milligram Hg rise in blood pressure.

9. Neuropsychiatric illnesses (such as anxiety, depression, hostility and difficulty concentrating) – Like your heart, your brain also has a high density of calcium channels and a high sensitivity to EMFs. EMFs can upset the delicate balance of your neurotransmitters and affect mood, sleep, memory and mental health.

10. Infertility — A man’s genitals have a very high density of calcium channels that make them sensitive to EMFs. Exposure to wireless radiation reduces sperm mobility, total sperm count, viability and quality.
Source [emf.mercola.com]

25 Ways to Help Reduce EMF Exposure – by host Trevor King

(my abbreviated notes of Trevor’s webinar comments)

1. Start by getting a read on the magnetic fields in your home. Get an EMF meter with a Gauss meter mode such as the Cornet ED88T. That gives a reading of where the EMF issues are the strongest and problems, greatest. Start with your bedroom. You probably spend six to eight hours a day in that room; some of you more, unfortunately. So, we’ll try to make that a sanctuary.

2. Get rid of electric blankets, waterbeds, electric heating pads - all are conductors of electricity and they all have strong EMFs.

3. Get a circuit breaker for your home, so when you go to bed, you flick a switch and that turns off everything in your house except the necessities. You can keep your fridge on, your alarm on, your smoke detectors on. But turns off everything else. Gives peaceful night sleep.

4. Alarm clocks that you plug into an outlet. Get rid of and use a battery-powered alarm clock instead. The EMF disruption will be much, much less, almost zero if you do that.

5. If you have wires in your walls… in the States, that’s much more common than here in the UK…it’s bad in the US. Leave at least eight inches of space between your bed and the wall - even in walls, the wiring still emits strong magnetic field that you don’t want to be sleeping in.

6. Location of bedroom - If located right next to a utility pole outside, you need to try to keep your bed about 6 feet away from that strong magnetic source because there will be strong absorption there. Or, place your bed on the other side of the room if possible.

7. The two things in your home that have the strongest signal are your fridge and your home entertainment center. They produce the most magnetic fields. If your bedroom is right next to the kitchen or the home theater set, again, try to move bed to the other side of the room.

8. If building a new home, think about EMFs right from the start. Example, you can install shielded wiring and consider the placement of things… think about EMFs when planning to build.

9. Avoid using cordless (DECT) phones…with a base station. Some base stations are just as powerful as small cell phone stations because they have to send the signal maybe a hundred yards/ hundred meters to you on that phone. Get rid of DECT phones and use the normal phone instead.

10. Certain appliances in your home have more inherent/built-in problems than others when it comes to EMFs. Try to avoid the problem ones like dimmer switches, wireless products such as printers, scanners, computers and even the large TV sets now which have built-in Wi-Fi. If your home has ten TV sets and each with Wi-Fi, you've got an issue. Avoid having too many of those devices, when possible.

11. Replace all compact fluorescent type bulbs. Really bad news. Try to replace those with incandescent lights (full spectrum). They are the healthiest bulbs for your home.

12. Baby monitor… move as far away in the room from baby or child as possible. That cuts down the EMFs drastically rather than have it sitting right beside his/her head. Still does its job.

13. As said previously, refuse or remove that Smart Meter in your home.

14. Use cables that are grounded as much as possible. In the US, that means you've got the third pin. The Apple Mac, for example, now sends out a charger that is not a grounded charger. The older chargers were grounded. You can still get those on eBay etc.. They are better to use that the two-pin chargers.

15. Ditch your microwave if you can possibly do without it. Good move. At the very least, move away when you use it. Don't stand there looking in the glass while it heats. That’s not good. That's insane. Get away from that microwave until that bell rings, come back and get your food out. (My comment: I’ve seen recommendations stating stand at least 15 feet away while using the microwave).

16. Be aware that the things in your home like your Apple TV, Smart TV and Roku can all be emitting Wi-Fi signals all the time. Turn them off when you're not using. We have a habit of leaving them on standby. Turn them off.

17. If possible, again, opt out of the Internet of Things. The world is trying to get us to connect everything to the internet like our refrigerator. The milk place has a pressure pad on. If there’s not enough milk in the canister it will tell your fridge you need more milk and it will send an email to someone. Folks, we don't need that stuff. We don't need to turn our lights on from three miles away so when we get home the lights are on. Opt-out of the internet of things if you possibly can because it's just more and more EMFs and more and more radiation.

18. Hardwire your internet. If you've got a laptop, plug-in an Ethernet cable rather than use the Wi-Fi. It's better to hardwire those connections and turn the Wi-Fi off.

19. This one seems strange. When you eat your food and are in an area where you are bombarded with EMFs, your body is fighting hard against the EMF pollution that's coming in. It's not giving its energy to digesting your food. If you can actually leave your office or if you have Wi-Fi in your home, sit outside and eat your food. Do something like that. Go where there's not such strong EMF fields. Your food will be better digested and you will be healthier.

20. Another one I didn't think about until I saw recently was avoid wearing metal framed glasses. I wear plastic ones anyway because I'm a cheapskate. Avoid wearing metal framed glasses because they conduct EMFs. The studies have shown there can be a 10 times increase around your eyes and around your brain, obviously, if you're wearing metal framed glasses all the time. Better to wear plastic ones if you can.

21. We've already covered, use airplane mode at night, if you can. It makes all the sense in the world.

22. Do not charge your phone beside your bed and don't use wireless chargers that plug in your phone at all. They are bad news. If you’re charging your phone beside your bed the whole night long, that EMF signal’s coming into you.

23. Try to use your phone when it has a good signal strength. That might seem weird but the reason is really simple. It’s shown, if your phone is fighting all the time to connect to the transmission tower, the cell tower, then it's having to work up to a hundred times harder. If you try making a call and you’ve only got two bars out of five, your phone is giving off such a strong signal to try to connect. That affects you greatly. Try to make your phone calls in an area that you've got five, if possible.

24. Planes, Trains and Automobiles. Minimize using your phone as much as possible when in the plane, train, car, or bus. Two reasons. Again, has to do with the cell tower connection because it's got to move from tower to tower and it's going to be working much harder. Also, you're in a metal object and the signal is being bombarded back to you….reflecting off those surfaces. Coming back to you many times. Limit your phone use in those areas.

25. Bluetooth, avoid using if possible. Bluetooth is basically a very weak Wi-Fi signal. If you're in the home where you've got a really strong 5G Wi-Fi, for example, not using Bluetooth is not going to help you very much. If you are out and about, you're going for a walk and you decide to use Bluetooth headphones instead of wired headphones. you're going to get more EMFs, for sure, than if you use a wired headphone or an EMF-friendly headset. Bluetooth is not your friend. It's not going to affect things if you're already in a strong Wi-Fi area but if you're outside that, it's better to do that.

Really, the major point, folks, is there absolutely is no getting away from this stuff. You need to take protective measures. There’s no getting away from the EMF issues that we’re facing. It surrounds us and we're stuck with it, unfortunately.

The thing about RF is... Unlike cigarettes that we talked about earlier, if we were doing a webinar about smoking, you could see the problems, you could see the issues. With RF, you don't. It's invisible. It’s odorless. You can’t smell it, you can't see it. It’s cumulatively harmful which means the more of it there is, the more it affects you. If you're going in a really strong EMF area, that's affecting you more and more and more. Your cells are affected to a greater level. It's not that it’s either there or not there. It's certainly greater than ever (now). It is always there.

Host: Every time we do a webinar, in the Q&A we get asked about stickers and pendants and harmonizers and stuff. I just want to cover that quickly. People ask if these things are worth getting. Here’s what the experts say: .

Dan Debaun, the author of Radiation Nation, said this “Here are some types of the products to pay special attention to: buttons and stickers, chips and diodes, and pendants, et cetera. Whatever products you consider, independent tests should be done. Does it make sense to you or does it sound like some gobbledygook? If it sounds like gobbledygook, it probably is.” He said at the top there, “ Unfortunately, some of these products don't do much of anything at all. They lack any solid science to back up their claims and they can't prove that they actually work.”

Mercola says in his book: “ Beware of ‘harmonizers’. Avoid the mistake many people make that a ‘harmonizer’ will protect you. I've seen a lot of people with stickers on their phones believing that these make protected. I've tested many of these devices and I've never found anything that actually reduced radiation exposure.” He goes on to say, “Remember, EMF levels activate your calcium channels leading to peroxynitrite oxidative stress damaging your nuclear and mitochondrial DNA. The only way to prevent this is through avoidance.”

End of webinar notes


PS - Also, check out the segments on home Smart Meters and what to do about them as well as the the reminders about not carrying cell phones in trouser pockets – or for women in bras with metal shaping wires that act as an aerial for attracting EMF radiation. And also the wireless Bluetooth headphones or ear buds that deliver radiation to the brain.

Dr. Martin Pall: 5G Criminally-Insane Electromagnetic Fields (EMF) Fry Living Things Posted on 2019/03/14
Martin Pall, PhD, Professor Emeritus of Biochemistry and Basic Medical Sciences at Washington State University. I am a published and widely-cited scientist on the biological effects of electromagnetic fields and speak internationally on this topic. I am particularly expert in how wireless radiation impacts the electrical systems in our bodies. I have published 7 studies showing there exists exquisite sensitivity to electromagnetic fields (EMFs) in the voltage sensor in each cell, such that the force impacting our cells at the voltage sensor has massive impact on the biology on the cells of our bodies. [phibetaiota.net]

Lloyd Burrell EMFs: The Silent Killer In Your Home July 13, 2020 [www.electricsense.com]
Could Cell Phones Be Causing Your Headaches, Chronic Sleep Issues, or Even Depression? Find Out How to Protect Yourself From Common EMF Problems... Using your cell phone 30 minutes a day can increase your brain tumor risk by 40%.[electricsenseinterviews101.com]

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 08/22/2020 12:59PM by Jackie.
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