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SOLVED: How to remove "COVID 19 Trace you app" from Cell phones

Posted by Todd 
SOLVED: How to remove "COVID 19 Trace you app" from Cell phones
July 09, 2020 09:55PM
You may want to download or record this video before youtube takes it down.
In the show more below there are written instructions. The other video has been taken down.


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 07/09/2020 09:56PM by Todd.
Re: SOLVED: How to remove "COVID 19 Trace you app" from Cell phones
July 09, 2020 11:37PM
From the link:

How to tell if your phone has
Covid 19 installed AND HOW to remove it:
Step 1. Go to Settings
Step 2. Click on GOOGLE
If you see COVID 19 at the top of the list you have it on your phone.
How to remove it?
Step 1. Click on PLAY STORE and then SETTINGS and change to DO NOT AUTOUPDATE APPS. Then go to your main screen and go to step 2.

Step 2. Go to Settings then go to SECURITY AND LOCATION under Settings and shut off "FIND MY DEVICE".

Step 3. This is the most important part. Make sure your phone is backed up. Go to settings again and then go to APPS AND NOTIFICATIONS (SOME PHONES WILL SAY APPLICATIONS)

Step 4. Then click where it says SEE ALL APPS Step 5. Look for GooglePLAYservices and click that Then on the top right click the 3 vertical dots and click Uninstall updates (If you don't see the 3 vertical lines some phones require you to click ADVANCED OPTIONS there and then the vertical lines show up).
This takes about 20 seconds so wait about 20 seconds. Now go back to step 1 and see if it's

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 07/12/2020 04:23PM by GeorgeN.
Re: SOLVED: How to remove "COVID 19 Trace you app" from Cell phones
July 11, 2020 02:09AM
IMHO big brother should know of our location to slow down covid19. It could save lives and unburden the hospitals. My son lives abroad where everyone’s phone is tracked. They have a very low covid19 rate. If someone gets tested positive, big brother texts EVERYONE who was nearby and puts them in isolation. Plus there is a 3000 shekel fine if you get caught not wearing a mask. That is $867. Hefty if you get fined frequently. Of course if you believe that 99% of covid19 is harmless then ignore the above.
Re: SOLVED: How to remove "COVID 19 Trace you app" from Cell phones
July 11, 2020 03:47AM
IMHO big brother should know of our location to slow down covid19. It could save lives and unburden the hospitals. My son lives abroad where everyone’s phone is tracked. They have a very low covid19 rate. If someone gets tested positive, big brother texts EVERYONE who was nearby and puts them in isolation. Plus there is a 3000 shekel fine if you get caught not wearing a mask. That is $867. Hefty if you get fined frequently.

You are kidding right? We live in a free society and I hope we keep it that way. So, if I was to take supplements, go outdoors for fresh air and try to do good things for myself and a neighbor down the road doesn't so I am to be put in isolation because that person is an idiot, what kind of logical is that? Also, a lot of these masks are cloth and useless. You want our phones to be tracked, your son must be living in a Marxist society, no thanks.


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 07/11/2020 03:52AM by Elizabeth.
Re: SOLVED: How to remove "COVID 19 Trace you app" from Cell phones
July 12, 2020 03:32AM
Liz, I am speechless to reply — that will fully articulate my feelings to your post. Those self absorbed individuals (I am not singling out you) are egocentric and selfish to many individuals who don’t want their future health and those of their loved ones jeopardized by exposure by the same irresponsible jerks who blatantly won’t wear masks/practice social distancing to help slow down this pandemic — plus being against the eradication of covid19 by having their phones tracked and promote videos on how to disable a tool that may save lives.

Don’t want big brother invading your private life? Then don’t be naive. Then stop texting, writing emails or posting. It’s easily available for big brother to read. I have a judge friend who told me this. Not only are your keystrokes used in the legal system, Google is a fine example of personal invasion. Every keystroke you compose in an email could generate and unleash Google ads. You may unknowingly already have been compromised. My gosh, I was at a market pre covid19 and google sent me an email asking to rate the establishment I had visited. How did Google know? I had location set on my phone. They had already tracked me. Those people already compromised might as well allow lower the amount of people getting unsolicited covid19 contact by agreeing to track phones and do a good deed to mankind and maybe personally save a life in the process.

Where my son lives, you called a Marxist society for being responsible in slowing down covid19 by tracking, sells N95 masks at every store for less then the cost of a Starbucks coffee drink. It is readily available everywhere, especially at the equivalent venues like a 99 cent store. Every market aisle also has liquid disinfectant dispenser stations along with free gloves. There is no reason why we can’t do the same. I can’t even get disposable gloves. I found a jeep parts dealership who has my backorder of gloves ordered originally in March. I wear garden gloves or bulky gloves used for washing dishes when my cotton gloves are in the wash. Plus the two times I was being ECV I was gifted 2 new disposable gloves each visit which I treasure and rewash because I don’t have Clorox wipes and low on Purell which seems unavailable to order online.

I agree the blue paper masks and fashionable fabric masks alone are not 100% fail proof. You can reply by saying to save n95 masks for hospitals because they are in short supply. Filti.com sells the N95 filter fabric to the general public. You can make hundreds of N95 filters for under $100. Can’t sew? Use superglue. Google free mask patterns. Filti has enough N95 filter fabric they are now making AC filters for your home. There is no shortage at this company. There is no excuse for not wearing protective masks and practice safe social distancing. Plus face shields are readily available on eBay for under $15.

There is no reason why the USA’s Bureaucracy frankly has failed in endorsing and enforcing safe covid19 social distancing and wearing of N95 masks. Their obtuse behavior —those walking petri individuals without masks or distancing —should be ashamed of themselves by not caring in protecting others. And the audacity of selfish people who agree covid19 is nothing more than 99% harmless have not yet lost a loved one or have love ones who slowly recovered with lingering severe damaged lungs, strokes or heart attacks. 559,727 have died so far...it’s not a (offensive) scamademic. I am talking from personal experience by knowing some who died and some once young and healthy but now no longer.

Thus my long reply. And Liz, I thought you would understand that something has to be done...or few will be as safe the next time we visit the ER for AF:

That is really terrible, what is happening to this country...[sic]...politicians are horrible...[sic]...
Re: SOLVED: How to remove "COVID 19 Trace you app" from Cell phones
July 12, 2020 06:28AM
Thanks a million Todd and George!


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 07/12/2020 06:39AM by MaryY.
Re: SOLVED: How to remove "COVID 19 Trace you app" from Cell phones
July 12, 2020 04:41PM
So I'm basically about freedom, so cut and pasted from Todds YouTube link.

I admit I didn't read it all, so edited out what I consider to be offensive parts of the paste.

IMO, this is real. The crucial number is the infection fatality rate (IFR), what is commonly reported is the case fatality rate (CFR). The difference is that the CFR is based on known cases, with COVID, there are a lot of unknown cases. Therefore it is hard to know what the IFR is. A friend that has done a lot of work on this has data supporting an IFR of 0.65%. The CDC now agrees.

The question then is, how many people will ultimately get COVID in the US. There are some indications that there is some built in immunity in the population, for a variety of reason. One of these may be past exposure to other coronaviruses. One thought about why children seem to have very little problem is they are always being exposed to coronaviruses. There are other reasons. In any case, if you assume half of the population ultimately gets COVID, that is 165 million people. If the IFR is 0.65%, that would mean 1,072,500 deaths. Obviously these assumptions can be wrong and if a vaccine or successful treatment is developed, it would change the IFR. Like some others here, I think that just getting everyone's serum D status more optimal would lower the IFR materially. Then if you got folks to fast and do other measures to reduce comorbidities, that could have an additional impact.

Given where the agencies are, contact tracing is one of the few tools they have to control the virus. I'm for that, but on a voluntary basis.

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 07/12/2020 09:48PM by GeorgeN.
Re: SOLVED: How to remove "COVID 19 Trace you app" from Cell phones
July 12, 2020 06:20PM
1,072,500 deaths is not harmless. Stronger measures must be done even if it means temporarily losing your privacy by tracking until a successful vaccine is given. Unless you think death or disability from covid19 would never occur to you. The saddest part is those who drink the Kool-Aid and later regret it.

You should read this about covid19 parties popping up across America, inviting positive covid19 guests with the intentional goal to see who will get covid19 first and “win”.


Read the article. The 30 year old guy (no underlying health conditions) before dying said “I think I made a mistake. This is not a hoax.” I speculate in foresight he wouldn’t had minded trading some temporary months of tracking and would had been more responsible in covid19 guidelines.
Re: SOLVED: How to remove "COVID 19 Trace you app" from Cell phones
July 12, 2020 06:23PM
137,500 have died from the virus not 559, 727 and then, not too sure of that figure. The hospitals are putting down deaths from the Virus when in fact the patient has died from other causes but had the virus, the more they show have died from the virus the more money the hospital receives.

Yes, I do write in some of these blogs, but, I do not have Google on my phone and I won't. I have a Holistic doctor who has a protocol which has helped all of those who have had the virus, he never said it was a cure but said it could help. So "Big Brother" made him stop all of his postings about the protocol, You Tube had his videos and took them all off. You think by tracking my phone they want to save lives, you are naive, if they wanted to save lives they should have checked Dr. B.s protocol. Yes, Google, you tube and many in the far left are censuring what we can read online, I am not naive, I do not like what is happening. I believe Dr. Fuci mislead everyone and still is, I believe that once the election is over the virus will disappear.

No one stopped these anarchists from looting and burning, most without masks and were certainly very close together, how many have the viirus now or maybe gave it and you are worried about one or two without their masks.

Re: SOLVED: How to remove "COVID 19 Trace you app" from Cell phones
July 12, 2020 06:48PM
Worldwide Numbers went up since my post
Re: SOLVED: How to remove "COVID 19 Trace you app" from Cell phones
July 12, 2020 07:07PM
, I believe that once the election is over the virus will disappear.

So let me get your thoughts correct...World wide spread of covid19 will disappear because this virus infection rate will be determined by our upcoming presidential election?
Re: SOLVED: How to remove "COVID 19 Trace you app" from Cell phones
July 12, 2020 07:13PM
I am talking about our country, we have had one of the highest Corona virus cases/deaths in the world, according to the stats.
Re: SOLVED: How to remove "COVID 19 Trace you app" from Cell phones
July 14, 2020 12:28AM
Being traced is the least of a problem if you are in the risk group (non optimal immune system, age etc)
For the ones thinking that anti-coagulation is a type of insurance, perhaps think again in light of what this study (later in the video) says
Re: SOLVED: How to remove "COVID 19 Trace you app" from Cell phones
July 14, 2020 06:23PM
The testing of the Corona Virus is faulty, looks like it is being done on purpose.

Countless labs have reported a 100 percent positivity rate, which means every single person tested was positive. Other labs had very high positivity rates. FOX 35 found that testing sites like Centra Care reported that 83 people were tested and all tested positive. Then, NCF Diagnostics in Alachua reported 88 percent of tests were positive.

How could that be? FOX 35 News investigated these astronomical numbers, contacting every local location mentioned in the report.

The report showed that Orlando Health had a 98 percent positivity rate. However, when FOX 35 News contacted the hospital, they confirmed errors in the report. Orlando Health’s positivity rate is only 9.4 percent, not 98 percent as in the report.
Re: SOLVED: How to remove "COVID 19 Trace you app" from Cell phones
July 15, 2020 12:56AM
I was tested twice with negative results. But then again I don’t shop in person or expose myself by wearing both a filti.com n95 mask plus a $15 washable comfortable face shield. Other than for medical situations, I have not left my home since 3-16-20. I spend my day gardening, carpentry, painting, sewing, baking, and landscaping. I am not bored being home. I learned to cook by watching Japanese YouTube videos. During medical exceptions when I do leave home, if it violates my 6 foot distancing comfort zone during exams, I ask them not to talk. I learned from the cardiac Cath lab that talking has the same effect in spitting out droplets as coughing.

Yesterday I saw a doctor who wore the most transparent thinnest cheapest blue paper mask that had gaps on the sides and both top sides of his nose. I insisted he also wear a face shield if he didn’t have a n95 mask and restrain from talking. He put on a face shield over his cheap mask to humor me. The biggest advocate for my covid19 safety is myself.

Actually they refused me entrance to their office because I was wearing a great new comfortable sealed-to-my-face n85 mask with a valve, a treasure I found in my garage purchased pre covid19 plus I was wearing gloves. They (no gloves) claim I can exhale covid19. They wanted me to trade it for a thin blue mask they would hand me sans gloves. Gloves are not totally necessary if you wash afterwards but handing someone a mask to wear without gloves is risky. I just don’t understand why I couldn’t wear both. I had a new non valve (last one) n95 I bought on eBay in March for $4.50 in my purse sealed. So they allowed me in, themselves not practicing social distancing because of the false security that their wafer thin one ply blue masks would protect them.
Re: SOLVED: How to remove "COVID 19 Trace you app" from Cell phones
July 15, 2020 02:18AM
Liz, we know testing is not 100 % specific nor 100% sensitive but we know that spreading the virus is exponential and from even non symptomatic people in enclosed spaces at close personal distances and poor ventilation not forgetting length of exposure. Comes down to personal risk tolerance?

Dr Greger and Rich Roll discuss masks at about 1:15 clearing up some of the misinformation? [www.youtube.com]
Re: SOLVED: How to remove "COVID 19 Trace you app" from Cell phones
July 15, 2020 02:41AM

The testing they were doing in Orlando was more than just specific, they were saying that almost 100% were testing positive that raised red flags.
Re: SOLVED: How to remove "COVID 19 Trace you app" from Cell phones
July 15, 2020 04:01AM
Thank you Joe for sharing that YouTube link. It’s sort of doomsday when he mentioned a new next potential bird flu that is 100% more lethal than covid19.

Regarding mask types the following link list the effectiveness of mask materials- fabric from 2.5% to a dishcloth material of 14%. Thus my recommendation of being diligence regarding social distancing and if you wear a 2.5% effective cotton mask and socially talk, to also wear a face shield. They are not expensive. Mine has a padded band and quite comfortable.

Material data sheet
Re: SOLVED: How to remove "COVID 19 Trace you app" from Cell phones
July 16, 2020 03:07PM
Covid is definitely apolitical.

It has a liberal blue foundation and conservative red spikes. (those are the ones that will hurt you)


If you think you're hiding from anything/anyone better read up on your Snowden.
Re: SOLVED: How to remove "COVID 19 Trace you app" from Cell phones
July 17, 2020 02:22AM
If you think you're hiding from anything/anyone better read up on your Snowden.

Well I won't make it easy for them.
Re: SOLVED: How to remove "COVID 19 Trace you app" from Cell phones
July 17, 2020 02:30AM

My daughter has a friend who told her that she knows the couple very well and they told her that they were waiting in a long line to get tested for the Virus, they also filled out a form. They were in the line for about 4 hours when they decided to leave without being tested, guess what happened they were listed as positive for the virus, lies, lies and more lies.
Re: SOLVED: How to remove "COVID 19 Trace you app" from Cell phones
July 17, 2020 08:50AM
From here (Australia) it looks like the Virus is used for political point scoring?
Our problem is more related to official medical experts failing to tell how to ameliorate if one does contract the virus.
Meaning eveng simply making certain that vitamin D3 levels are on the high side.
Suspect it is due to professional arrogance because there is no double blind placebo controlled trail to absolutely prove benefit .
They ignore that there is no downside when monitored.
Check the last MedCram Covid video (#96 I think). Lots of ref there
Re: SOLVED: How to remove "COVID 19 Trace you app" from Cell phones
July 17, 2020 05:49PM

Exactly right, it is political, a person can get tested 3 or 4 times and they put it down to 4 people testing.
Re: SOLVED: How to remove "COVID 19 Trace you app" from Cell phones
July 17, 2020 11:50PM
They test how many positive total. I was tested 3 times— once a month before each ECV. It’s possible between each month that I could had been exposed. In theory being tested 3 times negative would lower the overall % positive total. All the repeat negatives one individual takes actually softens the % vs if all three tests counted as one negative count..
Re: SOLVED: How to remove "COVID 19 Trace you app" from Cell phones
July 18, 2020 08:14AM
On a cruise ship going from Argentina to the Antarctica a COVID infection broke out. The crew got N95s and the other passengers were also given masks. About 80% were asymptomatic whereas without masks only about 40% would be expected to remain asymptomatic.
Re: SOLVED: How to remove "COVID 19 Trace you app" from Cell phones
July 18, 2020 06:44PM
They test how many positive total. I was tested 3 times— once a month before each ECV. It’s possible between each month that I could had been exposed. In theory being tested 3 times negative would lower the overall % positive total. All the repeat negatives one individual takes actually softens the % vs if all three tests counted as one negative count..

Except they are only sending in the ones they are testing positive.
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