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A possible Covid-19 prophylactic

A possible Covid-19 prophylactic
March 28, 2020 09:59PM
All usual caveats. But this is what I am doing.

On top of CDC recommendations and social distancing we are taking the following supplements; quercetin, bromelain, zinc and copper. Here are the basic reasons why and an explanation as boiled down as I can make it.

Covid-19 has a ‘key’ that fits into human cells and allows the virus to replicate. Supplementing zinc and taking a zinc ionophore allows zinc to enter your cells and inhibit Covid-19’s ability for the key to fit and prevents or slows down the virus replication and the resulting cytokine storm from occurring within the body.

My strategy, secure a supply of quercetin with bromelain first. You can decide to take it or not take later. Buying from Amazon or Walmart.com gives you the option to return it at a later date. Also get zinc and copper or zinc with copper. This ‘secret’ is already somewhat known, quercetin prices have doubled in the last week, and many stocks are now unavailable. Try to get some on order to be delivered and also try to get some in hand. Get the supplements first, then decide their use.

UPDATE: One study found that red-onion soup made with 100 gms of red onion has the same effect as a 500mg dose of quercetin dihydrate. If you can’t find quercetin learn to like red onion soup. For Zn + Cu, I like the Jarrow zinc + copper formula, very cheap on Amazon. BTW, I am unaffiliated with all advice.

(I made a red onion soup this AM, slice and dice a whole red onion, add some better than boullion, salt, pepper, garlic, butter and bacon grease and it's pretty damn tasty. But lots of carbs (bad) and the house is still venting out. Easier to take the supplement.)

Quercetin is found in red onions and capers, bromelain in pineapples, zinc in oysters. A Hawaiian pizza, made with red onions, pineapple and oysters instead of ham you’d be essentially taking the same ingredients as these extracts. Copper is needed because zinc supplementation can deplete copper.

Taking these supplements will not make you a superman. You still need to follow all of the CDC hygiene and social distancing recommendations. But at this time, this is a straight-line solution as shown in the papers below against other similar enveloped viruses and this is the best (accessible, affordable and safe) solution I am aware of at this time.

*Assays with the HIV-luc/SARS pseudotyped virus showed that quercetin also had antiviral activity against HIV-luc/SARS, with an EC50 of 83.4 μM. The cytotoxicity of quercetin was very low, with a CC50 of 3.32 mM.

Adults only dosage as a prophylactic: Quercetin 250-500 mgs daily, bromelain 80-160 mgs daily, zinc 15-30 mgs daily, copper 1-2mgs daily.

Don’t take more just for the hell of it. “One is good, two is better’ is NOT the way to approach this or any intervention. You may need your supplies to last for months, maybe years while tests and trials on this and other solutions are developed. Too much of any ingredient (even water) can cause health issues. One guy died from eating a concentrated spinach soup (oxalates).

Upon symptoms: We take spO2 readings and temperature several times a day. If you see spO2 lower and temps higher, double the preventive dose and contact your MD and follow local guidelines for Covid-19 testing.

Note: This is not medical advice, check for interactions with drugs you are already taking, do your due diligence and consult your MD if you have any doubts. Google the following papers to make your own decision, you can also Google the supplements to learn more about them.

• Repurposing Therapeutics for COVID-19: Supercomputer-Based Docking to the SARS-CoV-2 Viral Spike Protein and Viral Spike Protein-Human ACE2….

• Zn2+ Inhibits Coronavirus and Arterivirus RNA Polymerase Activity In Vitro and Zinc Ionophores Block the Replication of These Viruses in Cell Culture

• Zinc ionophore activity of quercetin and epigallocatechin-gallate: from Hepa 1-6 cells to a liposome model

• Comparison of the urinary excretion of quercetin glycosides from red onion and aglycone from dietary supplements in healthy subjects….

• Small Molecules Blocking the Entry of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus into Host Cells
Re: A possible Covid-19 prophylactic
March 28, 2020 10:02PM
Most importantly - taking these supplements has no effect on NSR or AF and QCT is reported to lower BP. The other well know ionophore does mess with QRS so this is a solid possibility for us fibbers.


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 04/04/2020 12:03AM by NotLyingAboutMyAfib.
Re: A possible Covid-19 prophylactic
March 29, 2020 04:38PM
Hi NotLyingAboutMyAfib,

Your protocol looks good.

But it would be even better if you add Vitamins D and C


Re: A possible Covid-19 prophylactic
March 29, 2020 06:47PM
Shots or IVs of Vit. C therapy is curing this virus:

To All Our Health!



Video Player


This is a testimonial from my patient, Don, who I checked in on earlier today. He & his wife have been sick with flu-like symptoms all week. They wanted to share the results of the treatments received from our office. #thereisstillhope #flu #pandemic #vitaminc #ozone

Posted by Dr. David Brownstein on Saturday, March 28, 2020
Re: A possible Covid-19 prophylactic
March 29, 2020 06:55PM
I do take A 5000 IU Daily, D 5000 IU daily and C 4000mg daily. I didn't want to complicate things and just get the essential information out.

To be more complete: I also take K2 Mk4 and Mk7, selenium, a very low EPA/DHA supplement.

As noted in other posts, I no longer take D as it's the leading suspect for my AF right now.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 04/04/2020 12:06AM by NotLyingAboutMyAfib.
Re: A possible Covid-19 prophylactic
March 29, 2020 07:07PM
Great video Elizabeth

To add to Dr. B’s testimonial, here’s Dr. M’s


To answer Dr. B’s patient’s question about why such treatment is not available in the hospital or even mentioned in the lame stream media


It’s a rather long video but just listen to the portion after the 30 minute mark
Re: A possible Covid-19 prophylactic
March 29, 2020 10:03PM
David Diamond @ldlskeptic has posted a lot of research over the years on vitamin C infusions and septis as well as new research showing 75% less time on ventilators. This intervention is directed at defense before illness and at the intracellular level.

Read the research referenced and you'll be hard pressed to find a better more accessible and safe solution. If you do please share.

Repurposing Therapeutics for COVID-19: Supercomputer-Based Docking to the SARS-CoV-2 Viral Spike Protein and Viral Spike Protein-Human ACE2….

• Zn2+ Inhibits Coronavirus and Arterivirus RNA Polymerase Activity In Vitro and Zinc Ionophores Block the Replication of These Viruses in Cell Culture

• Zinc ionophore activity of quercetin and epigallocatechin-gallate: from Hepa 1-6 cells to a liposome model

• Comparison of the urinary excretion of quercetin glycosides from red onion and aglycone from dietary supplements in healthy subjects….

• Small Molecules Blocking the Entry of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus into Host Cells
Re: A possible Covid-19 prophylactic
March 29, 2020 10:05PM
Re: A possible Covid-19 prophylactic
March 29, 2020 10:09PM
There are multiple points in that Mercola article already proven false and widely known to be false.

Zinc does bumpkus if you don't have an ionophore to put it in intracellular where it actually blocks the Covid19 and other enveloped virus spikes.
Re: A possible Covid-19 prophylactic
March 29, 2020 10:50PM
Well don’t throw the baby out with the bath water.

The overarching point is lots of D and C.
Re: A possible Covid-19 prophylactic
March 29, 2020 11:22PM
I wonder why the DOE supercomputer analysis didn't come up with either vitamin D or C but came up with quercetin as # 5 on the list for top scoring ligands for S-protein: ACE2 receptor interface.

From this ensemble docking campaign, we provide a ranking of the predicted
binding affinities of over 8000 drugs, metabolites, and natural products (and their isomers) with
regards to the COVID-19 S-protein and the S-protein:ACE2 receptor. Further, we highlight
seven of our top ranked compounds, which are currently available and have had either regulatory
approval as drugs or have had multiple prior studies which indicating high-potential for
therapeutic use.

Do you have any research that shows vitamin C or D acting as a zinc ionophore?

Or any other molecule that blocks or inhibits covid-19 and or covid/sars in rna dependent rna polymerase?
Re: A possible Covid-19 prophylactic
March 29, 2020 11:31PM
The top results

pemirolast -7.4 ZINC5783214
benserazide -7.4 ZINC3830273
Natural Product: luteolin-monoarabinoside -7.4 ZINC18185774
pyruvic acid calcium isoniazid -7.3 ZINC4974291
Natural Product: quercetol;quercitin -7.3 ZINC3869685
protirelin -7.3 ZINC4096261
carbazochrome -7.2 ZINC100029428
nitrofurantoin -7.2 ZINC3875368
benserazide -7.2 ZINC3830273
carbazochrome -7.1 ZINC100045148
sapropterin -7.1 ZINC13585233
Vidarabine -7.1 ZINC970363
Natural Product: eriodictyol -7.1 ZINC58117
tazobactum -7.1 ZINC3787060
phenformin hcl -7 ZINC5851063
carbazochrome -7 ZINC100045148
carbazochrome -7 ZINC100045148
vildagliptin -7 ZINC100003507
Natural product: demethyl-coclaurine -7 ZINC896041
Re: A possible Covid-19 prophylactic
March 30, 2020 02:49AM

Your You Tube is long but this Doctor Shiva is good. Sounds like we should get rid of Dr. Fuchi, hope Trump is listening to others as well.

Re: A possible Covid-19 prophylactic
March 30, 2020 03:40AM
It’s not all about COVID 19 or SARS CoV or MERS or ..., IMHO
It’s all about preventing the excessive inflammatory response, cytokine storm, ..
Vitamin C and D do this and not just for COVID 19. They allow you the time to develop natural immunity before you might otherwise succumb.
I’m not trying to convince you. You are the captain of your own ship.
I’m just trying to throw some more dots out there for everyone. You can ignore them or come up with your own. A lot of people, inc me, love zinc. But it’s (and hydroxychloroquine’s) mode of action is to decrease the viral load. And that’s good but I want more than that. I want to avoid the pneumonia.

But this all ignores the Big Picture (watch Dr. Shivas video)

And yes Liz (thanks for watching the video and responding), Fauci should exit stage left and let the economy recover.
We should all wear masks not to avoid receiving but to avoid spreading or
We should all be tested or
We should just quarantine those at risk (those with comorbidities and those over 65)
[medium.com] (second pie chart)
As Dr Shiva indicated there’s a much larger agenda here.

This is all just my opinion FWIW
Re: A possible Covid-19 prophylactic
March 30, 2020 06:02AM
The larger agenda is $$$$$. greed, self interestconfused smiley. Business/pharma are not interested in options that aren't profitable and that is understandable.
What is evil is manipulating the market to steer people away or even suppress simple inexpensive solutions.
While i'm for immunization as a free option i don't approve of it being compulsory. I'm not an anti vaccser, had some vaccinations over the years but choose not to have the flu shot.
We need a Dr Shiva, somebody with practical and technical know how, in the Australian parliament which is full of ex legal people, ex union officials and ex party hackssad smiley
Re: A possible Covid-19 prophylactic
March 30, 2020 05:13PM

Your friend (haha) Dr Mercola has lots of good things to say about zinc and quercetain. I think Liz will also be interested.


also re Losartan


I like George’s approach, although I hesitate at the high doses of D
Re: A possible Covid-19 prophylactic
March 30, 2020 07:05PM
Mercola, chiro Berg many others grab headlines and only read the summaries without really putting 2 and 2 together.
It's popular and profitable and at the end of the day they are snake oil salesman.

If you can cut a line through the quercetin - zinc research provided in my original post then I'd be happy to hear it. The best point I've heard elsewhere was about the dose rec being inadequate compared to levels used in a study with mice and ebola,

The critic didn't notice that the study they referenced study used quercetin glucoside vs quercetin dihydrate referenced in the study I provided. Dihydrate has the highest bioavailability followed by glycosides, aglycone, and lastly rutinoside. Addtionally, the comp was ebola vs covid/sars, no mention of zinc in their paper where it is primary to strategy as quercetin only to act as ionophore, toxicity at higher doses of QCT (not to mention zinc)

Broken clocks are right twice a day.

And don't expect the establishment to get this right either.

ADA carbs ---- AHA saturated fat ---- Pharma statins etc.

Even J&J announcement today, Read the press release - by the time J&J has the #COVID19 vaccine ready we will have already had the 2nd wave (fall/winter 2020-21) and most will have natural immunity by then.
Re: A possible Covid-19 prophylactic
March 30, 2020 07:35PM

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 03/30/2020 07:39PM by NotLyingAboutMyAfib.
Re: A possible Covid-19 prophylactic
April 01, 2020 12:44AM
Certainly agree with your comments NLAMA.

But my first priority is to stay out of the hospital.

I just received an advance copy of a soon to be published article that has not yet been peer reviewed from a professional Italian colleague. He practices in Milan, ground zero for COVID-19 in Italy, but the article originates in Iran. The English is a little stilted. I eagerly await the UoMinn clinical studies on Losartan, Hydroxychloroquine, and some antiviral, although I’m a little concerned that Big Pharma may try to tilt the scales.


Inhibition of Viral Macrodomain of COVID-19 and Human TRPM2 by losartan (posted today March 31)

It seems Losartan can inhibit the viral macrodomain and TRPM2 so that it can interrupts the cell cycle of the virus and apoptosis, necrosis, fibrillation, and cytokine storm consequence of the COVID-19 infection. Therefore, Losartan, with preventing the induction of overexpression of the inflammatory cytokine, may decrease the severity of the disease and time of hospitalization. Presumably, Losartan with inhibition of these proteins activate the production of the interferon- gamma and intracellular defense against the COVID-19 virus, so enhancement resistance of person to the coronavirus.
Re: A possible Covid-19 prophylactic
April 01, 2020 12:55AM
PCMD - more info always better but this study only looked at 7 compounds. The DOE looked at 8000+ and from memory, I did not see losartan in the top list of possibilities.

One of the other top five is pyruvic acid and gives more weight that ever to a very low carb keto diet and fasting.

AKA 'feed a cold - starve a virus'
Re: A possible Covid-19 prophylactic
April 01, 2020 06:06AM

I always like to understand exactly how something might work, which means the physiology in this case.

This link explains my thinking


IMHO the real culprit, the one responsible for the deaths is angiotensin II. Sure the virus destroys the cells that carry the membrane bound ACE2 receptors, leading to an imbalance in the RAS and more angiotensin II. But I'd rather attack the problem at the angiotensin II type 1 receptors.

Increased angiotensin II in diabetics and hypertensives is precisely why these are the top two comorbidities for COVID 19 and stand to gain the most from an ARB approach, esp in those homozygous for the ACE deletion (D) allele (v the insertion allele I), which would be Iranians, Italians and the Spanish. That's why IMHO Asians have a lower COVID death rate.

Review Table 2

This is my last post on this. You can have the final word.
Re: A possible Covid-19 prophylactic
April 01, 2020 01:35PM
One of the other top five is pyruvic acid and gives more weight that ever to a very low carb keto diet and fasting.

AKA 'feed a cold - starve a virus'

Here is a study on this topic with the general description.

My bias - I've been keto adapted since Oct 2009 and have done lots of extended fasting (in 2017, I did nineteen consecutive five-day water fasts out of fourteen days over 8 months). On morning testing, I'm always in mild ketosis (generally 0.6-0.9 mmol/L betahydroxybuterate), though I eat a relatively high carb diet for someone in ketosis. One of my friends, who likely had the virus, but could not get tested, did an n=1 experiment on himself. He's generally in mild ketosis, eats a low lectin, low inflammation, unprocessed food diet. He tried fasting and his symptoms got worse, he tried upping his carbs and his symptoms got worse (though his was a mild case). His "sweet spot" was mild ketosis. He also was adding in vitamin A, C & D3 (and was already sufficient in D3).

Edited 3 time(s). Last edit at 04/01/2020 01:53PM by GeorgeN.
Re: A possible Covid-19 prophylactic
April 01, 2020 10:53PM

I agree with mild ketosis (and probably because that's all I can manage) because I hover around 0.8 - 1.5.

The only exception is 30 minutes after a meal on 71 hour or longer fast. I will have eeeked up to the 2s before the meal but after breaking the fast, I'll hit high 4s.

My best friend hits 3,4, and 5 in less than 24 hours but we have determined it's caused by Jardiance. He's still microdosing after 20 years as a T2.
Re: A possible Covid-19 prophylactic
April 01, 2020 10:55PM
Research that a high fat diet results in less time required on a ventilator.

High fat, low carbohydrate, enteral feeding lowers PaCO2 and reduces the period of ventilation in artificially ventilated patients.

Re: A possible Covid-19 prophylactic
April 07, 2020 05:41PM
Re: A possible Covid-19 prophylactic
April 10, 2020 09:12AM
Quercetin is now being adopted into some Covid-19 guidelines.


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 04/10/2020 09:41AM by NotLyingAboutMyAfib.
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