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Saunas /steaming/microwave

Posted by alexe 
Saunas /steaming/microwave
May 24, 2016 08:56AM
Are saunas worth considering for some forms of afib ?

Which is healthier for vegetables steaming or quick microwave ?


Re: Saunas /steaming/microwave
May 26, 2016 04:32PM
My personal aversion to microwaves was precipitated by this


and ever since I have nearly completely avoided using mine, unfortunately when eating out you can never be sure...
I therefore commend any other form of cooking/heating.

Re: Saunas /steaming/microwave
July 14, 2016 06:45PM
Microwave ovens are generally very safe to use and they do not create more toxic substances than normal cooking.

Re: Saunas /steaming/microwave
July 15, 2016 05:00PM
Very brief warming in microwaves may not be as harmful as actual cooking...but there are a lot of negatives for cooking in a microwave.. not the least of which is the exposure from radiation leakage and of course the depletion of nutrients in food.

These clips from reports at Dr. Mercola's website:

Microwaving distorts and deforms the molecules of whatever food or other substance you subject to it. An example of this is blood products. Blood is normally warmed before being transfused into a person. Now we know that microwaving blood products damages the blood components.

In fact, one woman died after receiving a transfusion of microwaved blood in 1991, which resulted in a well-publicized lawsuit. Further, when you heat food in a microwave, it can zap the nutrition right out of your food. Some excellent scientific data has been gathered regarding the detrimental effects of microwaves on nutrients:

• A study published in the November 2003 issue of The Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture found broccoli "zapped" in the microwave with a little water lost up to 97 percent of its beneficial antioxidants.

By comparison, steamed broccoli lost 11 percent or fewer of its antioxidants. There were also reductions in phenolic compounds and glucosinolates, but mineral levels remained intact.12

• In a study of garlic, as little as 60 seconds of microwave heating was enough to inactivate its alliinase, garlic's principle active ingredient against cancera.13

• A Japanese study that just 6 minutes of microwave heating turned 30-40 percent of the B12 in milk into an inert (dead) form.14

• An Australian study showed that microwaves cause a higher degree of "protein unfolding" than conventional heating.15

• Microwaving can destroy the essential disease-fighting agents in breast milk that offer protection for your baby. In one study, microwaved breast milk lost lysozyme activity, antibodies, and fostered the growth of more potentially pathogenic bacteria.16
Source: [articles.mercola.com]

More on The Hidden Hazards of Microwaving

Microwave Radiation Leakage
But even if there's nothing wrong with your microwave, keep in mind that standing a foot away from it while it's running can expose you to upwards of 400 milliGauss, and a mere 4 milliGauss has been firmly linked to leukemia. It would certainly be wise to avoid letting your children stand near the microwave when it's running, and avoid it yourself as much as possible—especially if you're pregnant. Also, since your eyes are known to be particularly susceptible to microwave radiation (high microwave exposures are known to cause cataracts), I recommend stepping away from your microwave while it's in use.

New Study Confirms Microwaves Affect Your Heart

A recent study examining the effects 2.4 GHz radiation (which is the frequency of radiation emitted by Wifi routers and microwave ovens) on the heart was just completed. The study found "unequivocal evidence" that microwave frequency radiation affects the heart at non-thermal levels that are well below federal safety guidelines, according to Dr. Magda Havas of Trent University4. Dr. Havas says:

"This is the first study that documents immediate and dramatic changes in both heart rate and heart rate variability caused by an approved device that generates microwaves at levels well below (0.3 percent) federal guidelines in both Canada and the United States."

No longer can skeptics claim that microwaves produce no immediate biological effects at ordinary household levels! The study will be appearing in a peer-reviewed journal sometime during the summer of 2010. If you are experiencing rapid or irregular heartbeat, pain or pressure in your chest, you will want to visit your physician and share this video with him or her (second video on this page). There is also evidence that this same frequency of radiation causes blood sugar to spike in susceptible individuals and may actually be the cause of one type of diabetes.

Microwaving Also Zaps the Nutrients Right Out of Your Food
Continue: [articles.mercola.com]

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