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lisa s
Just curious
January 07, 2011 06:09PM
Hey, all.

Is anyone reading this forum?

I think it's great that Hans set this up, but it doesn't seem that very many are following it at all. I hope I'm wrong. It fulfills a very important purpose, but it may die a slow, or worse, quick, anonymous death if people are afraid to post here because of lack of response.

I'm not sure how to spread the word. Let me know I'm not out here yelling into the void.


Elizabeth H.
Re: Just curious
January 07, 2011 10:00PM
Hi Lisa:

I was wondering the same thing, Hans set up this board around the holidays maybe a lot of people were busy and didn't see this new board, it seemed like there wasn't a lot of posting during that time. Actually, there doesn't seem to be a lot of posting even on the afib board at the present time.

lisa s
Re: Just curious
January 07, 2011 10:50PM

I posted on the AF bb on Hans original thread. Hopefully, this will jump-start this new bb.

It's snowing :-)


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