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fibromyalgia ?

Posted by ben saif 
ben saif
fibromyalgia ?
August 12, 2012 05:22AM
MY 85 years old mother has widespread pain in many parts of her body for more than 3 monthes .can be relieved temporarly by anti rheumatic drugs but then recuring and wandering from site to site ( knee, shoulders, legs..)
any thoughts, advice will be appreciated.
Re: fibromyalgia ?
August 12, 2012 03:14PM
Hi Ben - sorry for your mother's suffering. I had FM for years...I was given a lot of drugs that did nothing for the pain and weakness but made me feel terrible. Eventually, I discovered that I was very low in vitamin D (testing via 25 OH vitamin D).
Once I began using high dose vitamin D3 (cholecalciferol), all my pain went away. I stopped and the pain came back, so I knew it wasn't just placebo effect. That was 5 - 6 years ago and I remain free of FM pain.

Do you think you can get a test for her? It's better to know the baseline levels so you know how aggressive to be with the dosing.

Many people are found to be deficient in vitamin D especially seniors who aren't typically out in the sun enough and even if they are, the skin loses its ability to convert sunshine into the usable D form.

Re: fibromyalgia ?
August 12, 2012 06:30PM

You can find some useful information about fibromyalgia in these abstracts from International Health News: [www.yourhealthbase.com]

Re: fibromyalgia ?
September 25, 2012 05:40PM
A few years back I was diagnosed as having fibromyalgia when I complained of pain in various parts of my body. General inflammation? Don't know, but an improved diet and supplementation seemed to make a huge difference and today, with the exception of a pulled achilles tendon that does not want to go away and leave me alone and the usual arthritis, I seem to be fibromyalgia free. Just FWIW.
Murray L

Murray L

Tikosyn uptake Dec 2011 500ug b.i.d. NSR since!
Herein lies opinion, not professional advice, which all are well advised to seek.
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