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Arthritis Help!

Posted by Murray L 
Arthritis Help!
April 30, 2012 03:54PM
Well, the Subject line about sums it up. On top of all else, my wife and I are dealing with Arthritis now. It has been a while actually, but her Arthritis, at age 55, is so severe as to be dibillitating/crippling.

We are located in the Greater Toronto Area (Richmond Hill/York Region) and we are looking for forum(s), advice, doctors specializing in severe arthritis, etc. Mine is more of a major annoyance and painful. Joy's is crippling... it is so severe as to be displacing her clavicle and her range of motion in that arm is reduced significantly. She takes Tylenol #2 and has been on Percocet, which deals with the pain but has other side effects that are not nice (caught between a rock and a hard place).

Does anyone know of a good arthritis related forum and a good arthritis related MD in our area? Thanks in advance. I hate to see her suffering like this. The results are both physical and psychological.

Murray L

Tikosyn uptake Dec 2011 500ug b.i.d. NSR since!
Herein lies opinion, not professional advice, which all are well advised to seek.
Re: Arthritis Help!
April 30, 2012 08:29PM

I am truly sorry to hear about this new problem confronting you and your wife. To be of further help it is essential that we know whether you are dealing with rheumatoid arthritis or osteoarthritis.

Re: Arthritis Help!
May 01, 2012 12:57PM
Murray - read everything that's posted here about magnesium bicarbonate water... WW... both of you should start drinking it... acidic tissue as a result of eating acid-ash producing foods causes the arthritis.

Be sure to play the video clip that Erling provided in another post on the benefits of alkaline water.


Video on the magnesium bicarconate water clinical trial … (9/14/11)

Re: Arthritis Help!
May 02, 2012 01:43PM
Arthritis: Rheumatoid Arthritis Alternatives Support Forum CUREZONE
Google ( black mold syndrome ) and Youtube has lots of video's about it.
Rheumatoid Arthritis is a symptom of black mold syndrome.
Re: Arthritis Help!
May 02, 2012 10:55PM
Sorry for delay....have been preparing for surgery on hand Friday. And the kids are moving res at Universities.


And thanks for the tips.... keep em coming! It would that the regular medical advice is totally useless. Why am I not surprised that most simply want to prescribe a pill and get you the heck out of their office? Wife has had THREE total knee replacements to no avail. Now that they have run out of drugs to prescribe they are suggesting accupuncture. Sic.

I will take the advice already received and work with it. And any further advice will be greatfully received and faithfully applied as my brother says.


Murray L

Tikosyn uptake Dec 2011 500ug b.i.d. NSR since!
Herein lies opinion, not professional advice, which all are well advised to seek.
Re: Arthritis Help!
May 02, 2012 11:53PM
Hello Murray,

I believe the advice you have received so far apply to rheumatoid arthritis - quite a different kettle of fish from osteoarthritis. You can find information about treatment options for osteoarthritis in the International Health News database at [www.yourhealthbase.com].

I would recommend the following supplements which are all available in the afibbers.org online vitamin shop at [www.afibbers.org]

Glucosamine with chondroitin and MSM
Hyaluronic acid

Re: Arthritis Help!
May 03, 2012 03:12PM
Murray - it is definitely raising the tissue pH and drinking alkaline waters that helps relieve arthritic joint pain. RA pain is immune response inflammatory triggered and it may help with that as well, but the experience I've seen reported for is osteoarthritis help. Be sure to watch the video clip with Dr. Beckett.

Re: Arthritis Help!
May 04, 2012 06:56PM
I treated hundreds of patients with Osteoarthritis during a 25 year career as a Manipulate Therapist and Physiotherapist.

I had a 95% plus success rate using mobilising movements and giving them mobilising exercises to do every day.

I always advised good hydration and Fish oil and/or Glucosamine but whether they took this advice or not, and most didn't, it made no real difference to the outcome.

Find a therapist who uses Maitland or Osteopathic mobalising techniques. These are fairly gentle rhythmic movements NOT the high velocity techniqes used by Chiropractors.
Re: Arthritis Help!
May 15, 2012 02:37PM
Thank you so very much for all of the advice being received and we are going to try.... my arthritis is a 'pain' (pardon the pun) but not dibilitating. My wife, on the other hand, has osteo so bad that the inflammation appears to be actually 'dislocating' her clavicle. It is affecting her quality of life, on a scale of 1-10, at a 7 out of 10, but such descriptions are very subjective. We were out to a wedding the other day and folks just patting her on the shoulder put her in tears from the pain in her right shoulder. She is suffering from lack of sleep as either the pain awakens her or the pain meds keep her awake. It is a vicious circle.

In my case, it is in my lower spine and feet the worst. Results are obvious and I have been deemed as "permanently disabled" by the provincial government and issued a placard to permit me to park in disable spots for the rest of my life. If I sit for more than 20 minutes it is a struggle to get moving again due to the pain. Once moving things 'loosen up' somewhat, so I can see where physio might help.

I was prescribed an anti-inflammatory med once and had an out of body experience (hallucinations, BP, about to faint, dunno) but that was the first and last one that I have permitted.

We are going to work with the suggestions received thus far and hope to see more. And, as always, thank you for your time and concern.

BTW, aFib wise, I am still in NSR since December on TIKOSYN. Still don't have the pep/energy that I used to but I think I am way ahead of the game as related to before NSR.

Fingers crossed that my atria are shrinking. A few more weeks and we will get a more definitive answer from our Cardiologist/EP and move forward from there. At some point I suspect I will be wanting an ablation - my gut feeling is that the longer I hold off, the better the technique and technology will become. I just don't want to get stuck between TIKOSYN becoming ineffective and the waiting list for ablation (6 - 12 months) and wind up in a circle again.

Murray L

Murray L

Tikosyn uptake Dec 2011 500ug b.i.d. NSR since!
Herein lies opinion, not professional advice, which all are well advised to seek.
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