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Leaky Gut
December 21, 2011 01:55PM
What are the best things to take for leaky gut other than Glutamine?
Re: Leaky Gut
December 21, 2011 05:50PM
Chuck - Definitely read Leo Galland's article

I followed a combo of Leo Galland and Jeff Bland's 4R approach is what I followed directed by my Functional Medicine MD when I was diagnosed with leaky gut syndrome. I didn't go gluten-free immediately, but did later and that made a huge difference.

It took quite a while but I finally conquered it and then have always used a daily probiotic after that.

The S. Boulardii wasn't as popular then as it is now but that's definitely extremely useful.


Re: Leaky Gut
December 21, 2011 06:59PM
Thanks Jackie
Re: Leaky Gut
December 25, 2011 10:44AM
Jackie do you think it is ok.... to start the probiotic while in the remove stage of the 4R program? In fact why not start everything right from the beginning?
Re: Leaky Gut
December 26, 2011 05:18AM
Chuck - as long as you use a probiotic that is not destroyed by the herbals or whatever protocol you use in the "Remove" stage, probiotics can be very useful.... otherwise, you can just waste your money if you kill them off as fast as you take them. Jackie
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