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October 11, 2011 07:13PM
Idly poking around in curezone.com and found this description of some of the effects of mercury poisoning.

"Cardiovascular, Irregular Heart Beat, Changes in Blood Pressure, Feeble or Irregular Pulse, Pain or Pressure in Chest"

If you can find a competent physician to test for mercury, then there are two ways I've heard of to be rid of it, one is Andy Cutler's protocol:
which is complicated and expensive, maybe risky but effective.
The other is iodine protocol.

Re: Mercury
October 11, 2011 07:30PM
Correction: there is another way of detoxing mercury, it's called NDF and is the safest way, if it works.

Re: Mercury
October 12, 2011 04:32AM
The techinique for chelation of mercury has been improved over the the years although it is still expensive and time-consuming.

Garry Gordon, MD has a very large amount of details about chelation of mercury.

Elmer Cranton, MD also has done extensive work with Hg chelation.

I learned first hand about mercury and other heavy-metal chelation when my friend's brother had atrial fibrillation and then went through a very intensive chelation over a period of several years. He then wrote a book about his experience and I helped him organize it for publishing. He worked with Dale Guyer, MD, (Indiana) who has also written extensively on the chelation process for Hg and other toxic metals.

Mercury is not easily removed from tissues and it has to be done safely.

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