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Awareness Alert: Non-thermal EMF Radiation Exposure and Atrial Fibrillation Part 3

Posted by Jackie 
Awareness Alert: Non-thermal EMF Radiation Exposure and Atrial Fibrillation Part 3
April 30, 2019 05:59PM
IV. Safety Studies and Standards
First, be aware that the Safety Standards… or whatever titled, are not and the telecommunications industry is as well funded or even more so than the pharmaceutical industry… according to Dr. Pall and others who continue to spread the word to get to get recognition and funding for the safety of the public.

Safety Measures and Related -

Pall says there are multiple studies showing damaging effects of EMF radiation exposure which depends on which type radiation is used and getting the ‘hard evidence’ out of reliable studies has been the challenge, especially when trying to link exposure to cancer since the industry has blocked retrieval info on how heavily cell phones have been used. Apparently, there were discrepancies because the exposures were from continuous ionizing radiation or continuous wave EMF (not pulsed) versus the “extensive evidence that pulsed EMFs are much more damaging than continuous.” This is important because all wireless communication devices communicate by self-pulsations and are much more dangerous because of that. (plus) “Other published papers comparing the two but with pulsations designed to be similar to that from a real cell phone showed that there was still much more damage at much lower intensities – related to how EMFs produce free radicals.” …. “ with the opening of the VGC channels, there is about a million calcium ions flowing in per second… along with an increase in nitric oxide and superoxide. He elaborates more on the levels of amplification being at three levels which is a huge response to a very small ion. One of the effects of cell phone ionizing radiation which are continuous wave EMF, not pulsed was…24 hours on cell phone is equivalent to 1600 chest Xrays.”

Government overreach: New FCC order allows private wireless companies to strip power from local authorities by: Sara Middleton Staff writer March 2, 2019 [www.naturalhealth365.com]

V. Exposure Sources and Habit Assessment

Habit assessment includes where you carry your cell and smart phones – men: pants side and hip pockets are risky. Women, never tuck into bras. Waist bands are risky. Don’t sleep with your phone. Keep all wireless out of the bedroom… and at least 15 feet away - if turned on. Best to turn off WiFi at night. Hold cellphone at least an inch away from your head. Wear ear phones when using cell phone for longer than a few minutes. Don’t sit with laptops/ iPads/tablets in your lap or recline with tablet on your chest. Reduce exposure/eliminate exposure from heating pads electric blankets. Check guidelines on risk factors for letting infants and children be near or play with anything wireless. Eliminate wireless crib monitors. Pall says these items are never tested for safety. Rather, the safety assurances are based on the theory they can only produce effects by heating and no one is paying attention to the data that was found 45 years ago.

Pall advises use of cell phones with headsets or on speaker phone both of which substantially lower exposure and to carry cell phones in pouches shielded on one side so that shielded side is toward the body which greatly lowers exposure. He also says not to have “smart” meters installed on your home because they use short, high-intensity pulses of microwave radiation which has been known (in studies) for over 30 years to cause massive cellular damage.

Microwave ovens are pulsed because it runs off the 60 hertz curve. Don’t stand in front of the microwave oven while it cooks or heats food. Most all leak. Stand at least 15 feet away. This is 1,000 times higher radiation..even more than cell phones. Avoid induction cooktops.

(My comment: this exposure source list just highlights some of the most common… those who assess homes and personal habits for excessive exposure go into much more detail such as fluorescent lighting, dimmer switches, WiFi routers and all such related equipment including automobiles....and more.)

Pall also notes: Barrie Trower, a retired military intelligence expert from the U.K. has stated that different wavelengths vary in their biological activities as well, but the specifics are all classified by multiple countries because of “national security.” The problem of course is that this does not help the security of our bodies. However, this again says that we cannot compare different wireless communications devices with each other when they work on different wavelengths. Finally, it has been shown that there can be intensity “windows” where biological activity is greater than at intensities both higher and lower than the window intensity (55). This again argues against heating and also makes it impossible to currently predict biological activity without doing actual measurements of biological activity. While in general, lower intensities are safer than higher intensities, this “window” effect shows that there are some biologically important exceptions to this pattern. (Ref. 4)

Earpods for Cell Phones — Are There Health Risks?
Roxanne Nelson, RN, BSN March 15, 2019

“ Moskowitz told Medscape Medical News that AirPods may be more harmful than other types of wireless headsets for three reasons. "One is that because they are inserted in the ear, they are closer to the acoustic nerve and brain tissue which are susceptible to the effects of microwave radiation," he said. "Two is that they also emit near-field magnetic induction, and long-term exposure to these two types of electromagnetic fields has never been tested for safety."

The third, he said, is that the Specific Absorption Rate seems rather high for a Bluetooth device.


Journal, Winter 2014, Electromagnetic Radiation January 20, 2015 Courtesy of Weston A. Price Foundation- Website: www.westonaprice.org featured several articles in their Healthy Traditions publication

How Dangerous and Expensive Became “Smart” - An Exposé of the “Smart Grid” [www.westonaprice.org] (Includes a segment on how to refuse a smart meter)

Neither the federal government nor grid profiteers have undertaken a single public health study about the long-term health effects of exposure to EMR from “smart” meters.

Reducing Electromagnetic Radiation from Wireless Sources - Cell Phones, Cell Antennas, Baby Monitors, Cordless Phones, Wi-Fi and Tablets [www.westonaprice.org]

President’s Message by Sally Fallon Morell Weston Price Foundation - From the Intro to the Winter Issue’s Feature:

In this issue. we focus on the growing danger of manmade electromagnetic radiation (EMR), from “smart” phones, iPads, tablets, “smart” meters, cell towers, Wi-Fi and even “smart” appliances, all bathing us in a sea of various microwave frequencies, the likes of which mankind has never experienced before. What are the effects of this technology on human life and health, and how can we minimize any negative consequences?

Conventional physicists and the whole “smart” phone and meter industry insist that there are no “non-thermal” effects from these gadgets. But research sponsored by the Weston A. Price Foundation and published in this issue shows that this claim is false (page 19). Smart phones, which radiate microwave frequencies at all times, do indeed have very negative effects on the blood, causing rouleaux, clumping and pathological changes to the shape of red blood cells. This study was necessarily small and preliminary, but it highlights the urgent need for a full investigation. In the meantime, we need to be very careful about how we use these devices.

“Smart” meters to read household electricity, gas and water use are another huge danger, delineated in these pages; these have been foisted on the public surreptitiously, with little or no study of their effects. Some individuals have extreme reactions to these devices, and who knows what sub-clinical effects there may be? [www.westonaprice.org]

Home Assessment for EMR exposures – Oram Miller, BBEC, EMRS, Certified Building BiologyTM Environmental Consultant and Electromagnetic Radiation Specialist, has been introduced in previous posts on this forum several years ago. His website, Create Healthy Homes, has expanded with a huge amount of important and useful data on this topic. Several former afibbers have reported their experiences with managing home exposures and the resultant effects on their overall health and well-being including maintaining NSR after successful ablations. Those found to be very sensitive to the exposures, work continually to maintain safe levels in their environments.

(Do take time to review the extensive, related segments at Oram’s website which includes current info on what other countries are doing to limit and manage the EMR.)

Very well-done, extensive, bulleted-list with graphics of safety info from Oram Miller (slide presentation) [www.createhealthyhomes.com]

Sample: Note: The Nation magazine has released online an expose, to be published as a cover story in their April 23, 2018 print edition, on the lengths to which the cell phone industry has actively hidden and distorted the information over the decades that radio frequency radiation from wireless devices causes harm to people. It also discusses how things will be worse, with no prior testing, from the rollout of the next (fifth) generation, or 5G, of cell phone technology, part of the "Internet of Things" (IoT). Entitled, "How Big Wireless Made Us Think That Cell Phones Are Safe: A Special Investigation: The disinformation campaign--and massive radiation increase--behind the 5G rollout.", the article was written by Mark Hertsgaard and Mark Dowie. Both authors have written extensively in the past on how various industries have hidden unsupportive research.

Beyond the research studies and for more detailed support, the Create Healthy Homes website* [www.createhealthyhomes.com] offers these links on the topic:

Note: In a blow to the cell phone industry, Governor Jerry Brown vetoed California Senate Bill 649 that would have granted the ability of cell phone companies to install 5G small cell antennas in front of people's homes without any local city involvement in the issuing of permits. [www.mercurynews.com]

In closing..... This concludes the very abbreviated safety segment that provides basic safety concerns and also concludes this Awareness Alert post. There are numerous websites devoted to safety issues and monitoring assessment and some may not be as science-based as others, but I have found Create Healthy Homes provides reliable info.

Re: Awareness Alert: Non-thermal EMF Radiation Exposure and Atrial Fibrillation Part 3
April 30, 2019 07:17PM
This would be far more convincing if there was a single citation to a proper peer-reviewed study of the specific relationship between EMF Radiation exposure (carefully defined) and AF.
I have the wireless Medtronic device MyCareLink Patient Monitor used to detect your heart for Arrhythmias that Dr. Natale installed in my chest in 2014. It transmits wireless. I used it on an off through 2 Ablations.
The model number is 24950
My Question is should This device be used? It has not been activated since late 2017 but the transmitter is still inside my chest with probably a dead battery. Battery life is 3 years by manual.
Looking forward to comments. Also, I am a Retired Electronic Technology Engineer by trade😆.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 05/01/2019 05:54PM by smackman.
Re: Awareness Alert: Non-thermal EMF Radiation Exposure and Atrial Fibrillation Part 3
May 01, 2019 09:04PM
This would be far more convincing if there was a single citation to a proper peer-reviewed study of the specific relationship between EMF Radiation exposure (carefully defined) and AF.

Re: Awareness Alert: Non-thermal EMF Radiation Exposure and Atrial Fibrillation Part 3
May 02, 2019 09:56AM
My Question is should This device be used?

There's no evidence to suggest it shouldn't.

My Question is should This device be used?

There's no evidence to suggest it shouldn't.
I 100% agree. Per these articles, Most Houses are a ticking time bomb with stray frequencies destroying us. I think most of this has been debunked and wireless is a way of life with many modes of choice. If you are scared of wireless components, stay out of Walmart’s, Church’s, etc etc.
Re: Awareness Alert: Non-thermal EMF Radiation Exposure and Atrial Fibrillation Part 3
May 03, 2019 01:53PM
Actually, you'd have to live in a deep tunnel or inside a Faraday cage to avoid EMF. We're surrounded by hundreds of sources of radio waves far stronger than wireless and have been since the day we were conceived. Radio stations, TV, radar, satellite signals, police radio, etc -- all those things dwarf what wireless devices put out. And even if you had a time machine and could go back before the discovery of electricity, you'd still be bombarded by interstellar sources, lightning, static, etc.

All life on earth evolved in a constant bath of EMF from day one.
Re: Awareness Alert: Non-thermal EMF Radiation Exposure and Atrial Fibrillation Part 3
May 04, 2019 10:22AM
Carey - you are confusing the focus… ie, harmful, man-made electromagnetic radiation versus natural, electromagnetism exposure which is definitely both healing and life-prolonging.

This Alert post was about the effects of man-made EMR exposures and the connection to the excess calcium flooding and arrhythmia along with many other adverse health effects.

There are numerous past posts on the topic of the healing and protective effects of “grounding” or “earthing” and numerous books are available offering the scientific explanations for why we all should be aware of the escalating problems from man-made radiation exposures.

Some of the popular books on the topic include:

Cell Phones: Invisible Hazards in the Wireless Age: An Insider's Alarming Discoveries about Cancer and Genetic Damage George Carlo and Martin Schram Dr. George Carlo, Ph.D, M.S., J.D, is a public health scientist, epidemiologist, lawyer, and the founder of the Science and Public Policy Institute.

Cross Currents – The Perils of Electropollution – The Promise of Electromedicine by Robert O. Becker, MD. A startling look at the effects of Electromagnetic Radiation on your health.

The Body Electric... by Robert O. Becker, MD

Earthing, The most important health discovery ever… Stephen Sinatra, MD, Clint Ober, Martin Zucker

To Be Healed by the Earth, Warren Grossman, PhD

Again – quoting from one of Pall’s presentations:

Your heart is very sensitive to EMFs, particularly the pacemaker cells of your heart, as they have the highest density of VGCCs. As a consequence of this, we find that EMFs tend to trigger the following conditions. If you have any of these conditions (or any of the ones discussed above and below), you need to know that EMF exposure is a major contributing factor and take immediate and aggressive steps to remediate your exposure.

• Cardiac arrhythmias - Atrial fibrillation / atrial flutter
• Premature atrial contractions (PACs) and premature ventricular contractions (PVCs), also known as heart palpitations
• Tachycardia (fast heartbeat) and brachycardia (slow heartbeat)

Re: Awareness Alert: Non-thermal EMF Radiation Exposure and Atrial Fibrillation Part 3
May 04, 2019 11:46AM
Carey - you are confusing the focus… ie, harmful, man-made electromagnetic radiation versus natural, electromagnetism exposure which is definitely both healing and life-prolonging.

Huh? Electromagnetic radiation is electromagnetic radiation. There is absolutely no difference between man-made and natural. If you think there is please explain how they differ. The existence of a bunch of books means absolutely nothing.
The World Health Organization has published a paper on EMF effects on people from a 2014 study:

"Conclusions from scientific research
In the area of biological effects and medical applications of non-ionizing radiation approximately 25,000 articles have been published over the past 30 years. Despite the feeling of some people that more research needs to be done, scientific knowledge in this area is now more extensive than for most chemicals. Based on a recent in-depth review of the scientific literature, the WHO concluded that current evidence does not confirm the existence of any health consequences from exposure to low level electromagnetic fields. However, some gaps in knowledge about biological effects exist and need further research."

Here's a link to the whole study: [www.who.int]

Re: Awareness Alert: Non-thermal EMF Radiation Exposure and Atrial Fibrillation Part 3
May 05, 2019 07:12PM
Sorry Carey - I should have phrased that better... it's the additional burden or load from man-made EMF sources that are causing the health issues as shown in the reference studies listed. And it's projected to become much worse.

The estimates for the 5G rollout will produce an additional estimated 13 million new antennas (up from 210,000) an increase of 6,000% ...(by 2025). so the man-made EMF exposure will obviously increase significantly with all of the downside effects to humans, animals, insects, etc.

Here's a link that I've not vetted completely yet, but this and others similar indicate the lack of targeted, recent studies to validate the current safety concerns... as stated by Pall in the foregoing reference list is ....which validates the reason for concern.

Re: Awareness Alert: Non-thermal EMF Radiation Exposure and Atrial Fibrillation Part 3
May 05, 2019 07:29PM
The estimates for the 5G rollout will produce an additional estimated 13 million new antennas (up from 210,000) an increase of 6,000% ...(by 2025). so the man-made EMF exposure will obviously increase significantly with all of the downside effects to humans, animals, insects, etc.

You keep saying this like it's established fact when it's not -- not at all. I know you're quite convinced EMR is a huge health issue but nobody has been able to demonstrate that it actually is. See ggheld's post. In 25,000 articles over the course of 30 years, nothing has been found to support your position. You have a handful of articles from non-peer reviewed sources based mainly on in vitro studies. I think you need to step back and ask yourself if this is just a pet theory you've married yourself to without adequate scientific basis.
Here is a place to go to avoid wireless communications.🧐 There is actually a documentary on Netflix about this “wireless disease”.


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 05/06/2019 11:56AM by smackman.
Re: Awareness Alert: Non-thermal EMF Radiation Exposure and Atrial Fibrillation Part 3
May 06, 2019 01:45PM
I find it ironic that people move there to escape radio waves when the place is where scientists go to listen to radio waves.
Perhaps his team did a good search of the literature?
This may all be a beat up but the question as to safety has to be answered. The experts in this senate inquiry could not do soeye rolling smiley.
There are engineers on this forum who may be able to?
go to 23:20 to 26:47
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