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Nancy, I tried to read the article on the site you gave, but it is like the articles written for professionals only - lots of statistical and analytical data - too much for me. (LIFTMOR). ) What about something like this Les Mills Body Pump class which involves a barbell, free weights, deadlifts, cling & press (one I am particularly uncomfortable with due to my back), squats, lunges, pusby Madeline - AFIBBERS FORUM
Quotewindyshores I would suggest meds for any score lower than -3, for sure. Are you talking about a T-score or a Z-score? Also when you say anything less than a -3, that would actually be a higher negative number to suggest starting meds, correct? since it is a negative, isn't that worse? I see some wording on my DEXA that defines osteoporosis = T-score at or below -2.5. One of myby Madeline - AFIBBERS FORUM
Thank you, Betty Lou. I would love to have more of the details. I’ve never heard of a cardiac pharmacist. Could I email you personally to get more information?by Madeline - GENERAL HEALTH FORUM
Hi, I don't know if I already wrote about this in the past or not. I am now on Eliquis 2.5 mg b.i.d. I do take supplements as well. I take turmeric extract 500 mg q.a.m., vitamin C caps 500 mg BID, & 1 tsp of cod liver oil q.a.m. Is it okay to take these along with Eliquis? If so, is there any spacing apart necessary? Last week while in an inversion in yoga using a strapby Madeline - GENERAL HEALTH FORUM
QuoteCarey No, PH does not mean you have CHF. CHF is its own diagnosis with its own symptoms, causes, and diagnostic criteria. Well, then it does not seem to me I warrant being a three with the Chads Vasc score just because he put me on Farxiga to help left heart disease to prevent the heart wall from thickening and stiffening more. Other than my mild pulmonary hypertension, I warrant a pointby Madeline - AFIBBERS FORUM
QuoteCarey I would consider 3 or above to be high, but I don't think HFpEF would be considered congestive heart failure. Ask your doc how they would score it. Hi Carey, This is why I asked as I don't think in black & white like my cardiologist who goes by the numbers. I feel more like a 2 is what I would have. He gave me the 3 just bec he put me on Farxiga for the left heart diby Madeline - AFIBBERS FORUM
QuoteCarey A shame the study didn't match for CHADS-Vasc scores. I think that would likely be a big part of the explanation. People on anticoagulants very likely also had higher scores and that would tilt the results toward no benefit for the ACs. And what Chad’s score do you consider high? I am a 3 now and I am on the low-dose Eliquis as extra protection. As a reminder though, I will sayby Madeline - AFIBBERS FORUM
QuoteCarey You're correct not to count the point for being female, but you should count the point for hypertension. I'm afraid the prescription for Farxiga probably means you need to count the point for CHF also. The PH isn't actually a criteria so nothing for that. I think you're a CHADS-Vasc 2. If I were you, I would stay on the half-dose Eliquis. Oops, looks like I am a 3by Madeline - AFIBBERS FORUM
QuoteCarey The first thing you need to do is calculate your CHADS-Vasc score. You can do that here. If your score is 0 or 1, talk to your EP about stopping the Xarelto. If it's higher than 1 then you shouldn't stop it. However, you could be a candidate for an LAA closure device such as the Lariat, Watchman, or AtriClip. There's a good description of them here. You're the typeby Madeline - AFIBBERS FORUM
Hi, I am looking for recommendations on getting Eliquis from CIPA (canadian international pharmacy association) pharmacies. Who here might be doing this and has experience with recommendations for best pharmacy & price & quality/safety. One can either go generic (as Canada has it) or Brand. If going generic, preferably to have it manufactured in Canada (Apotex). Only advantby Madeline - AFIBBERS FORUM
I ask this part of my post again. Am I understanding correctly in that big long complicated recipe is for 1 L of water and something a person has to make every single day? Also, how far away from eating a meal would be advised in taking my mag so as not to disrupt the needed acid for my meal? By the way I take 3 different good brands of magnesium myself & I don't always get aby Madeline - AFIBBERS FORUM
QuoteGeorgeN That is interesting to know George, I hadn’t thought about magnesium having basic pH and i know you need stomach acid to digest your food. I take magnesium around lunch and a bit after dinner if not with it. The magnesium will burn my throat if I don’t eat something with it. The dilute magnesium bicarbonate solution (linked here) might avoid these issues. At its concentration,by Madeline - AFIBBERS FORUM
QuoteGeorgeN Because most Mg compounds have a basic pH, I take mine away from everything else so as not to compromise digestion of the other stuff. With my high Mg intake, I'm certain most of it ends up in my urine. However, backing my intake down leads to increased afib episodes for me, even though my RBC magnesium levels are always in the 7's and optimal is considered 6.5. That isby Madeline - AFIBBERS FORUM
QuoteGeorgeN I keep a very high omega 3 index (always > 12 and as high as 18) and it has never been a trigger for afib. I suspect like many things - highly individual. Hi George, How does one calculate their omega 3 index?by Madeline - AFIBBERS FORUM
Quotesusan.d Wow Madeline! I had a dx of pulmonary hypertension after my covid when I couldn’t get my 02 higher than 70. There was no follow up unfortunately. My pulmonologist ignored it. I’m happy your doctor is not ignoring it. Keep us updated. Hi Susan, My O2 sats are good. I was actually wondering if you had pulmonary hypertension since you treated with the ipratropium bromide (for youby Madeline - GENERAL HEALTH FORUM
I just want to say that on my 6 wk post Watchman TEE this April, there was a dx of mild to moderate pulmonary hypertension, RVSP 50-55. No doctor commented on it to me. Then when I got my 6-mo TEE this July, there was a dx of severe pulmonary hypertension, RVSP 70-75. My cardiologist saw it & had me come in to see him. Rather than trying any little checks with a transthoracic echocardby Madeline - GENERAL HEALTH FORUM
Hi Betty Lou, Briefly, I will say I take approximately 7000 IU ave of Vit D daily (to include Vit D3 pills & cod liver oil tsp daily) & I take K2 along with each pill dose combo. I can raise my levels this way, was 75 last April. I don't sunbathe because I don't like it & am not swimming outdoors since ages ago (like to swim, but not to sunbathe in a baking way) &by Madeline - GENERAL HEALTH FORUM
Hi Betty Lou, Briefly, I will say I take approximately 7000 IU ave of Vit D daily (to include Vit D3 pills & cod liver oil tsp daily) & I take K2 along with each pill dose combo. I can raise my levels this way, was 75 last April. I don't sunbathe because I don't like it & am not swimming outdoors since ages ago (like to swim, but not to sunbathe in a baking way) &by Madeline - GENERAL HEALTH FORUM
Travis, Do you not remember? I answered this for you long ago and I had a very successful and detailed TEE in my hometown because there are many watchman providers here and they follow the watchman protocol for the TEE. As a matter fact, it was way more detailed than the reports I had an Austin. My only complaint was that they use more anesthesia than just proopofol and I didn’t know they woulby Madeline - AFIBBERS FORUM
Quotetvanslooten Madeline: Just curious if you had your "local TEE" yet. If so, how did it go? Were there any hiccups at all, or did everything go smoothly? I'm considering a local TEE as well but the whole process seems cumbersome. Travis Hi Travis, Yes, I got the 6-mo TEE 7/31, Monday before last. The doctor was very thorough. She also generated a report very quby Madeline - AFIBBERS FORUM
QuoteMadeline My memory might be letting me down, but isn't turmeric contraindicated if taking anti-coagulants....? Apparently not, because my cardiologist is pretty strict & he ok'd it, but not the ginkgo I had previously been taking. That said, I don't want to push it by perhaps taking too much, bec like you, I always thought it also had thinning properties. Saying thaby Madeline - AFIBBERS FORUM
Quotegloaming My memory might be letting me down, but isn't turmeric contraindicated if taking anti-coagulants....? Apparently not, because my cardiologist is pretty strict & he ok'd it, but not the ginkgo I had previously been taking. That said, I don't want to push it by perhaps taking too much, bec like you, I always thought it also had thinning properties. Saying that,by Madeline - AFIBBERS FORUM
QuoteCarey 1. There is low normal LVEF approximately 55% with no significant wall motion abnormalities. That's perfectly normal. What's the purpose of the turmeric? Turmeric is advised by many for inflammation, joint aches/pain, an alzheimer prevention supp & a host of other things. My cardiologist said I could continue to take it whenever I asked a while back, but I nevby Madeline - AFIBBERS FORUM
Saw on report that my EF was 55% - FINDINGS: 1. There is low normal LVEF approximately 55% with no significant wall motion abnormalities. Any other contributions from you re this & also my turmeric intake now are appreciated. Thanks,by Madeline - AFIBBERS FORUM
Hello, I am making some notes in my files re my Watchman and my 1st TEE post-Watchman in April. I have a copy of the TEE & I wanted to ask about this statement in their report: 1. Low normal left ventricular ejection fraction with normal cavity size. Note I had LAA ablation in August (with some pericardial effusion of ~200 mL & pericardiocentesis) & a TEE in November with aby Madeline - AFIBBERS FORUM
And, I will add that I had my successful first TEE post-Watchman in April. Daisy & I were there at the same time the last 2 procedures, I being one procedure ahead of her each time. In April someone I knew in my hometown had sold his restaurant, Asti, in Hyde Park area & had recommended I go there for dinner. As luck would have it, my husband & I already knew the area & it wasby Madeline - AFIBBERS FORUM
Thank you everyone. Good to know. I might never have even thought of this when my next MRI rolls around.by Madeline - AFIBBERS FORUM
I have never seen on this thread an MRI of what area? Doesn’t that matter? What about an MRI of the brain with and without contrast - would that have any effect on the watchman in the heart?by Madeline - AFIBBERS FORUM
Hello, I have had a lot of success so far in facilitating my 6-mo TEE to be done in my hometown. 1. I found the Watchman placers here from the Boston Scientific list. 2. I contacted the doctors' nurses at my clinic doing the Watchmans to see who did their TEEs. 3. I was given names. 4. I saw my cardiologist (yes, not an EP bec we had a couple yrs' hx together by timeby Madeline - AFIBBERS FORUM
QuoteJayBros The hardest part of that whole rigmarole was getting a disc of the video mailed to Dr. Natale because the two facilities had different and incompatible video transmission software. JayBros, I have run into that same difficulty locally in the past. Computer softwares don't match up necessarily & can't show the images on another's computer. I am afraid of that toby Madeline - AFIBBERS FORUM