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Adding Taurine & Argine To Diet

Posted by Ron 
Adding Taurine & Argine To Diet
March 29, 2009 12:14PM
I am currently taking 200 mg of flec, 5 mg of warfarin and 75 mg of plavix daily. I maintain an IF value between 2.0 - 2.2.

I am thinking of adding taurine and argine to my diet as a supplement to help me stay out of Premature Atrial Contractions and ultimately AFib.

Would taurine and argine affect my blood clotting IF score? I though I read where taurine or argine might affect blood clotting. Anyone have any knowledge on these supplements?

Tom Poppino
Re: Adding Taurine & Argine To Diet
March 30, 2009 03:31AM
Ron are you in permanent afib? is that the reason you are on blood thinners? anyway I like many here use Taurine and arginine, I have never read anywhere that they effect blood viscosity?

I am now using L-Arginine Powder and use 5 grams per day in water on an empty stomach, I really beleive it calms my heart!

Re: Adding Taurine & Argine To Diet
March 30, 2009 04:14AM
No, I am not in permanent afib. I have premature atrial contractions and missed heart beats whenever I start having a GERD attack. This starts with burping and then PAC. I am trying to limit any GERD attacks through diet, but sometimes out of no where I have an attack.

I have started with magnesium, potassium and Q10 suppliments... I thought maybe I could add Taurine and arginine to help with further outbreaks....

My heart doc keeps me on Flec and Antenenol to keep me from then going into AFIB...and blood thinners for added protection if I ever flip out.

I would really like to get off of some of these meds!!! So my goal is to limit my GERD and PAC and thus stop future AFIB attacks..

Any Suggestions out there???

Re: Adding Taurine & Arginine To Diet
March 30, 2009 04:50AM
Ron - you don't mention your age or if you have any underlying health conditions that require the use of warfarin/Coumadin.

Very often, patients are given warfarin when then really don't require it (the docs seem to want to stick to some CYA protocol) and since long-term use of warfarin can have some nasty side effects, it's important not to use it until you absolutely must. If you haven't read the AHA guidelines for the use of warfarin, you may find it helpful when discussing this requirement with your cardiologist.

As for arginine use, the only precaution with arginine that I know of is if you had chicken pox as a youngster, then beware that using arginine can stimulate activity of the dormant virus and you'll get a shingles outbreak.
Supposedly, the remedy for that is to also use the amino acid, Lysine, along with the arginine but I'm not sure of the ratio - if it is 1:1 or something different.

Please read CR #63 -the No More Heartburn Series. Most of the time, people with GERD suffer from lack of digestive enzymes which would include natural stomach acid (hydrochloric acid) and taking drugs to prevent that function just makes the condition worse. There are many really good digestive enzymes that really are curative to gastric problems.

It's known that from about age 30 on, the production of ample digestive enzymes begins to decrease and by the ages of 50-60 and over, there is not nearly enough to adequately aid with proper digestion.


Re: Adding Taurine & Argine To Diet
March 30, 2009 07:07AM
Arginine is a good amino acid for many things, and Lysine counter balances some of its effects.

One caution with taking too much arginine is for people with certain viruses that respond well to L-Lysine, like the various herpes virus which can be exacerbated by the effect of too much arginine depleting lysine's viral suppression effects.

Hence Jackie's caution about shingles as well which is also of the herpes family.

Tom Poppino
Re: Adding Taurine & Argine To Diet
March 30, 2009 08:42AM
yeah Ron I don't get why you are on blood thinners? if you go in to afib you could have Warfarin on hand .....I'd get off it

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