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neurotoxins as a trigger ?

Posted by SimonR 
neurotoxins as a trigger ?
June 23, 2024 12:12PM
My afib and PAC's have been very quiet last 6 months after finding my main trigger is Tyramine and Calcium just 1 episode (3 hours) and then last 6 days I have had PAC's and gone into afib everyday, most was able to reset with holding my breath but not all.
I hadn't changed diet and was shocked at the rapid escalation, today I realised the last week I have been eating a batch of peanuts( I air-fry the raw nuts) that I had overcooked(burnt) so I checked online and burnt nuts produce acrylamide(a neurotoxin) and now I am thinking maybe this could be the cause of the rapid increase as neurotoxins can cause arrhythmias.

Has anyone else had similar experience, I know I might be clutching at straws but just hoping there is a easy fix and daily afib is not my new normal.
Re: neurotoxins as a trigger ?
June 23, 2024 04:09PM
For almost all of us, the disorder progresses, but not linearly. It goes in fits and starts. Once it gets beyond a certain point, you've moved from paroxysmal to persistent, and then from persistent to permanent.

If your AF is still limiting itself, even for just an hour or so until the next bout, it is still paroxysmal. I think for many of us, it's a Vagus nerve problem. Stomach acids in the esophagus, too much bloating and gas, pain in the thorax anywhere, stress from prolonged and intractable problems, poor sleep, irritability or anger when you reach your limit of tolerance to an annoyance of any kind...these are examples of what can set off an arrhythmia.

It could also be due to dietary intake, even in very small quantities. Gluten might do it, calcium, lack of magnesium or taurine, lack of, or too much of, potassium. Even hyponatremia can set one off. Supplements meant to improve a balance can become overdone, or they are mixed with something that becomes burdensome for the body to deal with effectively.

I think acrylamides might possibly be a trigger, although they are found in most burnt foodstuffs with carbohydrate. The Cancer UK site insists there's no causal cancer link from eating burnt foods. Beyond that, nothing else mentioned. However, there is ample evidence that inflammation can bring on AF, and if your particular self responds to acrylamides by producing, say, arachidonic acid, you'd be fighting inflammation in no time at all.
Re: neurotoxins as a trigger ?
June 23, 2024 04:58PM
I think for many of us, it's a Vagus nerve problem. Stomach acids in the esophagus, too much bloating and gas, pain in the thorax anywhere, stress from prolonged and intractable problems, poor sleep, irritability or anger when you reach your limit of tolerance to an annoyance of any kind...these are examples of what can set off an arrhythmia.

Thanks for the reply.

All of my PAC and afib problems started 2 years after food intolerance problems.

I was getting stomach pains at night for 2 years gradually getting worse, my GP had me on PPI's even though I had no reflux, eventually I had an endoscopy which found a small sliding hiatus hernia and some inflammation in the stomach, using the FODMAP exclusion diet I worked out I was intolerant to fructans and lactose. I now can manage the night stomach pains by avoiding fructans and lactose but I think the 18 months of PPI's messed up my microbiome and now I get lots of bloating (methane) 7 hours after meals, research has shown that methane in the gut can drop the resting HR by 5 bpm (I see this happen after meals) and as my resting HR is normally 50 the lower HR makes AFib more likely to set in.

As most of my afib's start when leaning forward and feel at first like indigestion I am pretty sure my oesophagus/HH/bloating are A big factor to setting me off and if I have eaten any Tyramine or too much calcium that day my atrium is on a hair trigger and any pressure from the oesophagus will start PAC's first then AFib, maybe the acrylamides from the burnt nuts had a similar effect.
Re: neurotoxins as a trigger ?
June 23, 2024 08:24PM
I used to have a problem with some reflux, gassy burps, belching really, and my AF would come on bending over to tie my shoes. I found that if I occasionally introduced both Kimchi and probiotics into my system, things improved.

One other great tip, at least for me: when I have gassy belching, some pain in the esophagus from the 'fumes', especially if it's within an hour or two of my normal bedtime, I swallow, straight up, a tbsp of apple cider vinegar. This isn't for the faint-of-heart, but it works like a hot damn...for me. The idea is that the pyloric valve has not closed off for some reason, and it isn't sensing stomach acid that is supposed to make it shut itself. I know, it seems contradictory, but that's what the article I read indicated, and that the acidic vinegar will encourage it to finally close up for the next several hours. This has worked amazingly reliably for me. Within minutes of swallowing the strong fluid, my reflux settles and I can go to bed without fear of having to sit up and belch, peeling the paint off the wall.
Re: neurotoxins as a trigger ?
June 23, 2024 09:16PM
Unfortunately Kimchi is high in Tyramine like all fermented foods so no go for me, also I don't actually get reflux, just the sliding hiatal hernia when I am full or bloated seems to pop into my oesophagus and aggravate my heart.
Re: neurotoxins as a trigger ?
June 24, 2024 04:30AM
Ahh, got it. So this is something that could stand a repair...possibly? My father had his repaired at 90, although he doesn't feel like it accomplished much.
Re: neurotoxins as a trigger ?
June 24, 2024 05:53AM
I used have similar situation to yours with bloating, silent acid reflux and indegestion. I tried everything from FOODMAP diet to using HCL enzymes and many other temporary fixes. I even quit all processed calcium foods which was virtually impossible. Some of us have food intolerances that unfortunately will never get fixed as long as we continue to consume the same foods. After getting on Keto and totally changing my gut biome due to grass fed butter and animal fats I ultimately switched to carnivore and have been on it for few years and my diet and heart has never been better, in fact I sometime forget to even check my pulse for weeks and then realize how liberating that is. One thing that I do remember is that every time I added any nuts in general my indigestion got worse, I even used organic brands but it didn’t improve, I’d feel bloated, pacs would come on and heartburn would kill me for hours. Well it turns out nuts in general oxidize and most people have some sort of allergic reaction but don’t notice it. As an example one of my kids gets hives from peanut butter but it took a year to finally isolate it. I use to follow Dr. Gundry and he had a good explanation on plants in general and how harmful they could be, but there’s so many thing you have to consider and follow that it’s too difficult for any person to remember. Meat on the other hand, is completely safe, I’ve never heard anyone say “I have a meat allergy” unless they were bitten by a tick, which leads to something called tick bite meat allergy.

The fact is that if you eat non processed animal foods you’ll eliminate any allergic or potentially harmful toxins coming from plants in general. The more you educate yourself, the more you’ll realize that plants don’t want to be eaten, they contain defense mechanisms, like oxalates, lectins and many others. Peanuts are simply seeds of a plant and aren’t healthy at all, at least that’s what my body told me.
Re: neurotoxins as a trigger ?
June 24, 2024 08:58PM
I eat a fair amount of nuts...I love 'em. The trick is to eat few, otherwise you bloat in the adipose way. But the real trick is to either don't buy them near their best-by date, and/or don't eat them when they're stale or close to it. By stale I mean the fats have gone rancid. You don't want to eat rancid seed or plant oils because they do cause inflammation.

As for peanuts, I have eaten copious quantities all my life with apparent impunity. I eat little of the homogenize/saturated peanut butter varieties for health reasons (as should most everyone). I do appreciate that some have an allergy or an intolerance, while some react a different way that isn't good for them.
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