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why omeprazole

Posted by Shiny Sleeves 
why omeprazole
May 22, 2024 11:05PM
Hi everyone. I had a cryoablation on Monday and it's Wednesday today. They sent me home with a script for omeprazole (Prilosec?) and I wondered if anyone could tell me why?

I did have two days of hiccups randomly that resolved with taking a teaspoon of sugar (sugar is one of my trigger foods) and wondered if the omeprazole was for keeping stomach acid out of the esophagus because the esophagus gets inflamed with the procedure.
Re: why omeprazole
May 22, 2024 11:48PM
Yes, that is exactly the reason.

Re: why omeprazole
May 23, 2024 03:44PM
I was sent home with a three-week scrip for sucralfate, a sickly sweet, sticky, chalky, gritty, syrup that I was to take an hour prior to eating, and it was for the same reason. The TEE and ablation can irritate the esophagus, and they want to control inflammation and erosion caused by stomach acids and regurgitated food, or even acidified food material burped up to clear gas, which CAN happen during sleep, let alone eating.
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