I was given two large white tablets to take when my first ablation failed at six days out. In the ER, when I asked, they said my potassium was low. I eat potatoes most days, about a quarter cup of peanut butter, daily, eat beets, pistachios, drink coconut water....all with plenty of potassium in them, but........
BTW. and not meaning to change the particular electrolyte topic, it's the very same for magnesium. Many/most people who don't eat leafy greens or eat nuts and other suppliers of Mg are deficient. I could go on about D3...grossly deficient if you live north of CA and don't supplement by about 3000-5000 IU daily.
Carey is right to include the caveat about healthy kidneys, but also a healthy endocrine system, no Cushings or Hashimoto's, and other disorders that weaken the body's ability to take up and to put to work all the useful elements, amino acids, etc.