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Antarctica Cruise

Posted by Yuxi 
Antarctica Cruise
February 20, 2024 01:17PM
I am thinking about booking a 15-day Antarctica Cruise in December. Anyone here has done it? I had my index ablation last July, had one episode of Afib earlier this monthsad smiley

I am cautiously optimistic, or should I be concerned about traveling so far on a cruise?
Re: Antarctica Cruise
February 20, 2024 01:40PM
I am thinking about booking a 15-day Antarctica Cruise in December. Anyone here has done it? I had my index ablation last July, had one episode of Afib earlier this monthsad smiley

I am cautiously optimistic, or should I be concerned about traveling so far on a cruise?

As a guy who has used on-demand flec to convert episodes (and it has always worked) for over 19 years, I'd go anywhere. I'd say it really depends on your situation: did the episode self convert? how long did it last? how symptomatic are you? do you have a med (like flec) you could use to convert? Does the boat have a doc with equipment that could do an ECV?

A few years ago, I did a two week paddle raft trip with many hiking side trips in the Grand Canyon. Not as remote as Antarctica, but would have been an expensive helicopter ride if I'd needed an evacuation.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 02/20/2024 01:50PM by GeorgeN.
Re: Antarctica Cruise
February 20, 2024 01:57PM
Hi George, I took a 30mg Diltiazem and converted in 3 hours. I am very symptomatic with high HR. I have leftover Flec from last year. Sounds like you would go if you were me smiling smiley
Re: Antarctica Cruise
February 20, 2024 03:03PM
I came back from Antartica a week ago and was on Viking. Amazing trip, but for one week on Antartica, it took one week of travel (air and crossing the Drake Passage). There was a Dr. on board, but what treatments were available, I do not know. However, when I had active afib, many years ago, my bouts would not have impacted what I did on this cruise (mostly zodiacs taking you on shore and a bit of walking). Physical activity was not a big deal, just stepping off the ship onto the rubber zodiacs or on to what they call Special Operations boats. Climbing into a kayak from a zodiac was a little more challenging, but very doable. How afib affects you and how fit you are is the issue. I have always been very fit, so a little more breathing during activity (when in afib) would not have been a big deal. We did hike up a few steep snow slopes to see penguins, but nothing was more than a few hundred yards. Allowable activity on shore is VERY controlled and limited.

When I had afib before my first ablation, I wanted to do extended hiking trips in Europe, but decided against it because I didn't want to be on a steep trail in the middle of a 10-mile hike and have a bout of afib. After the ablation, I did two big hiking trips is Europe. FYI - I am 78 years old and I spent a week skiing in Colorado a week before the cruise.
Re: Antarctica Cruise
February 20, 2024 03:36PM
Thank you Ken, glad to know you are going so well! I am very encouraged.
Re: Antarctica Cruise
February 20, 2024 04:46PM
I've been on several cruises with afib, and I spent 2 weeks in Italy just a couple of months after an ablation. Do you have any metoprolol or another rate control drug and an anticoagulant? That's all you really need. If you don't have any, ask your doc for a supply. If you go into afib, take the drugs to keep your rate down and go about your business. Might be uncomfortable, but you don't need a doctor or ER. And trust me, the doctor on a cruise ship isn't going to treat your afib. They'll put you ashore at the first opportunity.
Re: Antarctica Cruise
February 20, 2024 05:46PM
thanks Carey, I have and used Diltiazem as PIP, it worked for me.
Re: Antarctica Cruise
February 21, 2024 03:20PM
Thought I would weigh in here as someone who thrives on travel but have been forced to put that on hold for 8 years because of major surgery, afib, pandemic and now more afib. I agree that if one is asymptomatic and if rate control works it should be fine. You did say that you were able to convert with PIP which is great as well. I am wondering though if anything will change between now and December? That would be the only thing that would give me pause. I was fine for 4 years after my 3rd ablation (not counting Maze) but it started again a few weeks ago. I was just thinking of taking a trip this spring too. Now it's wait and see what happens and if I am stable by next month maybe book a last minute trip somewhere for a few weeks. The other thing I would do is to buy a short term medical evacuation policy with Medijet. Not for everyone but worth it for the peace of mind. Medijet will evacuate you from anywhere if you are admitted to hospital while on vacation.
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