He is running about 10% burden. On multiple meds to try and control. The episodes are also trigger AFIB
So, he has afib and he's thinking that stopping the ectopics will fix the afib? Sorry to say it won't. He's kind of thinking backwards. Fix the afib and the ectopics will disappear, improve, or at least stop provoking afib. Just fix the ectopics and he'll still have afib, and it won't get better with time.
Treating ectopics can be quite difficult, which is why most EPs won't even consider interventional measures until you reach about a 20% burden. Almost any EP can run him through trying the limited number of drugs that can make a difference. All EPs are familiar with those drugs, so he doesn't really need some super-specialist. He needs someone to treat his afib.
Tell him to join here and we can address his questions directly.