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Is it O.K. to Take CBD Oil with Eliquis?

Posted by tvanslooten 
Is it O.K. to Take CBD Oil with Eliquis?
January 01, 2023 08:10PM
I have suffered from insomnia for years (almost two decades now). After sleep studies, medicines, etc. etc. I finally found something that gives me decent relief - CBD oil! I've been taking CBD nightly now for two years but now I'm on Eliquis in preparation of my second Natale ablation and I'm not sure if I can continue the CBD.

I've done some initial research and I'm getting conflicting info. Some sources say "no" while others say it's "probably o.k." with X dose of CBD. I'm not finding anything concrete.

I'd like to continue my nightly dose of CBD oil of 60mg but if I have to lower it or eliminate it I will...although I won't sleep worth a darn in the meantimesad smiley

Anyone else combining CBD with Eliquis?

Re: Is it O.K. to Take CBD Oil with Eliquis?
January 01, 2023 10:00PM
They both affect the CYP proteins, which are responsible for breaking down Eliquis in the liver. So potentially CBD could increase your serum levels of Eliquis. The same is true of THC, so people who use cannabis in any form could be affected. There are many millions of people around the world using cannabis in various forms, and among those millions are going to be a few million on anticoagulants as well. Nevertheless, there are no reports of clinically significant interactions.

It's not something I would be concerned about. Eliquis is extremely safe and has a very wide safety margin, so even if CBD bumps your levels up a bit, that's not going to be a major problem.
Re: Is it O.K. to Take CBD Oil with Eliquis?
January 03, 2023 03:27PM
I take 3-5gms of glycine at night. Main effect - sleep all night long with vivid lengthy dreams and no hangover that comes from sleep aids. It's the best thing ever.
Re: Is it O.K. to Take CBD Oil with Eliquis?
January 03, 2023 08:20PM
I take 3-5gms of glycine at night. Main effect - sleep all night long with vivid lengthy dreams and no hangover that comes from sleep aids. It's the best thing ever.


Although glycine is the simplest amino acid, it has a complex array of functions and effects on the body. While it can inhibit certain neurotransmitters that can improve certain psychological conditions, it can also excite neurotransmitters that cause muscular convulsions and potentially fatal brain hyperexcitability.
Re: Is it O.K. to Take CBD Oil with Eliquis?
January 21, 2023 11:24PM
Thanks Carey!

Re: Is it O.K. to Take CBD Oil with Eliquis?
April 03, 2024 03:57PM
Although glycine is the simplest amino acid, it has a complex array of functions and effects on the body. While it can inhibit certain neurotransmitters that can improve certain psychological conditions, it can also excite neurotransmitters that cause muscular convulsions and potentially fatal brain hyperexcitability.

That sounds scary. However the website lists this with a little more subtelty: (when dose is too high)

If a dose of glycine is too high, it can cause fatal hyperexcitability in the brain, but highly inhibited glycine can cause muscular convulsions and asphyxia, causing death. This is because glycine receptors can be blocked by strychnine, which in high amounts causes these fatal complications.
Re: Is it O.K. to Take CBD Oil with Eliquis?
April 03, 2024 04:02PM
I have suffered from insomnia for years (almost two decades now). After sleep studies, medicines, etc. etc. I finally found something that gives me decent relief - CBD oil! I've been taking CBD nightly now for two years but now I'm on Eliquis in preparation of my second Natale ablation and I'm not sure if I can continue the CBD.

I've done some initial research and I'm getting conflicting info. Some sources say "no" while others say it's "probably o.k." with X dose of CBD. I'm not finding anything concrete.

I'd like to continue my nightly dose of CBD oil of 60mg but if I have to lower it or eliminate it I will...although I won't sleep worth a darn in the meantimesad smiley

Anyone else combining CBD with Eliquis?


DId you end up taking the CBD? I am interested as I have poor sleep related to Long Covid.
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