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RIP - Erling M. Waller 6-11-1928 - 12/31/20

Posted by Jackie 
RIP - Erling M. Waller 6-11-1928 - 12/31/20
January 04, 2021 08:31PM
Although many of our members from years ago are no longer reading here,
we still have some who remember the prolific postings by Erling M. Waller.
Erling welcomed me to the Afibber’s group at least 20 years ago and
we shared many reports and emails on relevant Afib topics.

Erling was one of the fortunate afibbers who was able to manage his AF with
dietary and lifestyle changes and attention to the importance of magnesium.
He did the research and experimenting to formulate the home-made version of
magnesium bicarbonate water … aka “Waller Water” and I know many, who
are still using his useful formulation … including me.
Every day when I drink my WW, I’ll be remembering.

In a recent email to me, Erling’s daughter wrote that he had died peacefully in his sleep… in his own bed.

May you rest in peace! Godspeed, Erling.

Re: RIP - Erling M. Waller 6-11-1928 - 12/31/20
January 04, 2021 09:07PM
So sad to hear of his passing. Like other old timers on this forum, his contributions were so valuable. He will be missed.
Re: RIP - Erling M. Waller 6-11-1928 - 12/31/20
January 04, 2021 09:39PM

I remember Erling very well, read many of his postings. It is good that he was home when he died, thanks for letting us know.

Re: RIP - Erling M. Waller 6-11-1928 - 12/31/20
January 04, 2021 10:20PM
Thanks Jackie ...

For letting us know. And it's at least good to hear that Erling passed away peacefully during his sleep.

Re: RIP - Erling M. Waller 6-11-1928 - 12/31/20
January 04, 2021 11:03PM
Thanks Jackie for letting us know.

When Erling lived in Denver, we connected and had lunch a few times. Erling made many contributions here. I'm glad he passed peacefully.

Re: RIP - Erling M. Waller 6-11-1928 - 12/31/20
January 06, 2021 03:38PM
Thank you Jackie for letting us all know. I’m one of those old-timers and I think of Erling often when I drink daily Waller Water.

So he was 92 years old? I think he had already reached quite some age when he taught himself biochemistry (?) and replicated the magical Australian magnesium bicarbonate water.


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 01/06/2021 03:43PM by Gill.
Re: RIP - Erling M. Waller 6-11-1928 - 12/31/20
January 07, 2021 12:42AM
“Obviously it can happen, and should happen. Which is why we keep pounding away on nutrition, nutrition, nutrition. I came down with a bad case of the Afib at 67, and no Board Certified anybody said it could be helped, and therefore I must be digitized with digoxin, and maybe I should try a calcium channel blocker, or maybe a beta blocker, or maybe a newly invented and risky anti-arrhythmic, or maybe an in-trial open-heart surgery, or maybe have my AV node neutered so I could run on more reliable batteries, or maybe just wait for a left atrium procedure to fry some unruly cells which would surely become available within my lifetime, and in any case I must be 'anti-coagulated', etc.
What to do? Knowledge had served me perfectly for a successful career in high-tech aerospace engineering, so I holed up in the Dennison Library of the University of Colorado Medical School where I was led (don't ever doubt the powers of Intention and Intuition) to the 1980 text book Magnesium Deficiency in The Pathogenesis of Disease by Mildred S. Seelig, MD, MPH, FACN, and by "chance" opened it to Chapter 9 where I read about Magnesium Deficiency and Cardiac Dysrhythmia.[mgwater.com]
The rest of my story is tic tic tic . . . When I said, "The rest of my story is tic tic tic", I was not being clear. It took about 6 years from the time I "chanced" upon dear Dr. Mildred Seelig's 1980 textbook on magnesium at the med. school library until full-time NSR was achieved.
Wishing you all the very best whichever way you choose - knowledge and nutrition, or invasive procedure. Earling"

The above was my first introduction to Earling. His words left a great impression and have had much influence on decisions I have made these past ten years that I knowingly have had Afib. I have not gained full-time NSR; maybe never will, but his resolve to seek and experiment for what works has been most helpful and keeps me going.

Yes, God speed Earling.

Re: RIP - Erling M. Waller 6-11-1928 - 12/31/20
January 07, 2021 01:39AM
Erling's story in his own words circa 2002. [www.afibbers.org]

I believe he was educated as a civil engineer.
Re: RIP - Erling M. Waller 6-11-1928 - 12/31/20
January 07, 2021 10:10AM
Rest in peace Erling.

I recall emails we exchanged giving me helpful information.

Thank you Jackie for letting us know.
Re: RIP - Erling M. Waller 6-11-1928 - 12/31/20
January 07, 2021 07:19PM
Thanks for posting that link, George. He was an engineer at (as I recall) Lockheed in California.
And either before or after that, he built homes... many talents... including skiing - downhill racing...
He was born in Norway and probably learned to ski and walk at the same time...winking smiley We would have
long phone conversations about Afib... and eventually, ended up talking about past adventures and interests.

Re: RIP - Erling M. Waller 6-11-1928 - 12/31/20
January 08, 2021 11:55PM
Sincere condolences to Erling’s daughter and other family... and all his friends.

Been consuming his formulation for more than 20 years, and still enjoy it. It’s probably 80 to 85% of my total fluid intake... and we’re all saving so much money!

Very happy to learn he passed in his sleep, and at home with his loved ones. Sign me up for that voyage arrangement.

R.I.P., E... and gracias for all your contributions to our forum.

Thank you, Jackie for filling us in.
Re: RIP - Erling M. Waller 6-11-1928 - 12/31/20
January 14, 2021 02:11PM
RIP Erling.

I really enjoyed Erlings posts on the BB from when I first joined the afibbers crowd around 2006/7. As I recall he had a wicked dry/blunt sense of humour regarding afib and I will never forget one of his sayings "when you walk thru the door of afib that door slams shut behind you" or words to that effect i.e. you may appear to 'cure' it with diet, drugs or ablation but without a doubt there is no going back and it will surely return. After 5 ablations its certainly true in my experience however using the knowledge I picked up from the many great posters on this forum I have been AFIB free since 2010 at my last ablation in Bordeaux. I had a slight setback 18 months ago when forgetting Erlings words of wisdom I over exercised - my trigger - at my local gym and went straight into Atrial Flutter which was cardioverted around 2 months later. Note: Just after my last ablation in Bordeaux I bumped into Prof. Madame Hocini who had done an earlier ablation on me there and to cut a long story short she 'jokingly' more or less said there is nothing left of your Atrium to fibrillate so maybe that's why Flutter kicked in instead of AFIB.

Barry G.
Re: RIP - Erling M. Waller 6-11-1928 - 12/31/20
January 30, 2021 11:07PM
It has been awhile since I have posted here. I'm so sorry to hear of Erlings passing as well. I will always think of him as a warrior in the fight to combat this affliction that so many of us have sadly been introduced to. Along with Jackie and of course Fran he was one of the posters that I would always seek out first when I started on this forum back in 2003. Wow!! a lot of water under that bridge. Erling was always helpful and friendly to noobs. I even think I remember him taking the odd troll to task. ( yes there were one or two ) Erling will be ever remembered as the inventor of Waller Water. That wonderful aqueous magnesium concoction that it turns out is so beneficial to our health. Who but an inventive engineer would figure out a simple way to cheaply increase ones mag levels. Careful though. I learned the hard way to more closely follow directions in order to avoid the runs lol. Yes Barry one needs a sense of humour. I remember Prof Hocini's comment when I asked her if it was ok to drink wine after my successful Bordeaux ablation in 2012. She had a twinkle in her eye when she said it was ok as long as it was good wine smiling smiley

Where ever you are I'd ask that you join me in a toast to a wonderful caring thoughtful man whose words and ideas impacted many lives. Rest In Peace Erling Waller and Thank Yousmileys with beer

Adrian M
Re: RIP - Erling M. Waller 6-11-1928 - 12/31/20
November 05, 2022 05:47PM
Just seen this so somewhat belatedly:

God bless Erling. Wise man.

And like Larry G sign me up for going out of this world quietly in my sleep at 90+ years of age too!

Liking Adrian's comment about what Prof Hocini said about a glass of wine!

I'm going to make myself up a batch of WW in remembrance.

Best to all here,

Mike F
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