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donating blood?

Posted by AB Page 
donating blood?
September 05, 2019 08:16PM
Trying to save an email in to TCAI by asking this austere group.

So my afib is, I guess, technically, in remission. Hopefully forever of course.

I'm 2 ablations (one by Natale) and a Watchman (Natale/Horton) in on this journey. I take BP, cholesterol and a low dose aspirin every day.

I know when I was on Eliquis I couldn't donate blood, but now I'm wondering if it is safe, both for me and of course the pool, for me to donate? Anybody have reasons why I shouldn't, assuming I can?

Thanks folks.
Re: donating blood?
September 05, 2019 08:21PM
I've given blood a lot during my afib career, without incident. However the eliquis may be your issue:


"The requirements for blood donors taking anticoagulants vary. Generally speaking, patients on anticoagulant therapy are not accepted, considering safety of donor (in the event of a hematoma formation during collection) or the recipient (given concern of reduced potency of plasma and potential mild anticoagulant effect on recipient)"
Re: donating blood?
September 05, 2019 08:27PM
Interesting. Is aspirin considered an anti-platelet or is it an anti-coagulant, or for this purpose, are they the same?
Re: donating blood?
September 05, 2019 08:59PM
Aspirin isn't considered the same and blood donations are okay.

Re: donating blood?
September 06, 2019 10:58AM
Thanks for the responses....looks like Ill be donating.
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