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getting an ablation with Dr. Natale in 14.5 days

Posted by susan.d 
getting an ablation with Dr. Natale in 14.5 days
September 04, 2019 10:33PM
If you ever asked me prior to today what odds would I ever consider an ablation, I would say negative infinity.

however today I saw Dr. Natale's PA in Thousand Oaks, CA and they had an opening in 14.5 days so I am on the list.

In the past my af was manageable. I was on flecainide since 2004 and for 5 years I was in NSR... and would get af [usually stopped on its own with a Valium, Mg and low sodium V-8... within 45 minutes] about every 3 years, then once every 2 years and. in 2018 it increased to twice a year [my mom was dying and it was a stressful year and I kept her alive but a yoyo to the hospital].....and in March of this year my mom died and it was a flood gate of AF. I was told by various ER doctors each time I was cardio converted to increase my flec to 3/day. My EP was against it because I don't weigh that much. Cedar Sinai I see for small vessel disease and they asked me to see an EP [even tho I have one] at the hospital to be covered by their umbrella care. That EP told me to increase flec to 3/day and then take a treadmill at his office on the 5th day to see if my heart can handle it. In hindsight I wish I didn't listen to him and switched to Multaq instead before I got v-tac.

I went into v-tac within 2 minutes of the treadmill @3/day flec [3.4 speed] and was cardio converted with a horrible concoction of meds[ who does this? Etomidate, fentanyl citrate 25mg in vein with ondansetron] that put me in the ICU for three days with 23-37 irregular NSR HR, hypoxia and urine output 3 times higher than what I drank. I had a peaceful 10 days without flec after the v-tac....lemonade because I got rid of 5 heart meds] and last Thursday [10 days since ER AF/v-tac,] I went into AF and was converted. I was told if it happened again to call 911 because it could turn to v-tac. Monday-4 days later I was in 181HR AF and was again cardio converted with a ride to the ER by the local fire dept down the street. They were here within a minute. So I thought maybe an ablation is due.

I am very sympathetic to complications to all of my past surgeries. My EP wrote I am a very very complex case, my primary doctor said once if he blew on me I would get iatrogenesis. I had 16 surgeries and 15 I had complications...some they said was 1 out of 4 million to get....sure enough I got them.

I had time to kill and rated each surgery to my "fear/anxiety factor"....15 were 0 and one was a "1" because I had a tumor in my head and the surgeons all said they would probably have to cut my facial nerves to eye and mouth and the scarring would be horrific....but I came out ok with Frey's Syndrome side effect--when I eat the saliva comes out of my neck-and another complication that is very uncommon of "surgical depression deformity"--sunken face....but yet it wasn't life threatening so I don't care. I gave up feeling sorry for looking at myself in the mirror and focused on what made me happy...yet never looking in the mirror.

My concern/fear factor is high for an ablation. Higher than 10/10 but I am going through it. My body can't take burning. It causes infection, red swollen with keloids for a year festering with pus....Add to the fact my daughter wanted me to google the hospital: Los Robles Hospital in Thousand Oaks and check it out. It has a Red gauge for MRSA, inflections and uninary infections.....plus the risk of an ablation such as flutters, and hole in the heart etc and other negative goodies associated with an ablation.

Has anyone had their ablation at Los Robles? I should have had scheduled it at Scripps in San Diego. It's only 3 hours away and I love the train. But he is only there Monday and Tuesday and I was told ideally because of my history of complications to get it done when he is in 1000 oaks because he is there Wednesday to Friday night. They wanted to wait for a Wednesday opening but since my AF is returning, I am getting it done on Thursday morning the 19th. That is soon, I am happy they have an opening but I am getting my backyard redone with a massive 6 ton boulder Japanese pond and garden which I was looking forward to. I hope it is completed before I go in.

wish me luck. My luck has to change. Any pep talk would be appreciated. I am curious if anyone had it at Scripps? I am sure they may have better infection control....or maybe not. I can't get MRSA because my aggressive cancer is in remission and MRSA would be dangerous if god forbid it returns. So I have been a germ-a-phobic and don't touch much in hospitals or elevators or markets without 70% alcohol which kills MRSA. Forget about purell, it is 62% alcohol.
Re: getting an ablation with Dr. Natale in 14.5 days
September 05, 2019 01:44AM

I suggested a friend in Marina del Rey go to Natale (I live in Colorado). I recall her ablation was in Thousand Oaks two or so years ago. She had a great experience and had nothing but good things to say about it.

In the 15 years I've been on this board, I've seen reports from Natale ablations done at the Cleveland Clinic, San Francisco, Austin, Scripts, NY & Thousand Oak. I've suggested friends go to Austin, SF & Thousand Oaks, all with good reports. In addition to being a spectacular operator, Natale has the ability to surround himself with an outstanding support staff, wherever he is.

Good luck!

Re: getting an ablation with Dr. Natale in 14.5 days
September 05, 2019 03:24AM
Thank you. I am calming down now and will hope my Iatrogenesis complications are in the past. I’m so sensitive that atenolol and Prilosec doesn’t work well and I need the brand name. I can’t get brand name of Prilosec in America (I can’t take OTC). I feel better not on flecainide. I had so many side effects such as no sleep with flecainide. I would stay up until 5am unless I had a sleeping pill. Lemonade that I can sleep 8-9 hours now.

I’m very sensitive but in the past surgeries I never gave it a second thought. I treated them just a series of paper cuts. No big deal. I have 2 weeks to get myself ready. The trick is trying to stay in nsr. I’m grateful they made room for me in two weeks. Maybe it will turn my surgical luck around.
Re: getting an ablation with Dr. Natale in 14.5 days
September 05, 2019 07:28AM
I'm going to be holding A LOT of good thoughts for you and sending positive energy your way! (((((susan.d)))))
Re: getting an ablation with Dr. Natale in 14.5 days
September 05, 2019 09:34AM
Hello Susan,

I replied to your PM.

I would not be the least bit concerned having Dr, Natale doing your ablation no matter where he would be doing it. He will have the best of the best working with him and caring for you. Best of luck and you will be in my thoughts and prayers.

Keep us posted.
Re: getting an ablation with Dr. Natale in 14.5 days
September 05, 2019 03:38PM
Thank you all. I woke up in NSR so all is good.

I used to be calm. When 18 I moved to Hawaii to attend univ of H and went to the beach daily just to relax and watch the waves. During chemo I had a choice of facilities UCLA offered but picked the furthest on the beach in Santa Monica. 4 hours in infusion on the top floor on 20th street with a complete wall of glass watching the waves made chemo very positive.

I’m getting a massive 6 ton boulders Japanese style pond with waterfall with fish to continue my method of relaxation in my backyard. They start construction Monday and I hope to get in a few days to relax before the ablation and a place to return afterwards.

I am calmer today. I got a Rx for Valium to because my trigger for AF is stress —caring for dying mom and her death started the marathon of AF. Stress is my biggest enemy. Thank you to everyone who has PM me with pep talks and good wishes. It’s up to God and Dr. Natalie from now on.
Re: getting an ablation with Dr. Natale in 14.5 days
September 05, 2019 08:21PM
You're in the best hands possible with a supporting staff that is unequaled. In < 15 days you'll likely be in durable and sustaining NSR. It's hard dealing with the issues you are dealing with, and that unwelcome stress is challenging. The valium should help wonders and the backyard oasis will be great. Very best to you.
Re: getting an ablation with Dr. Natale in 14.5 days
September 05, 2019 09:49PM
Thank you. California now checks doctors carefully for abusing benzos so he may not refill the Valium even tho it may help control my AF from returning . His colleague got into trouble. I didn’t get much. For today I have PACs but I’m ok and I am accepting my decision.
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