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Posted by Janet M 
August 27, 2019 08:41PM
Hi everyone,

I joined this forum 14 years ago when my journey with afib began. I learned so much from all of you, and the information relieved so much of my anxiety around my condition. My afib settled into an infrequent and manageable pattern, using PIP once a year or so, converting on my own very quickly otherwise.

But things have changed in the last few months. I've had several longer afib episodes and have had the use my PIP (Rhythmol) each time. The last three times, I have converted out of afib and into aflutter - not fun. So far I've converted out of that on my own.

But today I find myself in aflutter again - since 7:30 am - so 6 hours. I'm taking propranalol to keep the rate down. Does anyone have experience with this and any tips on how to encourage conversion? My pulse rate is about 90-100. My doctor says to give it 24 hours before I go to the ER.

My doctor also said that Rhythmol (Propaferone) does sadly convert afib to aflutter in some people. I have an appointment next week to discuss options going forward. Any advice on that would be appreciated as well!

Thank you so much!

Janet M
Re: Aflutter!
August 27, 2019 11:27PM
Janet, are you doing breathing exercises to possibly help with conversion? George N described it very well in his posts.
This is one of them: [www.afibbers.org]
Re: Aflutter!
August 27, 2019 11:38PM
I used to use a big dose of potassium. Go get yourself a bunch of low sodium V8 (low sodium is crucial) and chug at least two 12 oz cans on an empty stomach.

What sometimes also worked for me was exercise. I would do laps up and down the stairs, or walk up a steep hill rapidly. The idea is to get your heart rate going faster than the flutter.

And of course you can combine the two.
Re: Aflutter!
August 28, 2019 07:15PM
Going from AFIB to Flutter with the Rythmol means the Drug worked, but not completely. Another option in addition the one mentioned so far, would be to take a follow-up dose of the Rythmol, maybe smaller than your original Bolus dose, since there would be some still in your system, to try and finish off the Arrythmia. As far as I know, taking Anti-Arrythmics in conjunction with Breathing exercises or Breath-Holds has not been studied or really tested.
Re: Aflutter!
August 28, 2019 07:29PM
Thank you everyone for your responses! I ended up converting at 7:45 pm last night. What a relief. Maybe it was a coincidence but I converted after downing two big glasses of water. I will buy some V-8 for next time for sure.
Re: Aflutter!
August 28, 2019 11:02PM
The Anti-Fib
As far as I know, taking Anti-Arrythmics in conjunction with Breathing exercises or Breath-Holds has not been studied or really tested.

I test it regularly grinning smiley It may be placebo or nothing at all but it never brought AF on. In other words, if it doesn't help, it doesn't hurt and it is free.
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