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Update on Pulmonary/heart issues - had heart echo

Posted by Nancy2 
Update on Pulmonary/heart issues - had heart echo
March 19, 2019 10:44AM
I had the heart echo test on Friday. This is after weeks of breathing being worse than normal and having a glass booth breathing test that showed I have big breathing issues.

Doctor's review of my heart echo:
The echocardiogram showed pulmonary hypertension (high blood pressure in the lungs) which can be explained by the severe obstructive sleep apnea and severe airflow obstruction with the last breathing test for asthma.We will focus on treating these causes.

I have edema in thighs that we're trying to treat with 80mg Lasix/daily. I told him I have been using CPAP for years and his response was "CPAP doesn't fix apnea". So thanks for that CPAP people. They just switched me to a machine that keeps info wirelessly and I should be able to tap into it and see for myself if it's working or not. I've had asthma for years, apparently the meds weren't fixing that either. So am now on Advair & Spiriva.

He also said that the afib wasn't helping, although he didn't put that one down in writing. So the adventure begins?
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