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cardymeter uncertainty

Posted by alexe 
cardymeter uncertainty
January 23, 2015 12:49AM

I want to get a cardymeter but there are a number of different model numbers quoted on the internet and being a simple person I would like to be told this is the best model and here is a suitable place who has them.


Re: cardymeter uncertainty
January 23, 2015 02:37AM
I happened to see this, Alex.

Hope it helps.

Re: cardymeter uncertainty
January 23, 2015 02:33PM

I know there is an older and a newer model. Shannon has both and may be able to comment. If you search, he recently commented on them. I have neither.

Re: cardymeter uncertainty
January 24, 2015 04:48AM

This may be of interest <[hkpp.org] The periodic paralysis people are the ones who came up with this concept to begin with.

Re: cardymeter uncertainty
January 24, 2015 10:00AM
Get the newer model, the B-731.
Start by looking at the info from the makers referenced in the previous response by George.[hkpp.org]

Session 74 [www.afibbers.org] talks about the older more primitive model, and don't start there it will just confuse you.

It's simplier than it seems, after calibrating the unit take a reading, and then type the number into the online calculator [hkpp.org]. That will convert the saliva levels into an equivalent of what serum K+ levels would be.

These cardymeters can be found on EBAY.
Re: cardymeter uncertainty
January 25, 2015 01:57PM
Hi Alex and George,

I own the older blue model and a friend who got one here in Sedona when she developed AFIB had trouble getting her new model to wirk properly and asked me to take a crack at it. This is the new one that Anti-AFIB and I mentioned above as well. It seems that the biosensor in this one is out of whack as it's very hard to calibrate, even though calibration isn't supposed to be required to get consistent readings.

This is no doubt just a fluke problem with this particular meter and I need to send it back to get it fixed which Ive been remiss in getting down with so much else in my plate these days. But while others here can give a better testimonial on the new one and how closely it calibrates in comparison tests to actual blood draws, I can only vouch for my own experience with the clever little blue Cardymeter, whose one real drawback is the extra effort required for frequent two step calibration before each use to get excellent repeatable results.

Best of luck with your new meter which ever one you choose.

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