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RE: My recent ablation w/Dr. Natale on 10-3-14

Posted by Anonymous User 
Anonymous User
RE: My recent ablation w/Dr. Natale on 10-3-14
October 06, 2014 06:20PM
Hello everyone,
I hope everyone is doing good.

I thought I share my experience about my ablation w/Dr. Natale in La Jolla this past Friday 10-3-14

I was the first on the list to be ablated on Friday. They wanted me in at 5:30AM. I was there even earlier. They started to prep me around may be 6:30AM which includes shaving my groin area and joking around. Linda Couts (the NP) and Dr. Natale came in to make sure I'm ready to go and the anesthesia doctor came in to introduce himself. Everyone was super nice and made it really comfortable for me. I was not nervous at all. They then rolled me into the operating room where all the fancy equipment are at and started to put cold patches on my body. And then at this point, I don't remember anything else.

I woke up feeling extremely nauseous and sleepy. I guess they tried to wake me up, but I wanted to sleep more. I finally woke up however long later and ate a yogurt and pudding. I was trying to figure out if I had any pain. Guess what? No pain at all. Not in the groin area, not in the neck, not in my throat, not in my heart. Felt normal. Wow! Too good to be true.

I don't have the exact details about the procedure yet, but I did ask for the report when it's ready. Linda Couts and Dr. Natale came in to make sure I'm OK and if I remember correctly, Dr. Natale mentioned that my procedure was quick and a standard PVI. I will update you all later about the specifics when I have more information.

The rest of the day (Friday) was fine while laying around in hospital bed UNTIL they remove the foley catheter that goes in the man's urinary tract (I'm trying not to use the word penis, oops I said it). This marked the beginning of pain. For the rest of the day and night, going to pee was a NIGHTMARE. It really hurts. Shannon text me and assured me that it would be fine in the morning. I couldn't sleep at all the whole night due to this pain and bloating. My stomach was filled with gas and liquid from the procedure I guess. Morning came, the pain of peeing subside somewhat, but still bloating. Linda came to give me some more info before I get to discharge from hospital. Basically, I need to to take Multaq twice a day and Xarelto for the next 8 weeks. On they way driving home from La Jolla to Los Angeles, me and my friend talked constantly like I didn't just get out of a surgery. We went out to lunch and chatting away. Got home and learned that I gained 6 pounds. But throughout the day, I was able to pee with no pain and gradually, I'm back to my normal weight and the bloating feeling is completely gone. Also, showering and removing the bandages at the groin and neck is not a problem. So, right now, I'm back to working as we speak, like nothing happened.

It's interesting that the pain I experienced has nothing to do with the actual procedure. So, I must give all credits to Dr. Natale and his team for this painless surgery. And I thank them for their professional care.

Regarding my heart's behavior after the procedure: Yes, I did feel some ectopics, but interestingly, they are not bothersome like the kind of ectopics that I had before ablation. And yes, my resting heart rate is slightly higher than before ablation. It's now in the high 70's and sometimes 80's.

I'm back to normal, but I'm not going to exercise for another week per doctor's recommendation.
So, that's all for now folks. I don't know how this will play out, but I thought I give you all a quick update. If anything changes or I have more information about the procedure, I will update you.

Thank you all for your words of encouragement before the procedure and especially Shannon who was extremely caring to call and text me to find out if I'm OK.

I wish everyone well and steady NSR.

Anonymous User
Re: RE: My recent ablation w/Dr. Natale on 10-3-14
October 07, 2014 12:08AM
Congratulations Duke. Excellent report. I'll be having an ablation next month in La Jolla with Dr. Natale too. Good to hear how smooth it was.

Re: RE: My recent ablation w/Dr. Natale on 10-3-14
October 07, 2014 02:47AM
Sounds like a text book ablation procedure for you, Duke. Good job. Like you I had my ablation in La Jolla last March with pretty much the same scheduled pain, discomfort, and adroit faces of both Linda and Dr. Natale at my bedside. By far the "Foley" was the party crasher, though. And I made sure they pulled out the catheter sheaths while I was still out. I watched the hideous removel of those things my first ablation. Not fun.
Because my LAA was ablated, I'm scheduled at Scripps this Thursday, the 9th, for my final TEE. Hopefully my heart is firing correctly and the blood flow is suffice for me to stop taking Xeralto.
Hang in there, Duke, and rest assured that your heart has been given a very long reprieve. You had the best doctor in the world ablate your heart as well as one of the best hospitals to care for you.

Re: RE: My recent ablation w/Dr. Natale on 10-3-14
October 07, 2014 03:24AM

Great report!!

Here's to continued success!

Anonymous User
Re: RE: My recent ablation w/Dr. Natale on 10-3-14
October 08, 2014 02:20AM
Thank you everyone for your comments.

Nick, I wish you a successful procedure. I hope you will get a room with an ocean view like I did smiling smiley

Wish everyone doing well and continued steady NSR.

Re: RE: My recent ablation w/Dr. Natale on 10-3-14
October 08, 2014 01:18PM
Nice Duke. Best Wishes for long term NSR.
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