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Local Cardiologist blocks prostrate biopsy

Posted by smackman 
Local Cardiologist blocks prostrate biopsy
August 01, 2014 10:44PM
My local Cardiologist refused to sign off on me going off Aspirin for 5 days to have a Prostrate Biopsy!

To be honest, I had cancelled the biopsy and went the conservative route but the Hospital called me and said that the July 31 Biopsy would have had to be cancelled because my Cardiologist would not sign off on me stopping 1 325 mg of aspirin a day for 5 days because it had only been 5 months since my Cather ablation per the nurse I talked to. She was also very nice but animate about his decision.

They wanted me to know this in case the Antibiotics did not work because a biopsy is next and I have a problem. They were nice about it but I am stunned he would not sign off on this.

Any thoughts on this? If I need this Prostrate biopsy, can I over rule my local cardiologist? He is out of town till Aug.4.

No Urologist will do a prostrate biopsy if the patient is not off NSAID for 5 days before that I have talked to. I pray to God I do not have to have this biopsy but I might have to.

My Heart is doing great even through the high Anxiety I am currently having worrying about this elevated PSA. It is as steady as a rock. Resting heart rate around 57-60 and so far perfect rhythm. My wife checks my heart rate every day 2 x a day; in the morning and at bedtime.

Here is what the Mayo clinic says which is almost exactly what my Urologist wanted;


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 08/01/2014 10:46PM by smackman.
Re: Local Cardiologist blocks prostrate biopsy
August 01, 2014 11:29PM
Why don't you ask Natale's people 1) what they suggest and 2) if they would sign off?

Re: Local Cardiologist blocks prostrate biopsy
August 02, 2014 12:18AM

Don't forget that PSA elevations occur up to 88 percent perfectly healthy people with no cancer. My dad had PSA's that would go up and down for seemingly no reason. He died in his late 80's and never had prostate cancer issues.

There's reason some insurances won't even cover PSA tests.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 08/02/2014 12:28AM by Tom B.
Re: Local Cardiologist blocks prostrate biopsy
August 02, 2014 03:01AM
GeorgeN Wrote:
> Why don't you ask Natale's people 1) what they
> suggest and 2) if they would sign off?
> George

.1 They knew from previous visits who my local cardiologist was; I never thought my Cardiologist would say no when a few months earlier he approved 5 days off from the Xarelto when I got hit in the eye accidently with a bat by my 6 year old grandchild.

I will talk to Dr. Natale's people if I have to have the biopsy.
Re: Local Cardiologist blocks prostrate biopsy
August 02, 2014 03:03AM
Tom B Wrote:
> [sperlingprostatecenter.com]-
> detection/?ibp-adgroup=adwords&gclid=CjwKEAjw9eyeB
> a6JjFZdJkR06qMxoCwpzw_wc
> Don't forget that PSA elevations occur up to 88
> percent perfectly healthy people with no cancer.
> My dad had PSA's that would go up and down for
> seemingly no reason. He died in his late 80's
> and never had prostate cancer issues.
> There's reason some insurances won't even cover
> PSA tests.

My insurance covers it; I do not want a Prostate Biopsy but if my PSA number is higher a biopsy is the only approved way to see what is going on.
Re: Local Cardiologist blocks prostrate biopsy
August 06, 2014 03:44PM
I actually have a phone call into Dr. Natale's office for a similiar reason. I need a colonoscopy and endoscopy as I've been having stomach/colon issues since a few days before my June 30th ablation with Dr. Natale. When I first called Dr. Natale's office, the nurse said I could go off of Eliquis (or Xarelto) for 2 days, but not until the 3 month "blanking period" is over - which is in mid September. So I'm thinking what if I have colon cancer or something serious and now I just have to wait and let things "brew ' in there? The Gastro doc doesn't think it's anything serious, but he does think we need to check things out. He also won't do the procedures without cardiac clearance.

I'm surprised that it would have to be 5 days off of aspirin when Natale's office said only 2 days off of a stronger blood thinner - Eliquis....?

I have another phone call into Shirley Seever in Austin to see if they are willing to let me have the procedure any earlier. It's scary to sit here wondering if something serious is just festering while we sit around and wait.....bad timing.

Good luck Smackman - I hope it all works out and you can rest easy very soon. ~ Barb
Re: Local Cardiologist blocks prostrate biopsy
August 06, 2014 08:09PM
Actually Barb, the anti-platelet action of aspirin can linger a bit longer than the short over all anticoagulation effect by Factor Xa inhibition that drugs like Eliquis, Xeralto and the new not as yet FDA approved version Edoxaban. those drugs AC effect is pretty much back to baseline within 24 to 36 hours of so depending on the drug.

But alas, many cardios and GPs are still telling people to wait 5 days off just Eliquis or Xeralto even though that is too long and adds more risk to the patient who really needs AC coverage. Such docs are simply adopting the old rule of thumb for Coumadin and aspirin of 5 days while being too lazy to consider the biochemistry and physiology of the new NOAC drugs.

If any of you get that recommendation from a doc for Eliquis, Xeralto of soon Edoxaban then call them on it and educate them too that this is unnecessarily a too long break from protection.

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