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Flecanide and eye problems

Posted by stef 
Flecanide and eye problems
July 09, 2014 10:55PM
After beginning Flecanide 100x2 3 years ago I noticed a blurring in my peripheral vision. It would come and go. About 6 months after starting the drug during a routine eye exam I was told that I was in the early, early, early stages of Macular Degeneration. I didn't pay much attention to the diagnosis as I wasn't experiencing any symptoms. I am now having symptoms and can't help but wonder if Flec can distort peripheral vision can it also affect other parts of the eye? Has anyone else experienced any unusual visual disturbances from taking Flecanide. Thank you.
Re: Flecanide and eye problems
July 09, 2014 11:25PM
Stef - That happened to me as well with flecainide. At first, the ophthalmologist didn't think there was a connection, but my blurry vision was definitely brought on by the flecainide. I was able to discontinue the drug when I had my ablation but I continue to see a retina specialist because there is a slight start of the dry macular degeneration in one eye. I have used the recommended eye nutritional support faithfully for many years and this thankfully seems to keep it from progressing.

When I had to go back on an antiarrhythmic last October, I requested that it not be flecainide because of the macular degeneration and the other reason that since flecainide is a fluorinated drug, it does metabolize to a measurable amount of fluoride ... which is a poison that I prefer to avoid when at all possible.

Re: Flecanide and eye problems
July 10, 2014 12:15AM

Mark Robinson is an afibber UK optometrist who takes flec. Here is a search on some of his posts: <[www.afibbers.org]

You might click on the last one first.

Re: Flecanide and eye problems
July 10, 2014 02:13AM
I had the same symptom when taking Flec. My peripheral vision was distorted and I always had a slight sense of light-headedness. I also noticed a change in how my lungs enhaled and exhaled. I wasn't able to exhale as strongly as before.
As one of my EPs told me, "Flec is a sodium channel blocker, this process does alter some body functions.
Another note, not sure if it's related to flec, but since I've been off the drug for 3 months, my sleep apnea has pretty much dissapeared. I always suspected flec was causing the apnea; doctors said there was no case evidence to prove it, but what do you know?
Re: Flecanide and eye problems
July 10, 2014 03:07AM

I take Propafenone, does this drug have any eye problems similar to flec, I have read that you took propafenone instead of flec. so I am assuming that it doesn't, right?

Re: Flecanide and eye problems
July 10, 2014 10:21PM
Thank you all so much for responding to my question. I will be seeing a Retinologist next week and my Cardiologist the following week and hope to resolve this situation.
Re: Flecanide and eye problems
July 10, 2014 10:35PM
Liz - on the flecainide... my opthalmologists (several over the years) did not know about the vision distortion complaints people were reporting when using flecainide and waived off my thoughts about the connection. However, once off flecainide, the vision distortion went away.

But, if you Google "flecainide and vision" you'll see the various reports. Do the same on propafenone.

I notice the vision changes/same blurriness as with the flecainide so I'm anxious to get off that drug as well. The blurriness coincides exactly when my resuming an antiarrhythmic drug last October.

Re: Flecanide and eye problems
July 11, 2014 09:35AM
Stef -- Was on Flec for several years... did NOT experience any eye probs.

Good luck!

Re: Flecanide and eye problems
July 13, 2014 01:16PM
Mark Robinson the Optometrist from the UK is here.
I can't remember how I got the author name Robo11 or how to change it!
I don't feel I have much to add to the conversation here except to add that for certain Flecainide does produce some very strange visual symptoms that are not of mainstream knowledge to the average Optometrist, Cardiologist or Ophthalmologist.
Unfortunately I am not in a position to do any specific research on this subject (Sorry extreme time issues, I am trying to start an online business which I thought would take me a few months but it's nearly a year now, ouch)
If someone wants to provide a specific link for me to comment on I am more than happy to do that.
I attribute my visual symptoms to a reduction in the speed of transmission of nerve impulses. I get the same effect as an after image (e.g. if you stare at a light bulb then look away) but even with none bright objects. E.g. If I look at a door then move my eyes to look in a different direction and I can still see the door for a fraction of a second. Also some wavy distortion which is so hard to describe.
It is real but don't expect anyone to believe you I am afraid.
It does disappear when the dose is reduced for me.
As far as macula degeneration is concerned I am NOT AWARE of a connection this link seems to confirm my thoughts.
Re: Flecanide and eye problems
July 14, 2014 02:10AM
There is a recent study, extrapolated from the Beaver Dam Eye Study, published in May 2014 that postulates that vasodilator and beta blocker BP drugs increase one's risk for Macular Degeneration by over 70%.
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