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ECG Sample

Posted by Bart 
ECG Sample
June 11, 2014 07:24AM
I live in a remote area so it's not easy to consult my doctor when my heart starts playing up. The two times I've worn a Holter monitor for 24 hours of course my heart has been stable the whole time. Murphy's Law...

So, in an effort to try and capture what's going on I recently purchased online a relatively inexpensive (less than $300) handheld ECG monitor.

I wonder if anyone experienced in reading ECGs would be kind enough to have a look at these sample output images and let me know whether any useful information can be gleaned from the output, or whether I've wasted my money!?




Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 06/13/2014 09:52AM by Bart.
Re: ECG Sample
June 11, 2014 01:40PM
Hi Bart,

The first group if strips looks like NSR.

The second two are is mostly AFIB with a few PACs mixed in. PAC = premature atrial contraction which along with PVC (premature ventricular contractions) are known as ectopics. I hope you can find a decent EP to follow your treatment somewhere within reasonable distance from where you live..


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 06/11/2014 01:43PM by Shannon.
Re: ECG Sample
June 11, 2014 01:58PM
PS Bart, while the monitor you got seems pretty good, just FYI the AliveCor Iphone and Android compatible monitor and app work very well for your purpose too and is about half the $300 price and has a diagnostic service for getting relatively feedback via a consulting service which can come in handy in your remote area, assuming you are in an area serviced by AliveCor?

Cheers! Shannon
Re: ECG Sample
June 11, 2014 05:58PM
Thank you kindly Shannon. Much appreciated and good to know I haven't wasted my money smiling smiley

I'll definitely look into AliveCor as well. I'm not in the US and don't own an Apple or Samsung phone at the moment, but it certainly looks interesting.

Thanks again,
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