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Posted by joey1974 
November 09, 2013 03:23PM
Hi All,
I have a question, I have been doing the magnesium
And drinking the 2...8oz glasses of V8 juice for a week now
I am taking 200mg of Magnesium in the AM. Should I start up
It to take another 100mg in te evening now? By bowel tolerance seems
Ok it's totally firm but not really loose either. I haven't taken taurine yet.
How should I include that? Morning or evening?
I have heard Taurine can be exciting to the Heart and not mess with it to much?
I must say I would usually get a few PACs a day....haven't felt one in 4 days

Re: Taurine
November 09, 2013 08:35PM
Joey - Here are a several links to posts that I use when helping new afibbers with guidelines for adding nutritional supplements.

You can ramp up the magnesium slowly...... adding in one or two at bedtime is usually fine but everyone is different and depending on the health of your intestinal villi where the absorption of magnesium into the blood stream occurs, you may tolerate magnesium well and sometimes not. When the portals in the villi are impacted by various interferences such as Candida albicans or other residues that clog the intestine, then magnesium gets 'dumped' quickly and the bowel issues often occur rapidly as well. You'll just have to experiment to see what you tolerate. Keep in mind that it can take many months or longer to optimize your intracellular stores of magnesium. Some people never become repleted and must continually dose with high amounts.

Taurine can be added right away... It's always smart to start with a low dose.. in this case 500 mg Taurine as a start to make sure you have no incompatibilities and then ramp up to 1000 – 3000 mg daily. Typically taurine helps assist the flow of electrolytes in and out of cells so it is beneficial. Take with food.

Happy reading.


Also refer to CR 72 on the Potassium/Sodium Ratio and Afib

Magnesium Absorption

The Strategy - What Metabolic Cardiology Means to Afibbers

Taurine Posts – Deja vu

[www.afibbers.org] -September 10, 2008

Original - What About Taurine?

Taurine and L-Arginine
[www.afibbers.org] 5/7 08

Dose of Taurine

Magnesium, Potassium, Taurine – Useful Clips – FYI potassium, taurine – useful clips -- FYI
[www.afibbers.org] 7/25/07


Do I need taurine?

Reference to Taurine in Potassium thread and response by PC
[www.afibbers.com] (1/11/04)
Re: Taurine
November 10, 2013 12:28AM
I am finding my limit on taurine is 250mg in the morning, otherwise it is excitatory in a very uncomfortable way.

I may eventually add 250mg in the evening.

A doctor who knows about such things says individual tolerance for taurine varies. When you go over yours, you get the paradoxical excitatory effect -- which is why "energy" drinks are loaded with it.

Lone paroxysmal vagal atrial fibrillation. Age 62, female, no risk factors. Autonomic instability since severe Paxil withdrawal in 2004, including extreme sensitivity to neuro-active drugs, supplements, foods. Monthly tachycardia started 1/11, happened only at night, during sleep, or when waking, bouts of 5-15 hours. Changed to afib about a year ago, same pattern. Frequency increased over last 6 months, apparently with sensitivity to more triggers. Ablation 6/27/13 by Steven Hao.
Anonymous User
Re: Taurine
November 10, 2013 12:32AM
My jar of taurine says to take between meals and that's what I've been doing..No problems, and no change so far..I'm still taking 500mg...We shall see. Wish it would stop my Afib....Luck to all.......Nel
Re: Taurine
November 10, 2013 01:59AM
Taurine can be tricky for some. It sets my heart off so I took it out of the mix a couple of years ago.
Re: Taurine
November 10, 2013 04:08PM
Yea if it acts anything like the additive in energy drinks
I don't want anything to do with it!
Re: Taurine
November 11, 2013 01:45AM
I take 2g morning and evening without any issue. Certainly different people can have different responses.

Re: Taurine
November 12, 2013 04:57PM

As Jackie advised, start low at 500mg and gradually increase. Night time is most important and can help sleep too as it tends to be a calming amino acid ... though some can have a paradoxical effect on too large a dose for them as noted above, but that is much less common on doses of 3grams or under per day than it is to have the supportive and heart calming, intracellular ionic balancing effect it has for most people.

By increasing gradually you are in little risk of any big speedy effect and can easily back off if you start to feel a little too wired. Once you get uo to two to 3 grams a day .. perhaps with 1 gram in the morning and two grams before bed ... and are tolerating it fine then that is your maintenance dose and is very unlikely to go paradoxical on you at some later time.

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