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Measuring Potassium

Posted by Louise 
Measuring Potassium
August 19, 2013 02:37PM
I just got a new bottle of Potassium Gluconate and the 5mg scoop that is usually included was not in it. Since I cannot convert mgs into teaspoons, could someone use their 5mg scoop and put into a teaspoon and tell me what part of a teaspoon 5 mgs is? I'm sure it doesn't have to be exact, but I just want to be close. Thank you! Louise
Re: Measuring Potassium
August 19, 2013 09:19PM

A teaspoon of the NOW Foods magnesium gluconate powder contains 540 mg of elemental potassium and 1/2 teaspoon contains 270 mg.

Re: Measuring Potassium
August 20, 2013 03:05PM
Thank you, Hans.

Re: Measuring Potassium
August 21, 2013 01:21AM
Hans, is Bluebonnet Chelated Mag still available? tried to order some today from I-Herb but it was out of stock.
Re: Measuring Potassium
August 23, 2013 06:45PM
Hello Tom,

It is only temporarily out-of-stock. On the order page you can request to be notified when the product is in stock.

Hopefully, it will just be a matter of days before iHerb has more inventory of this product.

Thanks for your support by ordering your supplements through my web site!

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