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P.A.F. and Glaucoma

Posted by siri 
P.A.F. and Glaucoma
July 30, 2013 11:20AM
Does anyone else out there have Glaucoma as well as P. A.F. I lost some vision in my right eye before Glaucoma was diagnosed a number of years ago. Recently the pressure has increased in the right eye so the consultant , in addition to my using Lumigan in both eyes prescribed Azopt for the right eye only. Within 24 hours I started having more than usual episodes of A.F.
I stopped the Azopt at the weekend and this morning returned to see the consultant. She isn't very pleased that I stopped using the new drops and has warned me about high pressure and sight loss. I was also told that all Glaucoma eye drops affect the heart. I never knew this before.
The Lumigan doesn't say in the listed side effects that it can cause A.F. but it does in the Azopt list. Obviously I don't want anymore sight loss but I also don't want to almost encourage more A.F. If anybody else has had this problem, could they offer some advice please.
Re: P.A.F. and Glaucoma
July 30, 2013 02:48PM
I have taken timolol eyedrops (a beta-blocker) for decades, and I have taken latanoprost for abouit 10 years. Neither seems to affect the onset or duration of afib (just about everything else does though!). Since beta blockers have proven to be problematic for me (as heart medicine) I didn't take timolol for a year or so, but tried it again after that time with absolutely no changes in heart performance.
Re: P.A.F. and Glaucoma
July 30, 2013 04:52PM

You may wish to give the paleo diet and/or alpha-lipoic acid a try for lowering intraoccular eye pressure [www.yourhealthbase.com]

Re: P.A.F. and Glaucoma
July 30, 2013 08:46PM
Thank you Hans for the advice and very helpful link.

When I was first diagnosed with Glaucoma I was given Latanoprost Tom and found it was very good. However it seemed to stop working so well and that is when I changed to Lumigan. I didn't notice any connection with A.F. with either of these. Azopt seems to be a real problem though----or at least it is for me!!

Re: P.A.F. and Glaucoma
July 30, 2013 11:48PM
What I've noticed (since I've been treated for over 40 years) is that the drugs eventually do become ineffective, but after a hiatus, i.e., taking another drug for a while, the intial drug will often once again become effective.

Re: P.A.F. and Glaucoma
July 31, 2013 06:42AM
That sounds hopeful. I was a lot more comfortable on Latanoprost and it seemed to work so well. So after a suitable interval I'll suggest I give it another try. Normally, apart from using the drops I forget about the Glaucoma, the wretched A.F. is much more of a problem.
Thanks for your help.
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