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Lower pulse on left side

Posted by Ralph 
Lower pulse on left side
March 31, 2013 05:44AM
Has anyone checked this or commented on it in the past? My pulse is about 3 or 4 beats slower on the left side than the right - always. If it is 55 on the right it will be about 51 or 52 when I turn to my left, then back to 55 on my right (I am measuring it quite precisely over 60 seconds).

Seems clear that fact is the reason that my vagally induced afib starts on the left side 90% of the time. I try to sleep on my right side (the left was historically my preferred side) til 3am - if I make it til then I am clear to turn to the left side. If I didn't make it til then and find myself on my left side, chances are much higher I will be in afib.

I'm sure this is GI related as well for me, as the lower heart rate doesn't explain it all because some nights I have a lower than normal heart rate (high 40s) and don't get afib (lower than on some nights when I get afib). I think sleeping on the left side may also increase vagal tone via different positioning of the GI tract.

I don't understand the exact mechanism of how vagal afib gets started. Does anyone have experience with the slower pulse on the left? If you haven't checked it out before, are you willing to try and report back? Thanks, Ralph
Re: Lower pulse on left side
March 31, 2013 08:13PM

You may be interested in Conference Room session 36 Right Side vs Left Side [www.afibbers.org]

Re: Lower pulse on left side
March 31, 2013 10:32PM
Thanks Hans! Wow, what a resource you have been and are to so many people.

It is amazing how different we are. I was reading one entry of someone whose heart rate was lower on the right side! I like PC's description of how the stomach can trigger afib on the left side, and his or her recommendation about starting on the right and switching to the left seems to work for me, except I need it to be about 5 hours after laying down as opposed to a "couple of hours".

I feel a little less persecuted about enduring right sided sleep after reading the reports of others with similar issues. Thanks again.
Re: Lower pulse on left side
April 01, 2013 03:36AM
Before taking Ginger, i would wake up on my left side with my heart fluttering at about 100bpm. I could catch it on a monitor, and it was a fast very shallow beat. The wave was very small in amplitude, about 1/2 the size of the NSR.
When my heart is tired, and i lie on right side, i can feel a tearing like the pericardium is pulling off the chest wall, and i have to lie on my back.
I'm a natuaral stomach sleeper though. Its where i always end up.

But i see there is a 2 month cycle where i seem to go from better to worse to better.
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