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I think I may have just thrwarted off an attack

Posted by Randy 
I had a protein shake around 6:15 and then sat down on the couch to do work on computer. Within a couple minutes, I felt the all to familiar feeling like it was about to happen. My heart rate started to go up and I put my hand on my chest and felt like the mouse was about to start spinning on his wheel. I got
up and went over to the middle of the floor. I laid on my stomach and stretched my arms out. I took a couple deep breathes, stood back up, and then took a huge gulp of water. I checked my pulse and it was in the 80's and then came down to my normal range of high 40's. I felt overpowerd that I think I put that damn mouse to sleep before it went crazy. This damn condition is so bothersome. I think about it everyday and am so paranoid all the time.
Re: I think I may have just thrwarted off an attack
March 21, 2012 06:26PM
My EP's seemed to think that my pulse rate in the 50's was too slow and cut my Metoprolol so that I only go down into the high 50's at full rest. If I am awake and moving I am generally around 70-75 bpm.

BTW, I find that I have to avoid COLD protein shakes or smoothies as the ice cold liquid is a 'trigger' for me.

Murray L

Tikosyn uptake Dec 2011 500ug b.i.d. NSR since!
Herein lies opinion, not professional advice, which all are well advised to seek.
Re: I think I may have just thrwarted off an attack
March 22, 2012 01:33AM
Randy - I don't know how many people I've counselled about slouching after eating. Maybe you didn't slouch and maybe the shake wasn't too cold and maybe your stomach wasn't full, but very often, slouching crowds or impinges on the vagus nerve and it's a definite trigger for some. Postural triggers are common.... like bending over from the waist. One person continually had AF after the evening meal until I told him to either sit in a straight-backed chair for at least an hour after a meal or stand up or walk around slowly for an hour. His wife solved it by playing a card game in straight backed chairs or taking a leisurely walk after dinner. No slouching.

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