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Am I reading this right?

Posted by James Wayman 
James Wayman
Am I reading this right?
March 25, 2010 10:32PM
Someone is tring to patent the use of ribose for afib? Well I hope it works that good! lol ... I just started using it.
Here is the link if anyone is interested. Who all here feels that ribose has helped or cured their afib?
Thanks, James


Re: Am I reading this right?
March 26, 2010 03:44AM

Yesterday, on the Dr. Oz show he recommended taking D-Ribose during a segment on fatigue/energy. I am not sure if he specifically mentioned afib. We all know this is a common symptom for afibbers.

I plan to start taking this very soon as I noticed it has been mentioned several times on this BB. You can order from Han's Vitamin shop.

Re: Am I reading this right?
March 26, 2010 06:31AM
James - BioEnergy patented ribose initially; their product name is CorValen.

You can use the search feature here and in the previous BB link for ribose. I've written several posts on the use of ribose. For me, and post-ablation - it made the total difference between breakthrough arrhythmia and none.

I believe if I had access to ribose before ablation, I may not have needed the procedure. The best place to learn about ribose and how it helps the heart is the book by Integrative Cardiologist, Stephen Sinatra, MD....
The Sinatra Solution - Metabolic Cardiology. You can get it online. He incorporates it in his program where he uses his Awesome Foursome... magnesium, carnitine, CoQ10 and ribose. To that, I would add taurine and potassium. That's my 'magic' potion.

Back in '04, I attended the Anti-Aging Congress and sat in on two of Dr. Sinatra's sessions where he talked about his use of ribose.

The doctor who is popular for talking about ribose and its use for Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Fibromyalgia pain is Jacob Tietelbaum, MD. He has a website and several books on the topic... he's been at this for years and has lots of patient history data for its efficacy. Other doctors are finally starting to take note...such as Dr. Oz.

If you go to the BioEnergy website, you can get into their technical writing about the initial findings of treating with ribose.

There is an online interview with Dr. Sinatra and Richard Passwater, PhD... on energy and ribose use. Very enlightening.


I never miss taking my daily two doses of ribose as it definitely keeps my heart calm when I use it in combo with the other necessary nutrients. Optimizing magnesium and potassium is the first step.


Bill S
Re: Am I reading this right?
March 26, 2010 07:31AM

thanks for the links, very informative. Just what the doctor ordered. lol
I just started taking ribose a few month ago when I read one of your posts.
I have a very large number of PAC throughout the day, especially during exercise.
After starting the d-ribose I can hardly feel them. Their intensity has dropped conciderably.
I think I still get the same number though. I am taking 5g tid. I am going to up the dose and see what happens.
I use a cs600 polar heart monitor to tell me how many PAC I get in a given time.

Bill S
Re: Am I reading this right?
March 26, 2010 10:27AM
Any recommendations on a brands, types and dosage of ribose?
Re: Am I reading this right?
March 26, 2010 11:11AM
Bill - Glad to hear it's working. I can't imagine going a day without it. People who need it can take up to 15 grams a day.

David - Brands.... go to Hans Supplement link above and at the iHerb link, type in Jarrow Ribose. I like that one. I've posted previously that if you get the totally pure BioEnergy patented version of ribose.... then 1 teaspoon yields 5 grams. Some bottlers provide a little scoop and the measurements of that vary... some scoops yield 2.5 grams so you need 2 scoops to get the 5 grams... Watch closely the labeling. I think some brands adulterate the product (dilute) because it takes more than a teaspoon to get the 5 grams.

Ribose is fairly pricey .... but for my money, it's the best 'buck' spent because it keeps my heart so stable. If there is ever a threat that supplements will not be available to the public, I'm going to hoard a carload of ribose...but I'll probably have to rob a bank to afford it!!! winking smiley

The original brand, BioEnergy's CorValen is also available and it costs significantly more than the Jarrow. I've used both and Jarrow works just as well. I see no difference.

In addition to the ribose, I also use 100 mg of the Ubiquinol daily along with my other standbys of magnesium glycinate, potassium gluconate, taurine, and carnitine in the GLPC form. Post-ablation, I'm able to tolerate carnitine but before ablation, for some reason, it seemed to be too stimulating for me.

Caution.... some people find ribose to be very stimulating. So... use a half dose first for a few days to be sure you don't have an issue with it.

Hans Larsen
Re: Am I reading this right?
March 26, 2010 02:35PM
Thanks, Jackie!

You can also find the Jarrow Ribose at:



Re: Am I reading this right?
March 26, 2010 04:13PM
Thanks, Jackie! I am very interested in trying this.
Re: Am I reading this right?
March 30, 2010 05:52PM
Jackie, I have been using Ribose for 5/6 years now, along with his other 3 to make up the magnificient four. I do believe it has helped me - I am 67 and do l hr on the elipical at least 4/5 times a week, right after I take my Ribose. I have been a subscriber of his for 8/9 yrs, but I will tell you I went for a visit with hime (appts hard to get but I got an hr one on one) - this was before my ablation about 3/4 years ago. He at that time believed in warfain and suggested I stay with the flecanide and warfain. I said I wanted an ablation, he discouraged it which surprised me. I ignored that part of his advice and went to Cleveland and got afib and pvc ablation they were successful and I am a happy camper. Don't know how happy I will be when MEDICARE cuts won't support you going out of your area for procedures - I'm sure that is to come to.
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