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Tom Poppino
Former NBA PLayer with Afib
October 29, 2009 07:51AM
Bobby Jones shops in my store, he played at Univ of North Carolina and the Philadelphia 76ers in the NBA.....he also played on the infamous US Olympic Team that played and lost to the Soviet Union during the 1972 Olympics in Munich........the much disputed contoversial Gold Medal game.

Anyway he is 6 foot 9, I asked him this morning how his health was, he said, well I have some heart arthmia.....I said that I have atrial fibrillation....he said me too! he was cardioverted yesterday.......I was a week ago.

I began educating him. The point here is this: he fits that classic profile, male, tall, lean and formerly athletic who seem to get afib in higher percentages.

Re: Former NBA PLayer with Afib
October 29, 2009 10:23AM
I guess you could put me in that category, too. Same age bracket, same background. Loads of sports, including competitive swimming.

I hate AFIB and look forward to the day when there is a cure. You would be surprised at how many athletes (or former athletes) have AFIBÂ…The former Senator from New Jersey, Bill Bradly, comes to mind.

I personally believe it is a genetic issue, but the common thread of a lifestyle where the heart is exposed to intents period of cardiovascular activity is thought provoking.

When I first encounter AFIB, I could not believe it. I figured my heart was about the strongest part of my body. Now I can't jog 25 yards without thinking my heart will go into an irregular beat. What a life.

Re: Former NBA PLayer with Afib
October 29, 2009 01:16PM

"I personally believe it is a genetic issue, but the common thread of a lifestyle where the heart is exposed to intents period of cardiovascular activity is thought provoking."

Probably both. There is (are) some genetic component(s) that makes the chronically fit susceptible to lone afib. Obviously there are a lot of chronically fit people who don't get it.
John F
Re: Former NBA PLayer with Afib
October 29, 2009 02:05PM
I was aware that Bill Bradley had A-Fib but was not aware of Bobby Jones ( and I am from Philly and was a big fan of his ).

Jerry West, Larry Bird, Derrick Coleman....all professional basketball players with A Fib.

I am 6'4", played high school basketball and continued to play at fairly competitive levels until my mid 40's when I blew out a knee on the court. I have (had?) paroxysmal lone atrial fibrillation since I was about 35 ( now 48 ). I just had my 3rd ablation, this time in Texas with Dr. Natale, and I have now gone 7 months with no A Fib, so we'll see....

I love to play basketball but even if my knees were healthy enough, I don't think I would give up NSR to play!
Re: Former NBA PLayer with Afib
October 29, 2009 03:55PM

You had a third ablation, huh? I had two performed, both at Johns Hopkins. Big mistake. I should have gone to Natale. I am gun shy right now, and my EP tells me it probably wouldn't make a difference. I have AFIB once every two weeks, generally for about 10-12 hours, then it goes into NSR without cardioversion. Like you, my first experience was when I was in my thirties...I am now 55 years old. Taking the supplements and avoiding everything. Unfortunately it still doesn't stop it...

John F
Re: Former NBA PLayer with Afib
October 29, 2009 04:50PM

I had my first 2 ablations at Penn with one of the top 10 EP's in the country. My second ablation made me significantly worse whereby I was going into a fib at least once a week for 15-20 hours. I, too, was skiddish about a 3rd!

My advice to you would be to secure copies of your medical records, line yourself up for a trip to Austin or San Fran and go consult with Dr. Natale. Dr. Natale is fantastic, at the very least to discuss your medical history with. You can ask him, as I did, if he thinks he can help you. Then go from there.

My entire experience in Austin was wonderful and I have been a fib free since that 3rd procedure in March. No guarantees long term and I don't know what tomorrow holds but I can tell you that this is the longest I have gone without a- fib in probably 7-8 years.

Good luck and keep me posted!
Re: Former NBA PLayer with Afib
October 30, 2009 12:23AM
". You would be surprised at how many athletes (or former athletes) have AFIBÂ…"
No, sadly enough, we would not be surprised at all.
Re: Former NBA PLayer with Afib
October 30, 2009 08:09AM
In addition to the physical profile, athletes = severe mineral loss through copious amounts of perspiration.... frequently not replaced.... or they use 'sweetened sports' drinks which help pull out more minerals while adding just a few. Too bad sports medicine docs don't get on this band wagon. Jackie
Tom Poppino
Re: Former NBA PLayer with Afib
October 30, 2009 08:33AM
Jackie that is exactly what I think and probably at least pasrt of why I have afib, I grew up in Miami Fla, and worked out obsessively for years without ever "putting back"

Re: Former NBA PLayer with Afib
October 30, 2009 08:45AM
Sure Tom - In some biochemistries and without optimal quality food intake... it's almost a 'no brainer.' Plus.. and it's a big plus... think about all the excitotoxins that are now in the food supply. That coupled with the other insults... it's pretty amzing that there aren't more cases of 'jock' AF.

Also- another huge contributor is the stress factor... the physical stress that athletes and even weekend warriors create in their bodies.....the stress from exercise can have a huge impact - again on some biochemistries -- depending on how their body manages that physical stress. In some, they become very depleted in the essential neurotransmitters and can be working on exhausted adrenals. None of this is recognized by sports medicine, it seems.


Re: Former NBA PLayer with Afib
October 30, 2009 09:21AM
I wonder how many cyclists who do the Tour de France - 3500 kms approx day after day for 3 weeks with only about 3 rest days - heat - mountain climbs that most people could not even walk up - mental stress - end up with AF.
Of course, quite a lot of them die in their 30's, so maybe don't have time to develop AF. I exaggerate, but there have been a significant number of early deaths.
I have always thought professional cyclists who do the Tour and other such races are insane, but when I learned about the Paris- Roubaix race - a lot of which is over cobblestones - it was confirmed for me.
Re: Former NBA PLayer with Afib
November 01, 2009 07:12PM
Now Bobby? Great defensive ballplayer who could rebound and score too.
Bird was my man but loved Bobby's tenacity. Yikes WTF!!
I also beat up my body for years with multiple sports and currently weight train heavily. Also battled booze and drugs and smoked cigarettes for years, quit now over 12 years ago. Guess I deserve the beast!!!
Actually my AFIB is pretty asymptomatic, my sleep study for sleep apnea caught it both times after my stress test back in May when I was originally diagnosed. Currently taking Multag to control it.
Bill Bee
Re: Former NBA PLayer with Afib
November 02, 2009 09:16AM
The evidence is good that athletes are more prone to AFIB. But that evidence is pretty scattered. Some says runners get more than swimmers or skiers. Some studies have a 50% greater likelihood of Afib in athletes, some have 3-5 times greater likelihood in athletes. There may also be a difference in those who suffer this affliction under the age of 50 and those whose onset was over the age of 50.
No certain answer, and no real roadmap for how to conduct your activity once you are diagnosed, which might vary according to your age.
Enjoy Today
Re: Former NBA PLayer with Afib
November 02, 2009 10:05AM
Fit the same profile...very active until mid-thirties...tall and thin and then wham, the ectopic and afib hit me. Now 42, have had three episodes, but have many, many, many ectopics that I deal with daily/weekly/monthly..Bill Bee wrote:

> The evidence is good that athletes are more prone to AFIB. But
> that evidence is pretty scattered. Some says runners get more
> than swimmers or skiers. Some studies have a 50% greater
> likelihood of Afib in athletes, some have 3-5 times greater
> likelihood in athletes. There may also be a difference in those
> who suffer this affliction under the age of 50 and those whose
> onset was over the age of 50.
> No certain answer, and no real roadmap for how to conduct your
> activity once you are diagnosed, which might vary according to
> your age.
> Enjoy Today
> Bill
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