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antiarrythmic drugs
October 16, 2009 04:45PM
I have just been diagnosed with having A-fib and the Dr. believes it is caused by my severe sleep apnea. Because it is so frequent and intermittent with heart beats as fast as 200 beats per minute, I will be placed on a bipap for breathing at night, and he's put me on "Rhythmol." Is anyone else on this medication, and if so, how is it working for you? I've done all of the reading up on it, and so far, everything looks good and my EKG's are good. Also, having some depression and mourning over the loss of everything I have to give up due to this condition ex: caffeine, alcohol and everything I enjoy eating ( I have at least 50 lbs. to lose.) Been feeling very sorry for myself. I know that I could be in a much worse situation, but was wondering if anyone could give me some advice on how to deal with this life altering heart condition. By the way, I am 41 and have two small children to live for.
Re: antiarrythmic drugs
October 16, 2009 05:17PM
Hi Jen,
After my AFIB diagnosis back in May I was sent for sleep study due to the strong link between apnea and AFIB. Diagnosed with severe apnea too.
I'm on Multaq, new medication which seems to be controlling my AFIB. See my post above. Relax it's that not bad. I think dealing with CPAP is much worse.
I still drink plenty of coffee and eat anything I want but try to keep it healthy.
I stopped drinking for now but I'm sure I can have a couple of drinks on weekends. I need to ask my doc. One day at a time I guess.
Re: antiarrythmic drugs
October 16, 2009 05:32PM
Hi McHale,
Thanks for the reply and for helping me ease up on myself a little. I am brand new to all of this. Actually, I was surprised to find a support group for people like us smiling smiley Seems you can find anything online if you look hard enough. I couldn't figure out how to find your post or bring it up. Haven't heard of Multaq. Is it a antiarrythmic drug like mine? As for the alcohol, I'm kind of scared to have a drink because it's one of the things that triggers my Afib. I guess my days of "tieing one on" are long gone. yes, you are right. One day at a time.
Re: antiarrythmic drugs
October 16, 2009 06:24PM
Yes Multag is an anti-arrhythmic, new just released in Julyl I believe.



Here's a support group for sleep apnea and CPAP


I was overwhelmed myself with both of these conditions to the point where I was missing too many days of work and suffered from anxiety/depression too.
Try to take it easy and just thru the day if not just get thru 1 hour!

Yes teing one on triggers my AFIB too, so I'll try to just have a drink or two and see what happens but not now.............

Good Luck see you around smiling smiley
Re: antiarrythmic drugs
October 19, 2009 04:00AM
Hey Jen, I've been using Rythmol for several years. It controls my afib (I guess) except when I do one of my triggers. It may return me to normal rhythm or the trigger effect may subside on its own - don't know. I have some visual problems from the drug, I believe. The major concern for me is the cost - outrageous!!!!

Re: antiarrythmic drugs
October 19, 2009 07:23AM
" I couldn't figure out how to find your post or bring it up"

Jen, you do that with the search function. Click on Search in the green strip azt the top of the posts. Starting at the top left in that green strip, you will see New Topic, Go To Top, then Search. The search box will be just out of sight, you need to scroll down to see it. Type McHale in the search box, then uncheck Subject and Message Bodies, and put a checkmark in front of Author, and then hit search again. That will get you a green page with all of McHale's posts on it in neat date order, and you can click on one after another til you find the one you want.

Elizabeth H
Re: antiarrythmic drugs
October 19, 2009 11:34AM

I take the generic form of Rythmol which is propafenone, I take just one tab. (150mg) before bedtime, propafenone is very cheap, I pay $15.00 for 90 tabs., in the past I have used rythmol and then the propafenone and I didn't notice any difference.

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