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October 16, 2009 04:05PM
This past memorial day weekend (a couple of days before) I had an uneasy feeling in my chest and started sweating. I called my cardiologist and went to his office and was diagnosed with AFIB and given metropolol beta blocker. Ending up switching cardiologists because of incompetence, long story. Anyway my current doc sent me to a sleep doctor after checking me twice both initial EKG and subsequent stress test show no AFIB and heart is in great shape. However during my two sleep studies both times I was in AFIB all night.....first study all night long and two weeks later in and out of AFIB all night during my triation study. Yes severe sleep apnea. Anyway what I thought was allergies the last couple of years causing my flopping in my chest was AFIB. My AFIB has been happening at least 3 or 4X a week but it never really bothered too much. My doc decided to keep me on metroplol and add Multaq to control my AFIB. I was in AFIB when I took my first pill last Saturday and two hours later I went into NSR and have remained AFIB free almost 7 days now. I always check my pulse... now slow and steady and in rhythm even after known triggers like exercise, steam, sauna, jacuzzi, stress, anxiety and waking up during the night multiple times due to apnea.
My Doc thinks we found the right drug.... this is a good drug for me and safe.
I agree...any thoughts?

Re: Multaq
October 16, 2009 05:34PM
I found you. It just hadn't come up yet. Did you get my reply?

Re: Multaq
October 16, 2009 09:29PM
McHale, I just recently began taking Multaq too ... it is claimed to be the new and improved "non adverse effect" version of Amiodorone. From what I understand, Multaq is as effective but without the bad side effects.

I only agreed to try it because I am going in for a 2nd ablation in November, and if that is successful, my term on Multaq should be relatively short. I look forward to see what others input is on this new drug.

Re: Multaq
October 17, 2009 06:55AM
Hi Valerie,
I'm impressed with Multag, today makes a week and I'm AFIB free. I had a 3 hour work out wednesday night then another 45 mins in sauna, steam and jacuzzi and no AFIB, did the same last Sat. My Cardiologist thought this was the perfect drug for me and it looks like he was right. Told me the first thing to try if AFIB becomes more frequent is medication but he see's ablation getting much better the next couple of years as a cure and will be the first mode of treatment but we're not there yet. So his goal is to keep me AFIB free and my heart from enlarging and stroke free. He's also a good friend of my significant other and in practice 26 years with 5 clinics so I trust him.
Re: Multaq
October 17, 2009 08:48PM
Hi McHake,
I found it interesting that you are using the new drug Multaq and would like to learn more. Especially from those taht have used another drug earlier and with a longer AF history. I do not want to question your positive experience with Multaq, but most afibbers have several month, if not years, free form AF after the first attack. Anyone else using Multaq?
Re: Multaq
October 17, 2009 11:03PM

As I mentioned above, I am using Multaq.

My afib was as you mentioned ... 3 episodes over a 2 1/2 year period. It wasn't til I began having regular episodes that I was sent to an EP, who prescribed Flecainide.

I took Flec for 6 1/2 years and it helped me go from daily episodes to only one every few months. But then Flec began to fail. That is what prompted me to go in for an ablation this past May. Since the ablation, afib began to reoccur, and Flec wasn't doing anything for me. So a touch up ablation has been schedule, and while I wait for that, my Dr. has me trying Multaq, and so far it seems to work fairly well, still not 100% nsr, but much better than the Flec was. Hopefully my need for Multaq is only for the short term.

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