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February 09, 2009 09:23AM
I recently had an appointment with my hygienist., She told me to use the
mouthwash "Act" which has flouride in it and it would help prevent cavities
in the roots of my teeth. She suggested to use it 30 minutes before eating,
or at bedtime. My question is could any form of Flouride be a trigger to
Afib? Your comments would be appreciated.
Re: Flouride
February 09, 2009 11:09AM
Geri - The problem with fluoride is that it binds or competes with iodine which is essential to thyroid function. As noted in my clip below, thyroid dysfunction can influence afib. Additionally, fluoride doesn’t work for preventing tooth decay. Studies bear out this finding. Further, the FDA has never approved the use of fluoride for tooth decay.

I’m a retired registered dental hygienist and; unfortunately, before I became enlightened, I used to recommend using fluoride rinses, I’m sorry to say. I would not do so now.

In July, 2007, I posted on what I had learned about fluoride from a dentist now involved with crusading against the use of fluoride and mercury/amalgam fillings.

Typically, to prevent root surfaces from breaking down in the presence of the acidic residues produced by food and bacteria, one must be diligent with good hygiene practices which includes brushing very thoroughly with a soft brush but more importantly, making sure that you change your diet to eliminate starchy, sugary foods that rapidly convert to sugar in the presence of saliva. Those residues attract the bacteria that cause tooth decay. Such a diet is best for overall health and especially one who has afib.

Just a matter of personal experience, I’ve had severe root surface exposure on several teeth since I was in my 30’s. Now, 40 years later, I have not experienced any decay in those areas. I use a non-fluoridated dentifrice; brush and floss twice a day and eat a low carb diet. I particularly like dentifrices found at the health food stores that contain essential oils from plants that are highly effective in killing bacteria. Those sweetened with Xylitol also have bacteria-killing properties. I prefer baking-soda-based dentifrices because of the neutralizing effect it has on acid compounds in the mouth produced by leftover food residues. Bacteria produce acid as a waste product. Acid breaks down tooth structure.

Here’s the introduction… you can read the whole article at the link provided at the end.

Hydrate Safely – What’s in Your Water?

Posted 7/1/07

One of the cardinal rules in the advice we give specifically to afibbers, but one that is also prudent advice to everyone, is be sure to hydrate adequately as dehydration is detrimental to health. We should clarify that to state – hydrate adequately with pure water. We need to understand what pure water is.

Many people rely on tap water from the local municipality. Others insist bottled water is healthier.

In a recent post, I suggested that perhaps as an unknown in the etiology of atrial fibrillation that makes it so common across a wide population group, may be something in the water. I wasn’t making an idle comment, but rather was thinking back to an interview I heard on impurities in our municipal drinking water supply and how those can affect health. While I’ll only touch on a few of the points discussed in the teleconference, I do not believe it is an obscure or absurd possibility.

As you know, my mission is to create awareness so we can all make informed choices. This post is another of those awareness missions.

This interview was titled, “Fluoride Dangers – do the benefits outweigh the risks?” and was sponsored by Designs for Health.

About the speaker:

David Kennedy, DDS of San Diego, was a practicing dentist for 30 years and has turned now to working with researchers, doing lectures and participating in hearings about the dangers of fluoridated water and mercury toxicity. He is a nationally and internationally recognized lecturer on toxicology and restorative dentistry.

Dr. Kennedy is founder of Preventive Dental Health Association () and the Past President of the International Academy of Oral Medicine and Toxicology (IAOMT), which was formed to review, support, and disseminate research on the suitability of materials and methodologies used in the dental practice. He has lectured to dentists, physicians and other health professionals all over the world on the subjects of preventive dental health, mercury toxicity, and fluoride. He is the author of the book How To Save Your Teeth with toxic free preventive dentistry that provides instruction and insight for both professionals and the layman on how to provide and receive toxic-free dentistry.

In this interview, Dr. Kennedy explained why fluoride has been scientifically proven to be harmful and discussed municipal drinking water, what toxic elements are found in it – including the intentionally added fluoride – and why we need to avoid drinking tap water. For me, it was quite a revelation since I’m retired from the dental profession that emphasizes the importance of fluoride in drinking water, fluoride treatments, fluoridated toothpaste and supplemental fluoride for children in non-fluoridated areas.

While I knew of some of the risks of over-fluoridation, I was totally unaware of many other details Dr. Kennedy revealed in this August, 2006 interview.

Following are just a few of the many important and also disturbing facts about our drinking water and fluoride in general. Of particular interest to afibbers is the connection between fluoride and hypothyroidism.

We know hypothyroidism can contribute to afib symptoms. He says all fluoride compounds bind up iodine receptor sites in cells and in the thyroid gland and interfere with thyroid hormones. Iodine is critical to thyroid and heart function. Both hypothyroidism and cardiovascular disease are high on the ‘epidemic’ list of health dysfunctions. According to the latest National Research Council report(1), the thyroid gland is more sensitive to the negative effects of fluoride than any other gland in the body. Deficiency of iodine makes the thyroid even more vulnerable. The pineal gland, responsible for producing melatonin, is affected quite negatively as well.

Hope you find this enlightening! Jackie


• Toxic elements are commonly found in municipal tap water, especially in fluoridated communities. Yet, fluoride isn’t the only element of concern. Arsenic is also prevalent along with cadmium, lead and radioactive isotopes. (This discussion does not address the use of aluminum to clarify water which also leaves aluminum residues in municipal water – nor does it address arsenic toxicity other than the obvious.)

• The fluoride added to most water supplies is a not what you may think it is but rather, a toxic byproduct from the mining industry which is considered hazardous waste with a disposal problem.

• Fluoride enters and accumulates in the body from more sources than just tap water. Cumulative effects can lead to overdosing amounts of fluoride far beyond acceptable levels and are harmful long-term. Bottled liquids like fruit juice (unless organic) using tap water, most always contain fluoride; some much more than others. Tap water is used in restaurants, coffee houses, beverages, etc. Black and green tea is especially high in fluoride as is instant tea.

• People doing physical exertions for work or heavy exercise, run marathons, will drink much more water and accumulate far more toxic elements – including fluoride – than most of the population.

• Fluoride doesn’t work for preventing tooth decay. Studies bear out this finding. Further, the FDA has never approved the use of fluoride for tooth decay.

• Water filters may not remove fluoride; Reverse Osmosis doesn’t remove fluoride100%; the remaining amount may still be too high.

• Fluoride is used in pesticides. It is found in some prescription drugs like Prozac and Luvox – and also with high dosages of Cipro.

• Fluoride accumulation in bone is detrimental when it exceeds safe levels known to be far less than the allowed amount by US standards. World-wide in naturally fluoridated, high-level areas, crippling effects in the lumbar spine are well known.

• Fluoride accumulations are shown to produce osteosarcomas, osteoporosis and osteofluorosis, brittle bones, lower back pain from fluoride deposits and crippling skeletal issues.

• Fluoride binds iodine receptor sites. Iodine is essential to proper thyroid function.
Both hypo- and hyper-thyroid conditions are on the rise. Fluoride can cause both.

The take home message:

Hydrate well BUT be aware of what water you are consuming; even bottled waters coming from municipal water sources, “purified” and bottled are suspect. Also be aware of your daily total potential consumption of tap water from typically unsuspected sources – such as, food, imported produce, powdered eggs in commercial bakery, green and black tea, restaurant coffee, water, soup. Use the best, purified water you can afford. Distilled or ionized water is free of toxic residues. Natural spring water or mineral water that does not contain high levels of natural fluoride is certainly acceptable.

Dr. Kennedy sums up fluoride this way:

Be aware it is a measurable poison that accumulates in the skeleton. There are multiple sources of exposure…and there is one voluntary source and that is through our water supply. There is no logical reason why we should allow someone to add arsenic, lead, cadmium and fluoride to the public drinking water.

The Interview - Let’s begin:

I hope you find this helpful.

Re: Flouride
February 09, 2009 07:47PM
Thank you Jackie for the good information regarding Flouride and
denistry. I knew I had heard or read something in regards to this
subject. I decided to stop the mouth wash process prior to this posting
until I had received feedback. Now, I feel I did the right thing.

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